| Alert: PASS: appType = Exchange |
| Alert: PASS: appType threw Error: Invalid property set operation. |
| Alert: PASS: calculationsEnabled = true |
| Alert: PASS: calculationsEnabled = false |
| Alert: PASS: currentPage = -1 |
| Alert: PASS: currentPage = -1 |
| Alert: PASS: language = |
| Alert: PASS: language threw Error: Unable to set language value. |
| Alert: PASS: name = Acrobat |
| Alert: PASS: name threw Error: Invalid property set operation. |
| Alert: PASS: numPages = 2 |
| Alert: PASS: numPages threw Error: Unable to set numPages value. |
| Alert: PASS: platform = |
| Alert: PASS: platform threw Error: Unable to set platform value. |
| Alert: PASS: title = |
| Alert: PASS: title = |
| Alert: PASS: validationsEnabled = true |
| Alert: PASS: validationsEnabled = false |
| Alert: PASS: variation = Full |
| Alert: PASS: variation threw Error: Unable to set variation value. |
| Alert: PASS: version = 11 |
| Alert: PASS: version threw Error: Unable to set version value. |
| Alert: finished testing properties |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.beep(1, 1) threw XFAObject.beep: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| BEEP!!! 42 |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.beep(42) = undefined |
| BEEP!!! 4 |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.beep() = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.documentCountInBatch() = 0 |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.documentCountInBatch(42, 'args', ['ignored']) = 0 |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.documentInBatch() = 0 |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.documentInBatch(42, 'args', ['ignored']) = 0 |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.exportData() threw XFAObject.exportData: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.exportData(1, 2, 3) threw XFAObject.exportData: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.exportData('to-evil-place') = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.exportData('to-evil-place', false) = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.getFocus() = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.getFocus('args', 'ignored') = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.gotoURL() threw XFAObject.gotoURL: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.gotoURL(1, 2) threw XFAObject.gotoURL: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.gotoURL('http://example.com') = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.importData() threw XFAObject.importData: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.importData(1, 2) threw XFAObject.importData: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.importData('from-good-place') = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.openList() threw XFAObject.openList: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.openList(1, 2) threw XFAObject.openList: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.openList('my_doc.subform_combox_0.combox') = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.openList(eval('my_doc.subform_combox_0')) = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.pageUp() = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.pageUp('ignored arg') = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.pageDown() = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.pageDown('ignored arg') = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.print(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) threw XFAObject.print: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.print(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) threw XFAObject.print: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Doc Print: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.print(true, 1, 1, true, true, true, true, true) = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.response() threw XFAObject.response: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.response(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) threw XFAObject.response: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Launch Missiles: Are you sure?, defaultValue=Yes, label=, isPassword=1, length=2048 |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.response('Are you sure?', 'Launch Missiles', 'Yes', 1) = No |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.setFocus() threw XFAObject.setFocus: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.setFocus('one', 'two') threw XFAObject.setFocus: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.setFocus('my_doc.subform_combox_0') = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.getFocus() = [object XFAObject] |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.setFocus(eval('my_doc.subform_combox_0')) = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.getFocus() = [object XFAObject] |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.resetData(1, 2) threw XFAObject.resetData: Incorrect number of parameters passed to function. |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.resetData() = undefined |
| Alert: PASS: xfa.host.resetData('xfa.host') = undefined |
| Alert: finished testing methods |