blob: 5e1a36610d24fc08ed79943c7fa5ec233cc3f53b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include <vector>
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_basic.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/fxedit/fx_edit.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/PWL_EditCtrl.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/PWL_Wnd.h"
class CPDF_PageObjectHolder;
class CPDF_TextObject;
class IFX_Edit_UndoItem;
class IPWL_Filler_Notify {
virtual ~IPWL_Filler_Notify() {}
virtual void QueryWherePopup(void* pPrivateData,
float fPopupMin,
float fPopupMax,
int32_t& nRet,
float& fPopupRet) = 0; // nRet: (0:bottom 1:top)
virtual void OnBeforeKeyStroke(void* pPrivateData,
CFX_WideString& strChange,
const CFX_WideString& strChangeEx,
int nSelStart,
int nSelEnd,
bool bKeyDown,
bool& bRC,
bool& bExit,
uint32_t nFlag) = 0;
virtual void OnPopupPreOpen(void* pPrivateData,
bool& bExit,
uint32_t nFlag) = 0;
virtual void OnPopupPostOpen(void* pPrivateData,
bool& bExit,
uint32_t nFlag) = 0;
#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
class CPWL_Edit : public CPWL_EditCtrl {
~CPWL_Edit() override;
// CPWL_EditCtrl
CFX_ByteString GetClassName() const override;
void OnDestroy() override;
void OnCreated() override;
void RePosChildWnd() override;
CFX_FloatRect GetClientRect() const override;
void GetThisAppearanceStream(CFX_ByteTextBuf& sAppStream) override;
void DrawThisAppearance(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device) override;
bool OnLButtonDown(const CFX_PointF& point, uint32_t nFlag) override;
bool OnLButtonDblClk(const CFX_PointF& point, uint32_t nFlag) override;
bool OnRButtonUp(const CFX_PointF& point, uint32_t nFlag) override;
bool OnMouseWheel(short zDelta,
const CFX_PointF& point,
uint32_t nFlag) override;
bool OnKeyDown(uint16_t nChar, uint32_t nFlag) override;
bool OnChar(uint16_t nChar, uint32_t nFlag) override;
CFX_FloatRect GetFocusRect() const override;
void OnSetFocus() override;
void OnKillFocus() override;
void SetAlignFormatV(PWL_EDIT_ALIGNFORMAT_V nFormat = PEAV_TOP,
bool bPaint = true); // 0:top 1:bottom 2:center
void SetCharArray(int32_t nCharArray);
void SetLimitChar(int32_t nLimitChar);
void SetCharSpace(float fCharSpace);
bool CanSelectAll() const;
bool CanClear() const;
bool CanCopy() const;
bool CanCut() const;
void CutText();
void SetText(const CFX_WideString& csText);
void ReplaceSel(const CFX_WideString& csText);
CFX_ByteString GetTextAppearanceStream(const CFX_PointF& ptOffset) const;
CFX_ByteString GetCaretAppearanceStream(const CFX_PointF& ptOffset) const;
CFX_ByteString GetSelectAppearanceStream(const CFX_PointF& ptOffset) const;
bool IsTextFull() const;
static float GetCharArrayAutoFontSize(CPDF_Font* pFont,
const CFX_FloatRect& rcPlate,
int32_t nCharArray);
void SetFillerNotify(IPWL_Filler_Notify* pNotify) {
m_pFillerNotify = pNotify;
bool IsProceedtoOnChar(uint16_t nKeyCode, uint32_t nFlag);
void AttachFFLData(CFFL_FormFiller* pData) { m_pFormFiller = pData; }
void OnInsertWord(const CPVT_WordPlace& place,
const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace);
void OnInsertReturn(const CPVT_WordPlace& place,
const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace);
void OnBackSpace(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace);
void OnDelete(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace);
void OnClear(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace);
void OnInsertText(const CPVT_WordPlace& place,
const CPVT_WordPlace& oldplace);
CPVT_WordRange GetSelectWordRange() const;
virtual void ShowVScrollBar(bool bShow);
bool IsVScrollBarVisible() const;
void SetParamByFlag();
float GetCharArrayAutoFontSize(int32_t nCharArray);
CFX_PointF GetWordRightBottomPoint(const CPVT_WordPlace& wpWord);
CPVT_WordRange CombineWordRange(const CPVT_WordRange& wr1,
const CPVT_WordRange& wr2);
CPVT_WordRange GetLatinWordsRange(const CFX_PointF& point) const;
CPVT_WordRange GetLatinWordsRange(const CPVT_WordPlace& place) const;
CPVT_WordRange GetArabicWordsRange(const CPVT_WordPlace& place) const;
CPVT_WordRange GetSameWordsRange(const CPVT_WordPlace& place,
bool bLatin,
bool bArabic) const;
IPWL_Filler_Notify* m_pFillerNotify;
bool m_bFocus;
CFX_FloatRect m_rcOldWindow;
CFFL_FormFiller* m_pFormFiller; // Not owned.