Convert %s -> %ls for wide string error format.

Make JavaScript tests results correct across platforms.

Change-Id: I32e5621f9f37ebb67e45c30ef7b22ea88a3a40af
Reviewed-by: Lei Zhang <>
Commit-Queue: Tom Sepez <>
diff --git a/fxjs/js_resources.cpp b/fxjs/js_resources.cpp
index ec20b1e..5df1460 100644
--- a/fxjs/js_resources.cpp
+++ b/fxjs/js_resources.cpp
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
     case JSMessage::kParamTooLongError:
       return L"The input value is too long.";
     case JSMessage::kParseDateError:
-      return L"The input value can't be parsed as a valid date/time (%s).";
+      return L"The input value can't be parsed as a valid date/time (%ls).";
     case JSMessage::kRangeBetweenError:
-      return L"The input value must be greater than or equal to %s"
-             L" and less than or equal to %s.";
+      return L"The input value must be greater than or equal to %ls"
+             L" and less than or equal to %ls.";
     case JSMessage::kRangeGreaterError:
-      return L"The input value must be greater than or equal to %s.";
+      return L"The input value must be greater than or equal to %ls.";
     case JSMessage::kRangeLessError:
-      return L"The input value must be less than or equal to %s.";
+      return L"The input value must be less than or equal to %ls.";
     case JSMessage::kNotSupportedError:
       return L"Operation not supported.";
     case JSMessage::kBusyError: