blob: e3b7496da7ad9bc588af2cec8d6b05c816386494 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include <map>
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/include/cpdf_object.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_coordinates.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_string.h"
class CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder;
class CPDF_Dictionary : public CPDF_Object {
using iterator = std::map<CFX_ByteString, CPDF_Object*>::iterator;
using const_iterator = std::map<CFX_ByteString, CPDF_Object*>::const_iterator;
// CPDF_Object.
Type GetType() const override;
CPDF_Object* Clone(FX_BOOL bDirect = FALSE) const override;
CPDF_Dictionary* GetDict() const override;
bool IsDictionary() const override;
CPDF_Dictionary* AsDictionary() override;
const CPDF_Dictionary* AsDictionary() const override;
size_t GetCount() const { return m_Map.size(); }
CPDF_Object* GetObjectBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
CPDF_Object* GetDirectObjectBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
CFX_ByteString GetStringBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
CFX_ByteString GetStringBy(const CFX_ByteString& key,
const CFX_ByteString& default_str) const;
CFX_WideString GetUnicodeTextBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
int GetIntegerBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
int GetIntegerBy(const CFX_ByteString& key, int default_int) const;
FX_BOOL GetBooleanBy(const CFX_ByteString& key,
FX_BOOL bDefault = FALSE) const;
FX_FLOAT GetNumberBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
CPDF_Dictionary* GetDictBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
CPDF_Stream* GetStreamBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
CPDF_Array* GetArrayBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
CFX_FloatRect GetRectBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
CFX_Matrix GetMatrixBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
FX_FLOAT GetFloatBy(const CFX_ByteString& key) const {
return GetNumberBy(key);
FX_BOOL KeyExist(const CFX_ByteString& key) const;
bool IsSignatureDict() const;
// Set* functions invalidate iterators for the element with the key |key|.
void SetAt(const CFX_ByteString& key, CPDF_Object* pObj);
void SetAtName(const CFX_ByteString& key, const CFX_ByteString& name);
void SetAtString(const CFX_ByteString& key, const CFX_ByteString& str);
void SetAtInteger(const CFX_ByteString& key, int i);
void SetAtNumber(const CFX_ByteString& key, FX_FLOAT f);
void SetAtReference(const CFX_ByteString& key,
CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder* pDoc,
uint32_t objnum);
void SetAtReference(const CFX_ByteString& key,
CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder* pDoc,
CPDF_Object* obj) {
SetAtReference(key, pDoc, obj->GetObjNum());
void SetAtRect(const CFX_ByteString& key, const CFX_FloatRect& rect);
void SetAtMatrix(const CFX_ByteString& key, const CFX_Matrix& matrix);
void SetAtBoolean(const CFX_ByteString& key, FX_BOOL bValue);
void AddReference(const CFX_ByteString& key,
CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder* pDoc,
uint32_t objnum);
// Invalidates iterators for the element with the key |key|.
void RemoveAt(const CFX_ByteString& key);
// Invalidates iterators for the element with the key |oldkey|.
void ReplaceKey(const CFX_ByteString& oldkey, const CFX_ByteString& newkey);
iterator begin() { return m_Map.begin(); }
iterator end() { return m_Map.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return m_Map.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return m_Map.end(); }
~CPDF_Dictionary() override;
std::map<CFX_ByteString, CPDF_Object*> m_Map;