blob: 83655495b32e06b99e2a1636481dbdec5b137daa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "core/fxcodec/include/fx_codec.h"
#include "core/fxge/ge/fx_text_int.h"
#include "core/fxge/include/cfx_fontmgr.h"
#include "core/fxge/include/cfx_gemodule.h"
#include "core/fxge/include/cfx_pathdata.h"
#include "core/fxge/include/fx_freetype.h"
#include "core/fxge/include/fx_ge.h"
#include "core/fxge/include/ifx_renderdevicedriver.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkStream.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTypeface.h"
namespace {
void ResetTransform(FT_Face face) {
FXFT_Matrix matrix;
matrix.xx = 0x10000L;
matrix.xy = 0;
matrix.yx = 0;
matrix.yy = 0x10000L;
FXFT_Set_Transform(face, &matrix, 0);
// Sets the given transform on the font, and resets it to the identity when it
// goes out of scope.
class ScopedFontTransform {
ScopedFontTransform(FT_Face face, FXFT_Matrix* matrix) : m_Face(face) {
FXFT_Set_Transform(m_Face, matrix, 0);
~ScopedFontTransform() { ResetTransform(m_Face); }
FT_Face m_Face;
void AdjustGlyphSpace(std::vector<FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS>* pGlyphAndPos) {
ASSERT(pGlyphAndPos->size() > 1);
std::vector<FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS>& glyphs = *pGlyphAndPos;
bool bVertical = glyphs.back().m_OriginX == glyphs.front().m_OriginX;
if (!bVertical && (glyphs.back().m_OriginY != glyphs.front().m_OriginY))
for (size_t i = glyphs.size() - 1; i > 1; --i) {
FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& next = glyphs[i];
int next_origin = bVertical ? next.m_OriginY : next.m_OriginX;
FX_FLOAT next_origin_f = bVertical ? next.m_fOriginY : next.m_fOriginX;
FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& current = glyphs[i - 1];
int& current_origin = bVertical ? current.m_OriginY : current.m_OriginX;
FX_FLOAT current_origin_f =
bVertical ? current.m_fOriginY : current.m_fOriginX;
int space = next_origin - current_origin;
FX_FLOAT space_f = next_origin_f - current_origin_f;
FX_FLOAT error =
FXSYS_fabs(space_f) - FXSYS_fabs(static_cast<FX_FLOAT>(space));
if (error > 0.5f)
current_origin += space > 0 ? -1 : 1;
const uint8_t g_TextGammaAdjust[256] = {
0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52,
53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,
68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83,
84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,
99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113,
114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128,
129, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,
143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 156,
157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171,
172, 173, 174, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185,
186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199,
200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213,
214, 215, 216, 217, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227,
228, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 239, 240,
241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254,
int TextGammaAdjust(int value) {
ASSERT(value >= 0);
ASSERT(value <= 255);
return g_TextGammaAdjust[value];
int CalcAlpha(int src, int alpha) {
return src * alpha / 255;
void Merge(uint8_t src, int channel, int alpha, uint8_t* dest) {
*dest = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest, channel, CalcAlpha(src, alpha));
void MergeGammaAdjust(uint8_t src, int channel, int alpha, uint8_t* dest) {
*dest =
FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest, channel, CalcAlpha(TextGammaAdjust(src), alpha));
void MergeGammaAdjustBgr(const uint8_t* src,
int r,
int g,
int b,
int a,
uint8_t* dest) {
MergeGammaAdjust(src[0], b, a, &dest[0]);
MergeGammaAdjust(src[1], g, a, &dest[1]);
MergeGammaAdjust(src[2], r, a, &dest[2]);
void MergeGammaAdjustRgb(const uint8_t* src,
int r,
int g,
int b,
int a,
uint8_t* dest) {
MergeGammaAdjust(src[2], b, a, &dest[0]);
MergeGammaAdjust(src[1], g, a, &dest[1]);
MergeGammaAdjust(src[0], r, a, &dest[2]);
int AverageRgb(const uint8_t* src) {
return (src[0] + src[1] + src[2]) / 3;
uint8_t CalculateDestAlpha(uint8_t back_alpha, int src_alpha) {
return back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255;
void ApplyDestAlpha(uint8_t back_alpha,
int src_alpha,
int r,
int g,
int b,
uint8_t* dest) {
uint8_t dest_alpha = CalculateDestAlpha(back_alpha, src_alpha);
int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha;
dest[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[0], b, alpha_ratio);
dest[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[1], g, alpha_ratio);
dest[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[2], r, alpha_ratio);
dest[3] = dest_alpha;
void NormalizeRgbDst(int src_value, int r, int g, int b, int a, uint8_t* dest) {
int src_alpha = CalcAlpha(TextGammaAdjust(src_value), a);
dest[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[0], b, src_alpha);
dest[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[1], g, src_alpha);
dest[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[2], r, src_alpha);
void NormalizeRgbSrc(int src_value, int r, int g, int b, int a, uint8_t* dest) {
int src_alpha = CalcAlpha(TextGammaAdjust(src_value), a);
if (src_alpha == 0)
dest[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[0], b, src_alpha);
dest[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[1], g, src_alpha);
dest[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[2], r, src_alpha);
void NormalizeArgbDest(int src_value,
int r,
int g,
int b,
int a,
uint8_t* dest) {
int src_alpha = CalcAlpha(TextGammaAdjust(src_value), a);
uint8_t back_alpha = dest[3];
if (back_alpha == 0) {
FXARGB_SETDIB(dest, FXARGB_MAKE(src_alpha, r, g, b));
} else if (src_alpha != 0) {
ApplyDestAlpha(back_alpha, src_alpha, r, g, b, dest);
void NormalizeArgbSrc(int src_value,
int r,
int g,
int b,
int a,
uint8_t* dest) {
int src_alpha = CalcAlpha(TextGammaAdjust(src_value), a);
if (src_alpha == 0)
uint8_t back_alpha = dest[3];
if (back_alpha == 0) {
FXARGB_SETDIB(dest, FXARGB_MAKE(src_alpha, r, g, b));
} else {
ApplyDestAlpha(back_alpha, src_alpha, r, g, b, dest);
void NextPixel(uint8_t** src_scan, uint8_t** dst_scan, int bpp) {
*src_scan += 3;
*dst_scan += bpp;
void SetAlpha(uint8_t* alpha) {
alpha[3] = 255;
void SetAlphaDoNothing(uint8_t* alpha) {}
void DrawNormalTextHelper(CFX_DIBitmap* bitmap,
const CFX_DIBitmap* pGlyph,
int nrows,
int left,
int top,
int start_col,
int end_col,
bool bNormal,
bool bBGRStripe,
int x_subpixel,
int a,
int r,
int g,
int b) {
const bool has_alpha = bitmap->GetFormat() == FXDIB_Argb;
uint8_t* src_buf = pGlyph->GetBuffer();
int src_pitch = pGlyph->GetPitch();
uint8_t* dest_buf = bitmap->GetBuffer();
int dest_pitch = bitmap->GetPitch();
const int Bpp = has_alpha ? 4 : bitmap->GetBPP() / 8;
auto* pNormalizeSrcFunc = has_alpha ? &NormalizeArgbSrc : &NormalizeRgbDst;
auto* pNormalizeDstFunc = has_alpha ? &NormalizeArgbDest : &NormalizeRgbSrc;
auto* pSetAlpha = has_alpha ? &SetAlpha : &SetAlphaDoNothing;
for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
int dest_row = row + top;
if (dest_row < 0 || dest_row >= bitmap->GetHeight())
uint8_t* src_scan = src_buf + row * src_pitch + (start_col - left) * 3;
uint8_t* dest_scan = dest_buf + dest_row * dest_pitch + start_col * Bpp;
if (bBGRStripe) {
if (x_subpixel == 0) {
for (int col = start_col; col < end_col; col++) {
if (has_alpha) {
Merge(src_scan[2], r, a, &dest_scan[2]);
Merge(src_scan[1], g, a, &dest_scan[1]);
Merge(src_scan[0], b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
} else {
MergeGammaAdjustBgr(&src_scan[0], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
} else if (x_subpixel == 1) {
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[1], r, a, &dest_scan[2]);
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[0], g, a, &dest_scan[1]);
if (start_col > left)
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-1], b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
for (int col = start_col + 1; col < end_col - 1; col++) {
MergeGammaAdjustBgr(&src_scan[-1], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
} else {
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[0], r, a, &dest_scan[2]);
if (start_col > left) {
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-1], g, a, &dest_scan[1]);
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-2], b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
for (int col = start_col + 1; col < end_col - 1; col++) {
MergeGammaAdjustBgr(&src_scan[-2], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
} else {
if (x_subpixel == 0) {
for (int col = start_col; col < end_col; col++) {
if (bNormal) {
int src_value = AverageRgb(&src_scan[0]);
pNormalizeDstFunc(src_value, r, g, b, a, dest_scan);
} else {
MergeGammaAdjustRgb(&src_scan[0], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
} else if (x_subpixel == 1) {
if (bNormal) {
int src_value = start_col > left ? AverageRgb(&src_scan[-1])
: (src_scan[0] + src_scan[1]) / 3;
pNormalizeSrcFunc(src_value, r, g, b, a, dest_scan);
} else {
if (start_col > left)
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-1], r, a, &dest_scan[2]);
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[0], g, a, &dest_scan[1]);
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[1], b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
for (int col = start_col + 1; col < end_col; col++) {
if (bNormal) {
int src_value = AverageRgb(&src_scan[-1]);
pNormalizeDstFunc(src_value, r, g, b, a, dest_scan);
} else {
MergeGammaAdjustRgb(&src_scan[-1], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
} else {
if (bNormal) {
int src_value =
start_col > left ? AverageRgb(&src_scan[-2]) : src_scan[0] / 3;
pNormalizeSrcFunc(src_value, r, g, b, a, dest_scan);
} else {
if (start_col > left) {
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-2], r, a, &dest_scan[2]);
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-1], g, a, &dest_scan[1]);
MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[0], b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
for (int col = start_col + 1; col < end_col; col++) {
if (bNormal) {
int src_value = AverageRgb(&src_scan[-2]);
pNormalizeDstFunc(src_value, r, g, b, a, dest_scan);
} else {
MergeGammaAdjustRgb(&src_scan[-2], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
bool ShouldDrawDeviceText(const CFX_Font* pFont, uint32_t text_flags) {
if (text_flags & FXFONT_CIDFONT)
return false;
const CFX_ByteString bsPsName = pFont->GetPsName();
if (bsPsName.Find("+ZJHL") != -1)
return false;
if (bsPsName == "CNAAJI+cmex10")
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
FX_RECT FXGE_GetGlyphsBBox(const std::vector<FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS>& glyphs,
int anti_alias,
FX_FLOAT retinaScaleX,
FX_FLOAT retinaScaleY) {
FX_RECT rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
bool bStarted = false;
for (const FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& glyph : glyphs) {
const CFX_GlyphBitmap* pGlyph = glyph.m_pGlyph;
if (!pGlyph)
int char_left = glyph.m_OriginX + pGlyph->m_Left;
int char_width = (int)(pGlyph->m_Bitmap.GetWidth() / retinaScaleX);
if (anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD) {
char_width /= 3;
int char_right = char_left + char_width;
int char_top = glyph.m_OriginY - pGlyph->m_Top;
int char_bottom =
char_top + (int)(pGlyph->m_Bitmap.GetHeight() / retinaScaleY);
if (!bStarted) {
rect.left = char_left;
rect.right = char_right; = char_top;
rect.bottom = char_bottom;
bStarted = true;
} else {
rect.left = std::min(rect.left, char_left);
rect.right = std::max(rect.right, char_right); = std::min(, char_top);
rect.bottom = std::max(rect.bottom, char_bottom);
return rect;
FX_BOOL CFX_RenderDevice::DrawNormalText(int nChars,
const FXTEXT_CHARPOS* pCharPos,
CFX_Font* pFont,
CFX_FontCache* pCache,
FX_FLOAT font_size,
const CFX_Matrix* pText2Device,
uint32_t fill_color,
uint32_t text_flags) {
int nativetext_flags = text_flags;
if (m_DeviceClass != FXDC_DISPLAY) {
if (!(text_flags & FXTEXT_PRINTGRAPHICTEXT)) {
if (ShouldDrawDeviceText(pFont, text_flags) &&
m_pDeviceDriver->DrawDeviceText(nChars, pCharPos, pFont, pCache,
pText2Device, font_size,
fill_color)) {
return TRUE;
if (FXARGB_A(fill_color) < 255)
return FALSE;
} else if (!(text_flags & FXTEXT_NO_NATIVETEXT)) {
if (ShouldDrawDeviceText(pFont, text_flags) &&
m_pDeviceDriver->DrawDeviceText(nChars, pCharPos, pFont, pCache,
pText2Device, font_size, fill_color)) {
return TRUE;
CFX_Matrix char2device;
CFX_Matrix text2Device;
if (pText2Device) {
char2device = *pText2Device;
text2Device = *pText2Device;
char2device.Scale(font_size, -font_size);
if (FXSYS_fabs(char2device.a) + FXSYS_fabs(char2device.b) > 50 * 1.0f ||
((m_DeviceClass == FXDC_PRINTER) &&
!(text_flags & FXTEXT_PRINTIMAGETEXT))) {
if (pFont->GetFace() ||
(pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_SubstFlags & FXFONT_SUBST_GLYPHPATH)) {
int nPathFlags =
return DrawTextPathWithFlags(nChars, pCharPos, pFont, pCache, font_size,
pText2Device, nullptr, nullptr, fill_color,
0, nullptr, nPathFlags);
int anti_alias = FXFT_RENDER_MODE_MONO;
bool bNormal = false;
if ((text_flags & FXTEXT_NOSMOOTH) == 0) {
if (m_DeviceClass == FXDC_DISPLAY && m_bpp > 1) {
if (!CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontMgr()->FTLibrarySupportsHinting()) {
// Some Freetype implementations (like the one packaged with Fedora) do
// not support hinting due to patents 6219025, 6239783, 6307566,
// 6225973, 6243070, 6393145, 6421054, 6282327, and 6624828; the latest
// one expires 10/7/19. This makes LCD antialiasing very ugly, so we
// instead fall back on NORMAL antialiasing.
} else if ((m_RenderCaps & (FXRC_ALPHA_OUTPUT | FXRC_CMYK_OUTPUT))) {
anti_alias = FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD;
bNormal = true;
} else if (m_bpp < 16) {
} else {
anti_alias = FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD;
bool bClearType = false;
if (pFont->GetFace() ||
(pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_SubstFlags & FXFONT_SUBST_CLEARTYPE)) {
bClearType = !!(text_flags & FXTEXT_CLEARTYPE);
bNormal = !bClearType;
if (!pCache)
pCache = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontCache();
CFX_FaceCache* pFaceCache = pCache->GetCachedFace(pFont);
CFX_AutoFontCache autoFontCache(pCache, pFont);
std::vector<FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS> glyphs(nChars);
CFX_Matrix matrixCTM = GetCTM();
FX_FLOAT scale_x = FXSYS_fabs(matrixCTM.a);
FX_FLOAT scale_y = FXSYS_fabs(matrixCTM.d);
CFX_Matrix deviceCtm = char2device;
deviceCtm.Concat(scale_x, 0, 0, scale_y, 0, 0);
text2Device.Concat(scale_x, 0, 0, scale_y, 0, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); ++i) {
FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& glyph = glyphs[i];
const FXTEXT_CHARPOS& charpos = pCharPos[i];
glyph.m_fOriginX = charpos.m_OriginX;
glyph.m_fOriginY = charpos.m_OriginY;
text2Device.Transform(glyph.m_fOriginX, glyph.m_fOriginY);
if (anti_alias < FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD) {
glyph.m_OriginX = FXSYS_round(glyph.m_fOriginX);
} else {
glyph.m_OriginX = (int)FXSYS_floor(glyph.m_fOriginX);
glyph.m_OriginY = FXSYS_round(glyph.m_fOriginY);
if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust) {
CFX_Matrix new_matrix(
charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1],
charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3], 0, 0);
glyph.m_pGlyph = pFaceCache->LoadGlyphBitmap(
pFont, charpos.m_GlyphIndex, charpos.m_bFontStyle, &new_matrix,
charpos.m_FontCharWidth, anti_alias, nativetext_flags);
} else {
glyph.m_pGlyph = pFaceCache->LoadGlyphBitmap(
pFont, charpos.m_GlyphIndex, charpos.m_bFontStyle, &deviceCtm,
charpos.m_FontCharWidth, anti_alias, nativetext_flags);
if (anti_alias < FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD && glyphs.size() > 1)
FX_RECT bmp_rect1 = FXGE_GetGlyphsBBox(glyphs, anti_alias);
if (scale_x > 1 && scale_y > 1) {
FX_RECT bmp_rect(FXSYS_round((FX_FLOAT)(bmp_rect1.left) / scale_x),
FXSYS_round((FX_FLOAT)( / scale_y),
FXSYS_round((FX_FLOAT)bmp_rect1.right / scale_x),
FXSYS_round((FX_FLOAT)bmp_rect1.bottom / scale_y));
if (bmp_rect.IsEmpty())
return TRUE;
int pixel_width = FXSYS_round(bmp_rect.Width() * scale_x);
int pixel_height = FXSYS_round(bmp_rect.Height() * scale_y);
int pixel_left = FXSYS_round(bmp_rect.left * scale_x);
int pixel_top = FXSYS_round( * scale_y);
if (anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_MONO) {
CFX_DIBitmap bitmap;
if (!bitmap.Create(pixel_width, pixel_height, FXDIB_1bppMask))
return FALSE;
for (const FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& glyph : glyphs) {
if (!glyph.m_pGlyph)
const CFX_DIBitmap* pGlyph = &glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Bitmap;
glyph.m_OriginX + glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Left - pixel_left,
glyph.m_OriginY - glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Top - pixel_top,
pGlyph->GetWidth(), pGlyph->GetHeight(), pGlyph, 0, 0);
return SetBitMask(&bitmap, bmp_rect.left,, fill_color);
CFX_DIBitmap bitmap;
if (m_bpp == 8) {
if (!bitmap.Create(pixel_width, pixel_height, FXDIB_8bppMask))
return FALSE;
} else {
if (!CreateCompatibleBitmap(&bitmap, pixel_width, pixel_height))
return FALSE;
if (!bitmap.HasAlpha() && !bitmap.IsAlphaMask()) {
if (!GetDIBits(&bitmap, bmp_rect.left,
return FALSE;
} else {
if (bitmap.m_pAlphaMask) {
int dest_width = pixel_width;
int a = 0;
int r = 0;
int g = 0;
int b = 0;
if (anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD)
ArgbDecode(fill_color, a, r, g, b);
for (const FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& glyph : glyphs) {
if (!glyph.m_pGlyph)
const CFX_DIBitmap* pGlyph = &glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Bitmap;
int left = glyph.m_OriginX + glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Left - pixel_left;
int top = glyph.m_OriginY - glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Top - pixel_top;
int ncols = pGlyph->GetWidth();
int nrows = pGlyph->GetHeight();
if (anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL) {
if (!bitmap.CompositeMask(left, top, ncols, nrows, pGlyph, fill_color, 0,
nullptr)) {
return FALSE;
bool bBGRStripe = !!(text_flags & FXTEXT_BGR_STRIPE);
ncols /= 3;
int x_subpixel = (int)(glyph.m_fOriginX * 3) % 3;
int start_col = std::max(left, 0);
int end_col = std::min(left + ncols, dest_width);
if (start_col >= end_col)
DrawNormalTextHelper(&bitmap, pGlyph, nrows, left, top, start_col, end_col,
bNormal, bBGRStripe, x_subpixel, a, r, g, b);
if (bitmap.IsAlphaMask())
SetBitMask(&bitmap, bmp_rect.left,, fill_color);
SetDIBits(&bitmap, bmp_rect.left,;
return TRUE;
FX_BOOL CFX_RenderDevice::DrawTextPathWithFlags(
int nChars,
const FXTEXT_CHARPOS* pCharPos,
CFX_Font* pFont,
CFX_FontCache* pCache,
FX_FLOAT font_size,
const CFX_Matrix* pText2User,
const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState,
uint32_t fill_color,
FX_ARGB stroke_color,
CFX_PathData* pClippingPath,
int nFlag) {
if (!pCache)
pCache = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontCache();
CFX_FaceCache* pFaceCache = pCache->GetCachedFace(pFont);
CFX_AutoFontCache autoFontCache(pCache, pFont);
for (int iChar = 0; iChar < nChars; iChar++) {
const FXTEXT_CHARPOS& charpos = pCharPos[iChar];
CFX_Matrix matrix;
if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust)
matrix.Set(charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1],
charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3], 0, 0);
matrix.Concat(font_size, 0, 0, font_size, charpos.m_OriginX,
const CFX_PathData* pPath = pFaceCache->LoadGlyphPath(
pFont, charpos.m_GlyphIndex, charpos.m_FontCharWidth);
if (!pPath)
CFX_PathData TransformedPath(*pPath);
if (fill_color || stroke_color) {
int fill_mode = nFlag;
if (fill_color)
fill_mode |= FXFILL_WINDING;
fill_mode |= FX_FILL_TEXT_MODE;
if (!DrawPathWithBlend(&TransformedPath, pUser2Device, pGraphState,
fill_color, stroke_color, fill_mode,
return FALSE;
if (pClippingPath)
pClippingPath->Append(&TransformedPath, pUser2Device);
return TRUE;
CFX_FontCache::CFX_FontCache() {}
CFX_FontCache::~CFX_FontCache() {
CFX_FaceCache* CFX_FontCache::GetCachedFace(CFX_Font* pFont) {
FXFT_Face internal_face = pFont->GetFace();
const bool bExternal = !internal_face;
FXFT_Face face =
bExternal ? (FXFT_Face)pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_ExtHandle : internal_face;
CFX_FTCacheMap& map = bExternal ? m_ExtFaceMap : m_FTFaceMap;
auto it = map.find(face);
if (it != map.end()) {
CFX_CountedFaceCache* counted_face_cache = it->second;
return counted_face_cache->m_Obj;
CFX_FaceCache* face_cache = new CFX_FaceCache(bExternal ? nullptr : face);
CFX_CountedFaceCache* counted_face_cache = new CFX_CountedFaceCache;
counted_face_cache->m_nCount = 2;
counted_face_cache->m_Obj = face_cache;
map[face] = counted_face_cache;
return face_cache;
CFX_TypeFace* CFX_FontCache::GetDeviceCache(CFX_Font* pFont) {
return GetCachedFace(pFont)->GetDeviceCache(pFont);
CFX_TypeFace* CFX_FaceCache::GetDeviceCache(CFX_Font* pFont) {
if (!m_pTypeface) {
m_pTypeface =
new SkMemoryStream(pFont->GetFontData(), pFont->GetSize()))
return m_pTypeface;
void CFX_FontCache::ReleaseCachedFace(CFX_Font* pFont) {
FXFT_Face internal_face = pFont->GetFace();
const bool bExternal = !internal_face;
FXFT_Face face =
bExternal ? (FXFT_Face)pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_ExtHandle : internal_face;
CFX_FTCacheMap& map = bExternal ? m_ExtFaceMap : m_FTFaceMap;
auto it = map.find(face);
if (it == map.end())
CFX_CountedFaceCache* counted_face_cache = it->second;
if (counted_face_cache->m_nCount > 1) {
void CFX_FontCache::FreeCache(FX_BOOL bRelease) {
for (auto it = m_FTFaceMap.begin(); it != m_FTFaceMap.end();) {
auto curr_it = it++;
CFX_CountedFaceCache* cache = curr_it->second;
if (bRelease || cache->m_nCount < 2) {
delete cache->m_Obj;
delete cache;
for (auto it = m_ExtFaceMap.begin(); it != m_ExtFaceMap.end();) {
auto curr_it = it++;
CFX_CountedFaceCache* cache = curr_it->second;
if (bRelease || cache->m_nCount < 2) {
delete cache->m_Obj;
delete cache;
CFX_FaceCache::CFX_FaceCache(FXFT_Face face)
: m_Face(face)
CFX_FaceCache::~CFX_FaceCache() {
for (const auto& pair : m_SizeMap) {
delete pair.second;
for (const auto& pair : m_PathMap) {
delete pair.second;
void CFX_FaceCache::InitPlatform() {}
CFX_GlyphBitmap* CFX_FaceCache::LookUpGlyphBitmap(
CFX_Font* pFont,
const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
const CFX_ByteString& FaceGlyphsKey,
uint32_t glyph_index,
FX_BOOL bFontStyle,
int dest_width,
int anti_alias) {
CFX_SizeGlyphCache* pSizeCache;
auto it = m_SizeMap.find(FaceGlyphsKey);
if (it == m_SizeMap.end()) {
pSizeCache = new CFX_SizeGlyphCache;
m_SizeMap[FaceGlyphsKey] = pSizeCache;
} else {
pSizeCache = it->second;
auto it2 = pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap.find(glyph_index);
if (it2 != pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap.end())
return it2->second;
CFX_GlyphBitmap* pGlyphBitmap = RenderGlyph(pFont, glyph_index, bFontStyle,
pMatrix, dest_width, anti_alias);
if (!pGlyphBitmap)
return nullptr;
pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap[glyph_index] = pGlyphBitmap;
return pGlyphBitmap;
const CFX_GlyphBitmap* CFX_FaceCache::LoadGlyphBitmap(CFX_Font* pFont,
uint32_t glyph_index,
FX_BOOL bFontStyle,
const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
int dest_width,
int anti_alias,
int& text_flags) {
if (glyph_index == (uint32_t)-1) {
return nullptr;
_CFX_UniqueKeyGen keygen;
if (pFont->GetSubstFont())
keygen.Generate(9, (int)(pMatrix->a * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->b * 10000),
(int)(pMatrix->c * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->d * 10000),
dest_width, anti_alias, pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_Weight,
pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_ItalicAngle, pFont->IsVertical());
keygen.Generate(6, (int)(pMatrix->a * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->b * 10000),
(int)(pMatrix->c * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->d * 10000),
dest_width, anti_alias);
if (text_flags & FXTEXT_NO_NATIVETEXT) {
if (pFont->GetSubstFont())
keygen.Generate(9, (int)(pMatrix->a * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->b * 10000),
(int)(pMatrix->c * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->d * 10000),
dest_width, anti_alias, pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_Weight,
keygen.Generate(6, (int)(pMatrix->a * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->b * 10000),
(int)(pMatrix->c * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->d * 10000),
dest_width, anti_alias);
} else {
if (pFont->GetSubstFont())
keygen.Generate(10, (int)(pMatrix->a * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->b * 10000),
(int)(pMatrix->c * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->d * 10000),
dest_width, anti_alias, pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_Weight,
pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_ItalicAngle, pFont->IsVertical(),
keygen.Generate(7, (int)(pMatrix->a * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->b * 10000),
(int)(pMatrix->c * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->d * 10000),
dest_width, anti_alias, 3);
CFX_ByteString FaceGlyphsKey(keygen.m_Key, keygen.m_KeyLen);
return LookUpGlyphBitmap(pFont, pMatrix, FaceGlyphsKey, glyph_index,
bFontStyle, dest_width, anti_alias);
if (text_flags & FXTEXT_NO_NATIVETEXT) {
return LookUpGlyphBitmap(pFont, pMatrix, FaceGlyphsKey, glyph_index,
bFontStyle, dest_width, anti_alias);
CFX_GlyphBitmap* pGlyphBitmap;
auto it = m_SizeMap.find(FaceGlyphsKey);
if (it != m_SizeMap.end()) {
CFX_SizeGlyphCache* pSizeCache = it->second;
auto it2 = pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap.find(glyph_index);
if (it2 != pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap.end())
return it2->second;
pGlyphBitmap = RenderGlyph_Nativetext(pFont, glyph_index, pMatrix,
dest_width, anti_alias);
if (pGlyphBitmap) {
pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap[glyph_index] = pGlyphBitmap;
return pGlyphBitmap;
} else {
pGlyphBitmap = RenderGlyph_Nativetext(pFont, glyph_index, pMatrix,
dest_width, anti_alias);
if (pGlyphBitmap) {
CFX_SizeGlyphCache* pSizeCache = new CFX_SizeGlyphCache;
m_SizeMap[FaceGlyphsKey] = pSizeCache;
pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap[glyph_index] = pGlyphBitmap;
return pGlyphBitmap;
if (pFont->GetSubstFont())
keygen.Generate(9, (int)(pMatrix->a * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->b * 10000),
(int)(pMatrix->c * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->d * 10000),
dest_width, anti_alias, pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_Weight,
pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_ItalicAngle, pFont->IsVertical());
keygen.Generate(6, (int)(pMatrix->a * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->b * 10000),
(int)(pMatrix->c * 10000), (int)(pMatrix->d * 10000),
dest_width, anti_alias);
CFX_ByteString FaceGlyphsKey2(keygen.m_Key, keygen.m_KeyLen);
return LookUpGlyphBitmap(pFont, pMatrix, FaceGlyphsKey2, glyph_index,
bFontStyle, dest_width, anti_alias);
CFX_SizeGlyphCache::CFX_SizeGlyphCache() {}
CFX_SizeGlyphCache::~CFX_SizeGlyphCache() {
for (const auto& pair : m_GlyphMap) {
delete pair.second;
void CFX_Font::AdjustMMParams(int glyph_index, int dest_width, int weight) {
FXFT_MM_Var pMasters = nullptr;
FXFT_Get_MM_Var(m_Face, &pMasters);
if (!pMasters) {
long coords[2];
if (weight == 0) {
coords[0] = FXFT_Get_MM_Axis_Def(FXFT_Get_MM_Axis(pMasters, 0)) / 65536;
} else {
coords[0] = weight;
if (dest_width == 0) {
coords[1] = FXFT_Get_MM_Axis_Def(FXFT_Get_MM_Axis(pMasters, 1)) / 65536;
} else {
int min_param = FXFT_Get_MM_Axis_Min(FXFT_Get_MM_Axis(pMasters, 1)) / 65536;
int max_param = FXFT_Get_MM_Axis_Max(FXFT_Get_MM_Axis(pMasters, 1)) / 65536;
coords[1] = min_param;
(void)FXFT_Set_MM_Design_Coordinates(m_Face, 2, coords);
m_Face, glyph_index,
int min_width = FXFT_Get_Glyph_HoriAdvance(m_Face) * 1000 /
coords[1] = max_param;
(void)FXFT_Set_MM_Design_Coordinates(m_Face, 2, coords);
m_Face, glyph_index,
int max_width = FXFT_Get_Glyph_HoriAdvance(m_Face) * 1000 /
if (max_width == min_width) {
FXFT_Free(m_Face, pMasters);
int param = min_param +
(max_param - min_param) * (dest_width - min_width) /
(max_width - min_width);
coords[1] = param;
FXFT_Free(m_Face, pMasters);
FXFT_Set_MM_Design_Coordinates(m_Face, 2, coords);
static const size_t ANGLESKEW_ARRAY_SIZE = 30;
static const char g_AngleSkew[ANGLESKEW_ARRAY_SIZE] = {
0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25,
27, 29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55,
static const size_t WEIGHTPOW_ARRAY_SIZE = 100;
static const uint8_t g_WeightPow[WEIGHTPOW_ARRAY_SIZE] = {
0, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 35, 36, 36, 37,
37, 37, 38, 38, 38, 39, 39, 39, 40, 40, 40, 41, 41, 41, 42, 42, 42,
42, 43, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44, 44, 45, 45, 45, 45, 46, 46, 46, 46, 47,
47, 47, 47, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 49, 49, 49, 49, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53,
static const uint8_t g_WeightPow_11[WEIGHTPOW_ARRAY_SIZE] = {
0, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 39, 40, 40, 41,
41, 41, 42, 42, 42, 43, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44, 45, 45, 45, 46, 46, 46,
46, 43, 47, 47, 48, 48, 48, 48, 45, 50, 50, 50, 46, 51, 51, 51, 52,
52, 52, 52, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 54, 54, 54, 54, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55,
56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58,
static const uint8_t g_WeightPow_SHIFTJIS[WEIGHTPOW_ARRAY_SIZE] = {
0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21,
22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 48, 48, 48, 48,
49, 49, 49, 50, 50, 50, 50, 51, 51, 51, 51, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 53,
53, 53, 53, 53, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 56, 56, 56,
56, 56, 56, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58,
59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60,
static void _GammaAdjust(uint8_t* pData,
int nWid,
int nHei,
int src_pitch,
const uint8_t* gammaTable) {
int count = nHei * src_pitch;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
pData[i] = gammaTable[pData[i]];
static void _ContrastAdjust(uint8_t* pDataIn,
uint8_t* pDataOut,
int nWid,
int nHei,
int nSrcRowBytes,
int nDstRowBytes) {
int col, row, temp;
int max = 0, min = 255;
FX_FLOAT rate;
for (row = 0; row < nHei; row++) {
uint8_t* pRow = pDataIn + row * nSrcRowBytes;
for (col = 0; col < nWid; col++) {
temp = *pRow++;
if (temp > max) {
max = temp;
if (temp < min) {
min = temp;
temp = max - min;
if (0 == temp || 255 == temp) {
int rowbytes = FXSYS_abs(nSrcRowBytes) > nDstRowBytes
? nDstRowBytes
: FXSYS_abs(nSrcRowBytes);
for (row = 0; row < nHei; row++) {
FXSYS_memcpy(pDataOut + row * nDstRowBytes, pDataIn + row * nSrcRowBytes,
rate = 255.f / temp;
for (row = 0; row < nHei; row++) {
uint8_t* pSrcRow = pDataIn + row * nSrcRowBytes;
uint8_t* pDstRow = pDataOut + row * nDstRowBytes;
for (col = 0; col < nWid; col++) {
temp = (int)((*(pSrcRow++) - min) * rate + 0.5);
if (temp > 255) {
temp = 255;
} else if (temp < 0) {
temp = 0;
*pDstRow++ = (uint8_t)temp;
CFX_GlyphBitmap* CFX_FaceCache::RenderGlyph(CFX_Font* pFont,
uint32_t glyph_index,
FX_BOOL bFontStyle,
const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
int dest_width,
int anti_alias) {
if (!m_Face) {
return nullptr;
FXFT_Matrix ft_matrix;
ft_matrix.xx = (signed long)(pMatrix->GetA() / 64 * 65536);
ft_matrix.xy = (signed long)(pMatrix->GetC() / 64 * 65536);
ft_matrix.yx = (signed long)(pMatrix->GetB() / 64 * 65536);
ft_matrix.yy = (signed long)(pMatrix->GetD() / 64 * 65536);
const CFX_SubstFont* pSubstFont = pFont->GetSubstFont();
if (pSubstFont) {
bUseCJKSubFont = pSubstFont->m_bSubstCJK && bFontStyle;
int skew = 0;
if (bUseCJKSubFont) {
skew = pSubstFont->m_bItalicCJK ? -15 : 0;
} else {
skew = pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle;
if (skew) {
// |skew| is nonpositive so |-skew| is used as the index. We need to make
// sure |skew| != INT_MIN since -INT_MIN is undefined.
if (skew <= 0 && skew != std::numeric_limits<int>::min() &&
static_cast<size_t>(-skew) < ANGLESKEW_ARRAY_SIZE) {
skew = -g_AngleSkew[-skew];
} else {
skew = -58;
if (pFont->IsVertical())
ft_matrix.yx += ft_matrix.yy * skew / 100;
ft_matrix.xy -= ft_matrix.xx * skew / 100;
if (pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags & FXFONT_SUBST_MM) {
pFont->AdjustMMParams(glyph_index, dest_width,
ScopedFontTransform scoped_transform(m_Face, &ft_matrix);
int load_flags = (m_Face->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT)
int error = FXFT_Load_Glyph(m_Face, glyph_index, load_flags);
if (error) {
// if an error is returned, try to reload glyphs without hinting.
if (load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING || load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE) {
return nullptr;
load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING;
error = FXFT_Load_Glyph(m_Face, glyph_index, load_flags);
if (error) {
return nullptr;
int weight = 0;
if (bUseCJKSubFont) {
weight = pSubstFont->m_WeightCJK;
} else {
weight = pSubstFont ? pSubstFont->m_Weight : 0;
if (pSubstFont && !(pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags & FXFONT_SUBST_MM) &&
weight > 400) {
uint32_t index = (weight - 400) / 10;
return nullptr;
int level = 0;
if (pSubstFont->m_Charset == FXFONT_SHIFTJIS_CHARSET) {
level =
g_WeightPow_SHIFTJIS[index] * 2 *
(FXSYS_abs((int)(ft_matrix.xx)) + FXSYS_abs((int)(ft_matrix.xy))) /
} else {
level = g_WeightPow_11[index] * (FXSYS_abs((int)(ft_matrix.xx)) +
FXSYS_abs((int)(ft_matrix.xy))) /
FXFT_Outline_Embolden(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Outline(m_Face), level);
error = FXFT_Render_Glyph(m_Face, anti_alias);
if (error) {
return nullptr;
int bmwidth = FXFT_Get_Bitmap_Width(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap(m_Face));
int bmheight = FXFT_Get_Bitmap_Rows(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap(m_Face));
if (bmwidth > 2048 || bmheight > 2048) {
return nullptr;
int dib_width = bmwidth;
CFX_GlyphBitmap* pGlyphBitmap = new CFX_GlyphBitmap;
dib_width, bmheight,
anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_MONO ? FXDIB_1bppMask : FXDIB_8bppMask);
pGlyphBitmap->m_Left = FXFT_Get_Glyph_BitmapLeft(m_Face);
pGlyphBitmap->m_Top = FXFT_Get_Glyph_BitmapTop(m_Face);
int dest_pitch = pGlyphBitmap->m_Bitmap.GetPitch();
int src_pitch = FXFT_Get_Bitmap_Pitch(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap(m_Face));
uint8_t* pDestBuf = pGlyphBitmap->m_Bitmap.GetBuffer();
uint8_t* pSrcBuf =
if (anti_alias != FXFT_RENDER_MODE_MONO &&
FXFT_Get_Bitmap_PixelMode(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap(m_Face)) ==
int bytes = anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD ? 3 : 1;
for (int i = 0; i < bmheight; i++)
for (int n = 0; n < bmwidth; n++) {
uint8_t data =
(pSrcBuf[i * src_pitch + n / 8] & (0x80 >> (n % 8))) ? 255 : 0;
for (int b = 0; b < bytes; b++) {
pDestBuf[i * dest_pitch + n * bytes + b] = data;
} else {
FXSYS_memset(pDestBuf, 0, dest_pitch * bmheight);
if (anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_MONO &&
FXFT_Get_Bitmap_PixelMode(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap(m_Face)) ==
int rowbytes =
FXSYS_abs(src_pitch) > dest_pitch ? dest_pitch : FXSYS_abs(src_pitch);
for (int row = 0; row < bmheight; row++) {
FXSYS_memcpy(pDestBuf + row * dest_pitch, pSrcBuf + row * src_pitch,
} else {
_ContrastAdjust(pSrcBuf, pDestBuf, bmwidth, bmheight, src_pitch,
_GammaAdjust(pDestBuf, bmwidth, bmheight, dest_pitch,
return pGlyphBitmap;
const CFX_PathData* CFX_FaceCache::LoadGlyphPath(CFX_Font* pFont,
uint32_t glyph_index,
int dest_width) {
if (!m_Face || glyph_index == (uint32_t)-1)
return nullptr;
uint32_t key = glyph_index;
if (pFont->GetSubstFont()) {
key += (((pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_Weight / 16) << 15) +
((pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_ItalicAngle / 2) << 21) +
((dest_width / 16) << 25) + (pFont->IsVertical() << 31));
auto it = m_PathMap.find(key);
if (it != m_PathMap.end())
return it->second;
CFX_PathData* pGlyphPath = pFont->LoadGlyphPath(glyph_index, dest_width);
m_PathMap[key] = pGlyphPath;
return pGlyphPath;
typedef struct {
FX_BOOL m_bCount;
int m_PointCount;
FX_PATHPOINT* m_pPoints;
int m_CurX;
int m_CurY;
FX_FLOAT m_CoordUnit;
void _Outline_CheckEmptyContour(OUTLINE_PARAMS* param) {
if (param->m_PointCount >= 2 &&
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 2].m_Flag == FXPT_MOVETO &&
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 2].m_PointX ==
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 1].m_PointX &&
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 2].m_PointY ==
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 1].m_PointY) {
param->m_PointCount -= 2;
if (param->m_PointCount >= 4 &&
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 4].m_Flag == FXPT_MOVETO &&
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 3].m_Flag == FXPT_BEZIERTO &&
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 3].m_PointX ==
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 4].m_PointX &&
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 3].m_PointY ==
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 4].m_PointY &&
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 2].m_PointX ==
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 4].m_PointX &&
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 2].m_PointY ==
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 4].m_PointY &&
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 1].m_PointX ==
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 4].m_PointX &&
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 1].m_PointY ==
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 4].m_PointY) {
param->m_PointCount -= 4;
extern "C" {
static int _Outline_MoveTo(const FXFT_Vector* to, void* user) {
if (!param->m_bCount) {
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_PointX = to->x / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_PointY = to->y / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_Flag = FXPT_MOVETO;
param->m_CurX = to->x;
param->m_CurY = to->y;
if (param->m_PointCount) {
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount - 1].m_Flag |= FXPT_CLOSEFIGURE;
return 0;
extern "C" {
static int _Outline_LineTo(const FXFT_Vector* to, void* user) {
if (!param->m_bCount) {
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_PointX = to->x / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_PointY = to->y / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_Flag = FXPT_LINETO;
param->m_CurX = to->x;
param->m_CurY = to->y;
return 0;
extern "C" {
static int _Outline_ConicTo(const FXFT_Vector* control,
const FXFT_Vector* to,
void* user) {
if (!param->m_bCount) {
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_PointX =
(param->m_CurX + (control->x - param->m_CurX) * 2 / 3) /
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_PointY =
(param->m_CurY + (control->y - param->m_CurY) * 2 / 3) /
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_Flag = FXPT_BEZIERTO;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 1].m_PointX =
(control->x + (to->x - control->x) / 3) / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 1].m_PointY =
(control->y + (to->y - control->y) / 3) / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 1].m_Flag = FXPT_BEZIERTO;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 2].m_PointX =
to->x / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 2].m_PointY =
to->y / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 2].m_Flag = FXPT_BEZIERTO;
param->m_CurX = to->x;
param->m_CurY = to->y;
param->m_PointCount += 3;
return 0;
extern "C" {
static int _Outline_CubicTo(const FXFT_Vector* control1,
const FXFT_Vector* control2,
const FXFT_Vector* to,
void* user) {
if (!param->m_bCount) {
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_PointX =
control1->x / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_PointY =
control1->y / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount].m_Flag = FXPT_BEZIERTO;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 1].m_PointX =
control2->x / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 1].m_PointY =
control2->y / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 1].m_Flag = FXPT_BEZIERTO;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 2].m_PointX =
to->x / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 2].m_PointY =
to->y / param->m_CoordUnit;
param->m_pPoints[param->m_PointCount + 2].m_Flag = FXPT_BEZIERTO;
param->m_CurX = to->x;
param->m_CurY = to->y;
param->m_PointCount += 3;
return 0;
CFX_PathData* CFX_Font::LoadGlyphPath(uint32_t glyph_index, int dest_width) {
if (!m_Face) {
return nullptr;
FXFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(m_Face, 0, 64);
FXFT_Matrix ft_matrix = {65536, 0, 0, 65536};
if (m_pSubstFont) {
if (m_pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle) {
int skew = m_pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle;
// |skew| is nonpositive so |-skew| is used as the index. We need to make
// sure |skew| != INT_MIN since -INT_MIN is undefined.
if (skew <= 0 && skew != std::numeric_limits<int>::min() &&
static_cast<size_t>(-skew) < ANGLESKEW_ARRAY_SIZE) {
skew = -g_AngleSkew[-skew];
} else {
skew = -58;
if (m_bVertical)
ft_matrix.yx += ft_matrix.yy * skew / 100;
ft_matrix.xy -= ft_matrix.xx * skew / 100;
if (m_pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags & FXFONT_SUBST_MM) {
AdjustMMParams(glyph_index, dest_width, m_pSubstFont->m_Weight);
ScopedFontTransform scoped_transform(m_Face, &ft_matrix);
int load_flags = FXFT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP;
if (!(m_Face->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT) || !FT_IS_TRICKY(m_Face)) {
load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING;
if (FXFT_Load_Glyph(m_Face, glyph_index, load_flags))
return nullptr;
if (m_pSubstFont && !(m_pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags & FXFONT_SUBST_MM) &&
m_pSubstFont->m_Weight > 400) {
uint32_t index = (m_pSubstFont->m_Weight - 400) / 10;
int level = 0;
if (m_pSubstFont->m_Charset == FXFONT_SHIFTJIS_CHARSET)
level = g_WeightPow_SHIFTJIS[index] * 2 * 65536 / 36655;
level = g_WeightPow[index] * 2;
FXFT_Outline_Embolden(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Outline(m_Face), level);
FXFT_Outline_Funcs funcs;
funcs.move_to = _Outline_MoveTo;
funcs.line_to = _Outline_LineTo;
funcs.conic_to = _Outline_ConicTo;
funcs.cubic_to = _Outline_CubicTo;
funcs.shift = 0; = 0;
params.m_bCount = TRUE;
params.m_PointCount = 0;
FXFT_Outline_Decompose(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Outline(m_Face), &funcs, &params);
if (params.m_PointCount == 0) {
return nullptr;
CFX_PathData* pPath = new CFX_PathData;
params.m_bCount = FALSE;
params.m_PointCount = 0;
params.m_pPoints = pPath->GetPoints();
params.m_CurX = params.m_CurY = 0;
params.m_CoordUnit = 64 * 64.0;
FXFT_Outline_Decompose(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Outline(m_Face), &funcs, &params);
if (params.m_PointCount) {
pPath->GetPoints()[params.m_PointCount - 1].m_Flag |= FXPT_CLOSEFIGURE;
return pPath;
void _CFX_UniqueKeyGen::Generate(int count, ...) {
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int p = va_arg(argList, int);
((uint32_t*)m_Key)[i] = p;
m_KeyLen = count * sizeof(uint32_t);