Roll third_party/freetype/src/ 2c8e6279a..f8af8fba7 (34 commits)

$ git log 2c8e6279a..f8af8fba7 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2018-09-05 wl Synchronize `ftdebug.c' files.
2018-09-05 wl Synchronize `ftconfig' files.
2018-09-05 ramakrishnan.nikhil * docs/DOCGUIDE: Minor.
2018-09-05 ramakrishnan.nikhil Add documentation guidelines file.
2018-09-04 wl * devel/ftoption.h: Synchronize with master `ftoption.h'.
2018-09-04 wl Typo (#54618).
2018-09-04 wl More '...' vs. `...` fixes in API documentation.
2018-09-04 wl Make `/****...' comments in public headers uniformly end on column 77.
2018-09-03 apodtele * docs/DEBUG: s/trace_//.
2018-09-03 ramakrishnan.nikhil [docwriter] Don't break code snippets accross lines.
2018-09-03 wl include/freettype/config:*.*: Convert comments to Markdown syntax.
2018-09-03 wl */*: s/PSNames/psnames/.
2018-09-03 wl [sfnt] Fix heap buffer overflow in CPAL handling.
2018-09-01 wl Remove `FT_Outline_{New,Done}_Internal'.
2018-08-31 apodtele * src/base/ftobjs.c (ft_glyphslot_preset_bitmap): Check glyph format.
2018-08-31 prince.cherusker [errors] Refine the macro logic surrounding `FT_Error_String'.
2018-08-31 wl Whitespace.
2018-08-31 wl * src/base/ftdebug.c (FT_Throw): Restore missing `FT_UNUSED' calls.
2018-08-31 wl * src/base/ftdebug.c (FT_Throw): Reduce chattiness.
2018-08-31 wl Minor comments.
2018-08-31 wl Whitespace.
2018-08-31 wl Add link to OpenType's composite glyph description.
2018-08-31 wl * src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_reload): Add initialization.
2018-08-30 apodtele Consolidate bitmap presetting and size assessment.
2018-08-30 apodtele * src/base/ftobjs.c (ft_glyphslot_preset_bitmap): Correct mono.
2018-08-30 prince.cherusker [errors] Introduce a macro to control `FT_Error_String'.
2018-08-30 prince.cherusker [errors] Introduce `FT_Error_String'.
2018-08-30 wl [autofit] Trace `before' and `after' edges of strong points.
2018-08-30 wl Minor.
2018-08-30 apodtele [base] Overflow-resistant bitmap presetting.
2018-08-29 wl Doc fix.
2018-08-29 prince.cherusker Fix numeric overflows.
2018-08-29 wl ftoption.h: s/precendence/precedence/ in documentation (#54586).
2018-08-29 wl [cff] Fix handling of `roll' op in old engine.

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/freetype/src,,

Bug: pdfium:1145
Change-Id: Ia24f04cd28e050bd2879f0d7a1edfa5096dc57bd
Reviewed-by: Lei Zhang <>
Commit-Queue: Nicolás Peña Moreno <>
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index 19c749f..5a90ef0 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
   'code_coverage_revision': '64186cbaf924329bfa0d139c0a45946cc529af1f',
   'cygwin_revision': 'c89e446b273697fadf3a10ff1007a97c0b7de6df',
   'depot_tools_revision': '02d53403125b2669236fd0db69f71f7e332c5767',
-  'freetype_revision': '2c8e6279a7bfc314f3934bc8d126ecb1e5e284f1',
+  'freetype_revision': 'f8af8fba78ac7180674ac05493b8afed7e055cf9',
   'gtest_revision': 'd5266326752f0a1dadbd310932d8f4fd8c3c5e7d',
   'icu_revision': 'c56c671998902fcc4fc9ace88c83daa99f980793',
   'instrumented_lib_revision': '323cf32193caecbf074d1a0cb5b02b905f163e0f',
diff --git a/third_party/freetype/README.pdfium b/third_party/freetype/README.pdfium
index 9d15e75..507922b 100644
--- a/third_party/freetype/README.pdfium
+++ b/third_party/freetype/README.pdfium
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Name: FreeType
-Version: VER-2-9-1-204
-Revision: 2c8e6279a7bfc314f3934bc8d126ecb1e5e284f1
+Version: VER-2-9-1-238
+Revision: f8af8fba78ac7180674ac05493b8afed7e055cf9
 Security Critical: yes
 License: FreeType License (FTL)
 License File: FTL.TXT
diff --git a/third_party/freetype/include/freetype-custom-config/ftoption.h b/third_party/freetype/include/freetype-custom-config/ftoption.h
index b986473..d3f43a0 100644
--- a/third_party/freetype/include/freetype-custom-config/ftoption.h
+++ b/third_party/freetype/include/freetype-custom-config/ftoption.h
@@ -512,33 +512,17 @@
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* Position Independent Code                                             */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*   If this macro is set (which is _not_ the default), FreeType2 will   */
-  /*   avoid creating constants that require address fixups.  Instead the  */
-  /*   constants will be moved into a struct and additional intialization  */
-  /*   code will be used.                                                  */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*   Setting this macro is needed for systems that prohibit address      */
-  /*   fixups, such as BREW.  [Note that standard compilers like gcc or    */
-  /*   clang handle PIC generation automatically; you don't have to set    */
-  /*   FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC, which is only necessary for very special      */
-  /*   compilers.]                                                         */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*   Note that FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC support is not available for all     */
-  /*   modules (see `modules.cfg' for a complete list).  For building with */
-  /*   FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC support, do the following.                     */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*     0. Clone the repository.                                          */
-  /*     1. Define FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC.                                   */
-  /*     2. Remove all subdirectories in `src' that don't have             */
-  /*        FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC support.                                  */
-  /*     3. Comment out the corresponding modules in `modules.cfg'.        */
-  /*     4. Compile.                                                       */
-  /*                                                                       */
-/* #define FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC */
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * Error Strings
+   *
+   *   If this macro is set, `FT_Error_String` will return meaningful
+   *   descriptions.  This is not enabled by default to reduce the overall
+   *   size of FreeType.
+   *
+   *   More details can be found in the file `fterrors.h`.
+   */