blob: 0796b6b43483587e36aca151ccf13e3e174fea62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/include/fpdfdoc/fpdf_doc.h"
CPDF_FormControl::CPDF_FormControl(CPDF_FormField* pField,
CPDF_Dictionary* pWidgetDict) {
m_pField = pField;
m_pWidgetDict = pWidgetDict;
m_pForm = m_pField->m_pForm;
CFX_FloatRect CPDF_FormControl::GetRect() const {
return m_pWidgetDict->GetRect("Rect");
CFX_ByteString CPDF_FormControl::GetOnStateName() {
ASSERT(GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox ||
GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton);
CFX_ByteString csOn;
CPDF_Dictionary* pAP = m_pWidgetDict->GetDict("AP");
if (pAP == NULL) {
return csOn;
CPDF_Dictionary* pN = pAP->GetDict("N");
if (pN == NULL) {
return csOn;
FX_POSITION pos = pN->GetStartPos();
while (pos) {
pN->GetNextElement(pos, csOn);
if (csOn != "Off") {
return csOn;
return CFX_ByteString();
void CPDF_FormControl::SetOnStateName(const CFX_ByteString& csOn) {
ASSERT(GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox ||
GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton);
CFX_ByteString csValue = csOn;
if (csValue.IsEmpty()) {
csValue = "Yes";
if (csValue == "Off") {
csValue = "Yes";
CFX_ByteString csAS = m_pWidgetDict->GetString("AS", "Off");
if (csAS != "Off") {
m_pWidgetDict->SetAtName("AS", csValue);
CPDF_Dictionary* pAP = m_pWidgetDict->GetDict("AP");
if (pAP == NULL) {
FX_POSITION pos1 = pAP->GetStartPos();
while (pos1) {
CFX_ByteString csKey1;
CPDF_Object* pObj1 = pAP->GetNextElement(pos1, csKey1);
if (pObj1 == NULL) {
CPDF_Object* pObjDirect1 = pObj1->GetDirect();
CPDF_Dictionary* pSubDict = pObjDirect1->AsDictionary();
if (!pSubDict)
FX_POSITION pos2 = pSubDict->GetStartPos();
while (pos2) {
CFX_ByteString csKey2;
CPDF_Object* pObj2 = pSubDict->GetNextElement(pos2, csKey2);
if (pObj2 == NULL) {
if (csKey2 != "Off") {
pSubDict->ReplaceKey(csKey2, csValue);
CFX_ByteString CPDF_FormControl::GetCheckedAPState() {
ASSERT(GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox ||
GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton);
CFX_ByteString csOn = GetOnStateName();
if (GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton ||
GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox) {
if (ToArray(FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pField->m_pDict, "Opt"))) {
int iIndex = m_pField->GetControlIndex(this);
csOn.Format("%d", iIndex);
if (csOn.IsEmpty())
csOn = "Yes";
return csOn;
CFX_WideString CPDF_FormControl::GetExportValue() {
ASSERT(GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox ||
GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton);
CFX_ByteString csOn = GetOnStateName();
if (GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton ||
GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox) {
if (CPDF_Array* pArray =
ToArray(FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pField->m_pDict, "Opt"))) {
int iIndex = m_pField->GetControlIndex(this);
csOn = pArray->GetString(iIndex);
if (csOn.IsEmpty()) {
csOn = "Yes";
CFX_WideString csWOn = PDF_DecodeText(csOn);
return csWOn;
FX_BOOL CPDF_FormControl::IsChecked() {
ASSERT(GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox ||
GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton);
CFX_ByteString csOn = GetOnStateName();
CFX_ByteString csAS = m_pWidgetDict->GetString("AS");
return csAS == csOn;
FX_BOOL CPDF_FormControl::IsDefaultChecked() {
ASSERT(GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox ||
GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton);
CPDF_Object* pDV = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pField->m_pDict, "DV");
if (pDV == NULL) {
return FALSE;
CFX_ByteString csDV = pDV->GetString();
CFX_ByteString csOn = GetOnStateName();
return (csDV == csOn);
void CPDF_FormControl::CheckControl(FX_BOOL bChecked) {
ASSERT(GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox ||
GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton);
CFX_ByteString csOn = GetOnStateName();
CFX_ByteString csOldAS = m_pWidgetDict->GetString("AS", "Off");
CFX_ByteString csAS = "Off";
if (bChecked) {
csAS = csOn;
if (csOldAS == csAS) {
m_pWidgetDict->SetAtName("AS", csAS);
m_pForm->m_bUpdated = TRUE;
CPDF_Stream* FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict,
CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode mode);
void CPDF_FormControl::DrawControl(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix,
CPDF_Page* pPage,
CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode mode,
const CPDF_RenderOptions* pOptions) {
if (m_pWidgetDict->GetInteger("F") & ANNOTFLAG_HIDDEN) {
CPDF_Stream* pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(m_pWidgetDict, mode);
if (pStream == NULL) {
CFX_FloatRect form_bbox = pStream->GetDict()->GetRect("BBox");
CFX_AffineMatrix form_matrix = pStream->GetDict()->GetMatrix("Matrix");
CFX_FloatRect arect = m_pWidgetDict->GetRect("Rect");
CFX_AffineMatrix matrix;
matrix.MatchRect(arect, form_bbox);
CPDF_Form form(m_pField->m_pForm->m_pDocument,
m_pField->m_pForm->m_pFormDict->GetDict("DR"), pStream);
form.ParseContent(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
CPDF_RenderContext context;
context.DrawObjectList(pDevice, &form, &matrix, pOptions);
const FX_CHAR* g_sHighlightingMode[] = {"N", "I", "O", "P", "T", ""};
CPDF_FormControl::HighlightingMode CPDF_FormControl::GetHighlightingMode() {
if (m_pWidgetDict == NULL) {
return Invert;
CFX_ByteString csH = m_pWidgetDict->GetString("H", "I");
int i = 0;
while (g_sHighlightingMode[i][0] != '\0') {
if (csH.Equal(g_sHighlightingMode[i])) {
return (HighlightingMode)i;
return Invert;
CPDF_ApSettings CPDF_FormControl::GetMK(FX_BOOL bCreate) {
if (!m_pWidgetDict) {
return NULL;
CPDF_ApSettings mk = m_pWidgetDict->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("MK"));
if (!mk && bCreate) {
mk = CPDF_Dictionary::Create();
if (mk == NULL) {
return NULL;
m_pWidgetDict->SetAt(FX_BSTRC("MK"), mk);
return mk;
FX_BOOL CPDF_FormControl::HasMKEntry(CFX_ByteString csEntry) {
CPDF_ApSettings mk = GetMK(FALSE);
return mk.HasMKEntry(csEntry);
int CPDF_FormControl::GetRotation() {
CPDF_ApSettings mk = GetMK(FALSE);
return mk.GetRotation();
FX_ARGB CPDF_FormControl::GetColor(int& iColorType, CFX_ByteString csEntry) {
CPDF_ApSettings mk = GetMK(FALSE);
return mk.GetColor(iColorType, csEntry);
FX_FLOAT CPDF_FormControl::GetOriginalColor(int index, CFX_ByteString csEntry) {
CPDF_ApSettings mk = GetMK(FALSE);
return mk.GetOriginalColor(index, csEntry);
void CPDF_FormControl::GetOriginalColor(int& iColorType,
FX_FLOAT fc[4],
CFX_ByteString csEntry) {
CPDF_ApSettings mk = GetMK(FALSE);
mk.GetOriginalColor(iColorType, fc, csEntry);
CFX_WideString CPDF_FormControl::GetCaption(CFX_ByteString csEntry) {
CPDF_ApSettings mk = GetMK(FALSE);
return mk.GetCaption(csEntry);
CPDF_Stream* CPDF_FormControl::GetIcon(CFX_ByteString csEntry) {
CPDF_ApSettings mk = GetMK(FALSE);
return mk.GetIcon(csEntry);
CPDF_IconFit CPDF_FormControl::GetIconFit() {
CPDF_ApSettings mk = GetMK(FALSE);
return mk.GetIconFit();
int CPDF_FormControl::GetTextPosition() {
CPDF_ApSettings mk = GetMK(FALSE);
return mk.GetTextPosition();
CPDF_Action CPDF_FormControl::GetAction() {
if (!m_pWidgetDict) {
return CPDF_Action();
if (m_pWidgetDict->KeyExist("A")) {
return CPDF_Action(m_pWidgetDict->GetDict("A"));
CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pField->m_pDict, "A");
if (!pObj) {
return CPDF_Action();
return CPDF_Action(pObj->GetDict());
CPDF_AAction CPDF_FormControl::GetAdditionalAction() {
if (!m_pWidgetDict) {
return nullptr;
if (m_pWidgetDict->KeyExist("AA")) {
return m_pWidgetDict->GetDict("AA");
return m_pField->GetAdditionalAction();
CPDF_DefaultAppearance CPDF_FormControl::GetDefaultAppearance() {
if (!m_pWidgetDict) {
return CFX_ByteString();
if (m_pWidgetDict->KeyExist("DA")) {
return m_pWidgetDict->GetString("DA");
CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pField->m_pDict, "DA");
if (!pObj) {
return m_pField->m_pForm->GetDefaultAppearance();
return pObj->GetString();
CPDF_Font* CPDF_FormControl::GetDefaultControlFont() {
CPDF_DefaultAppearance cDA = GetDefaultAppearance();
CFX_ByteString csFontNameTag;
FX_FLOAT fFontSize;
cDA.GetFont(csFontNameTag, fFontSize);
if (csFontNameTag.IsEmpty())
return nullptr;
CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pWidgetDict, "DR");
if (CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = ToDictionary(pObj)) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pFonts = pDict->GetDict("Font");
if (pFonts) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pElement = pFonts->GetDict(csFontNameTag);
if (pElement) {
CPDF_Font* pFont = m_pField->m_pForm->m_pDocument->LoadFont(pElement);
if (pFont) {
return pFont;
if (CPDF_Font* pFormFont = m_pField->m_pForm->GetFormFont(csFontNameTag))
return pFormFont;
CPDF_Dictionary* pPageDict = m_pWidgetDict->GetDict("P");
pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pPageDict, "Resources");
if (CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = ToDictionary(pObj)) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pFonts = pDict->GetDict("Font");
if (pFonts) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pElement = pFonts->GetDict(csFontNameTag);
if (pElement) {
CPDF_Font* pFont = m_pField->m_pForm->m_pDocument->LoadFont(pElement);
if (pFont) {
return pFont;
return nullptr;
int CPDF_FormControl::GetControlAlignment() {
if (!m_pWidgetDict) {
return 0;
if (m_pWidgetDict->KeyExist("Q")) {
return m_pWidgetDict->GetInteger("Q", 0);
CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pField->m_pDict, "Q");
if (pObj == NULL) {
return m_pField->m_pForm->GetFormAlignment();
return pObj->GetInteger();
FX_BOOL CPDF_ApSettings::HasMKEntry(const CFX_ByteStringC& csEntry) {
if (m_pDict == NULL) {
return FALSE;
return m_pDict->KeyExist(csEntry);
int CPDF_ApSettings::GetRotation() {
if (m_pDict == NULL) {
return 0;
return m_pDict->GetInteger(FX_BSTRC("R"));
FX_ARGB CPDF_ApSettings::GetColor(int& iColorType,
const CFX_ByteStringC& csEntry) {
if (m_pDict == NULL) {
return 0;
FX_ARGB color = 0;
CPDF_Array* pEntry = m_pDict->GetArray(csEntry);
if (pEntry == NULL) {
return color;
FX_DWORD dwCount = pEntry->GetCount();
if (dwCount == 1) {
FX_FLOAT g = pEntry->GetNumber(0) * 255;
color = ArgbEncode(255, (int)g, (int)g, (int)g);
} else if (dwCount == 3) {
FX_FLOAT r = pEntry->GetNumber(0) * 255;
FX_FLOAT g = pEntry->GetNumber(1) * 255;
FX_FLOAT b = pEntry->GetNumber(2) * 255;
color = ArgbEncode(255, (int)r, (int)g, (int)b);
} else if (dwCount == 4) {
FX_FLOAT c = pEntry->GetNumber(0);
FX_FLOAT m = pEntry->GetNumber(1);
FX_FLOAT y = pEntry->GetNumber(2);
FX_FLOAT k = pEntry->GetNumber(3);
FX_FLOAT r = 1.0f - FX_MIN(1.0f, c + k);
FX_FLOAT g = 1.0f - FX_MIN(1.0f, m + k);
FX_FLOAT b = 1.0f - FX_MIN(1.0f, y + k);
color = ArgbEncode(255, (int)(r * 255), (int)(g * 255), (int)(b * 255));
return color;
FX_FLOAT CPDF_ApSettings::GetOriginalColor(int index,
const CFX_ByteStringC& csEntry) {
if (m_pDict == NULL) {
return 0;
CPDF_Array* pEntry = m_pDict->GetArray(csEntry);
if (pEntry != NULL) {
return pEntry->GetNumber(index);
return 0;
void CPDF_ApSettings::GetOriginalColor(int& iColorType,
FX_FLOAT fc[4],
const CFX_ByteStringC& csEntry) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
fc[i] = 0;
if (m_pDict == NULL) {
CPDF_Array* pEntry = m_pDict->GetArray(csEntry);
if (pEntry == NULL) {
FX_DWORD dwCount = pEntry->GetCount();
if (dwCount == 1) {
fc[0] = pEntry->GetNumber(0);
} else if (dwCount == 3) {
fc[0] = pEntry->GetNumber(0);
fc[1] = pEntry->GetNumber(1);
fc[2] = pEntry->GetNumber(2);
} else if (dwCount == 4) {
fc[0] = pEntry->GetNumber(0);
fc[1] = pEntry->GetNumber(1);
fc[2] = pEntry->GetNumber(2);
fc[3] = pEntry->GetNumber(3);
CFX_WideString CPDF_ApSettings::GetCaption(const CFX_ByteStringC& csEntry) {
CFX_WideString csCaption;
if (m_pDict == NULL) {
return csCaption;
return m_pDict->GetUnicodeText(csEntry);
CPDF_Stream* CPDF_ApSettings::GetIcon(const CFX_ByteStringC& csEntry) {
if (m_pDict == NULL) {
return NULL;
return m_pDict->GetStream(csEntry);
CPDF_IconFit CPDF_ApSettings::GetIconFit() {
if (m_pDict == NULL) {
return NULL;
return m_pDict->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("IF"));
int CPDF_ApSettings::GetTextPosition() {
if (m_pDict == NULL) {
return m_pDict->GetInteger(FX_BSTRC("TP"), TEXTPOS_CAPTION);