blob: cfb0b33279702cb872e48b151d67f44ee94cd785 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/include/cpdf_simple_parser.h"
#include <string>
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/fpdf_parser_utility.h"
#include "core/include/fxcrt/fx_basic.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/test_support.h"
TEST(SimpleParserTest, GetWord) {
pdfium::StrFuncTestData test_data[] = {
// Empty src string.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE("", ""),
// Content with whitespaces only.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" \t \0 \n", ""),
// Content with comments only.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE("%this is a test case\r\n%2nd line", ""),
// Mixed whitespaces and comments.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" \t \0%try()%haha\n %another line \aa", ""),
// Name.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" /Tester ", "/Tester"),
// String.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE("\t(nice day)!\n ", "(nice day)"),
// String with nested braces.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE("\t(It is a (long) day)!\n ", "(It is a (long) day)"),
// String with escaped chars.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE("\t(It is a \\(long\\) day!)hi\n ",
"(It is a \\(long\\) day!)"),
// Hex string.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" \n<4545acdfedertt>abc ", "<4545acdfedertt>"),
STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" \n<4545a<ed>ertt>abc ", "<4545a<ed>"),
// Dictionary.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE("<</oc 234 /color 2 3 R>>", "<<"),
STR_IN_OUT_CASE("\t\t<< /abc>>", "<<"),
// Handling ending delimiters.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE("> little bear", ">"),
STR_IN_OUT_CASE(") another bear", ")"), STR_IN_OUT_CASE(">> end ", ">>"),
// No ending delimiters.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE("(sdfgfgbcv", "(sdfgfgbcv"),
// Regular cases.
STR_IN_OUT_CASE("apple pear", "apple"),
STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" pi=3.1415 ", "pi=3.1415"),
STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" p t x c ", "p"), STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" pt\0xc ", "pt"),
STR_IN_OUT_CASE(" $^&&*\t\0sdff ", "$^&&*"),
STR_IN_OUT_CASE("\n\r+3.5656 -11.0", "+3.5656"),
for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(test_data); ++i) {
const pdfium::StrFuncTestData& data = test_data[i];
CPDF_SimpleParser parser(data.input, data.input_size);
CFX_ByteStringC word = parser.GetWord();
EXPECT_EQ(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data.expected),
std::string(word.GetCStr(), word.GetLength()))
<< " for case " << i;
TEST(SimpleParserTest, FindTagParamFromStart) {
struct FindTagTestStruct {
const unsigned char* input;
unsigned int input_size;
const char* token;
int num_params;
bool result;
unsigned int result_pos;
} test_data[] = {
// Empty strings.
STR_IN_TEST_CASE("", "Tj", 1, false, 0),
STR_IN_TEST_CASE("", "", 1, false, 0),
// Empty token.
STR_IN_TEST_CASE(" T j", "", 1, false, 5),
// No parameter.
STR_IN_TEST_CASE("Tj", "Tj", 1, false, 2),
STR_IN_TEST_CASE("(Tj", "Tj", 1, false, 3),
// Partial token match.
STR_IN_TEST_CASE("\r12\t34 56 78Tj", "Tj", 1, false, 15),
// Regular cases with various parameters.
STR_IN_TEST_CASE("\r\0abd Tj", "Tj", 1, true, 0),
STR_IN_TEST_CASE("12 4 Tj 3 46 Tj", "Tj", 1, true, 2),
STR_IN_TEST_CASE("er^ 2 (34) (5667) Tj", "Tj", 2, true, 5),
STR_IN_TEST_CASE("<344> (232)\t343.4\n12 45 Tj", "Tj", 3, true, 11),
STR_IN_TEST_CASE("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cm", "cm", 6, true, 3),
for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(test_data); ++i) {
const FindTagTestStruct& data = test_data[i];
CPDF_SimpleParser parser(data.input, data.input_size);
parser.FindTagParamFromStart(data.token, data.num_params))
<< " for case " << i;
EXPECT_EQ(data.result_pos, parser.GetCurPos()) << " for case " << i;