blob: 851f05b1249d1aec6ad90eecb92cab5a41d5be52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include <vector>
#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/JS_Define.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/pwl/cpwl_wnd.h"
class color : public CJS_EmbedObj {
static CJS_Array ConvertPWLColorToArray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CFX_Color& color);
static CFX_Color ConvertArrayToPWLColor(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_Array& array);
explicit color(CJS_Object* pJSObject);
~color() override;
bool get_black(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, WideString* sError);
bool set_black(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_Value& vp,
WideString* sError);
bool get_blue(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, WideString* sError);
bool set_blue(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, const CJS_Value& vp, WideString* sError);
bool get_cyan(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, WideString* sError);
bool set_cyan(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, const CJS_Value& vp, WideString* sError);
bool get_dark_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, WideString* sError);
bool set_dark_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_Value& vp,
WideString* sError);
bool get_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, WideString* sError);
bool set_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, const CJS_Value& vp, WideString* sError);
bool get_green(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, WideString* sError);
bool set_green(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_Value& vp,
WideString* sError);
bool get_light_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, WideString* sError);
bool set_light_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_Value& vp,
WideString* sError);
bool get_magenta(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, WideString* sError);
bool set_magenta(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_Value& vp,
WideString* sError);
bool get_red(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, WideString* sError);
bool set_red(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, const CJS_Value& vp, WideString* sError);
bool get_transparent(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_Value* vp,
WideString* sError);
bool set_transparent(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_Value& vp,
WideString* sError);
bool get_white(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, WideString* sError);
bool set_white(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_Value& vp,
WideString* sError);
bool get_yellow(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, WideString* sError);
bool set_yellow(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_Value& vp,
WideString* sError);
bool convert(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const std::vector<CJS_Value>& params,
CJS_Value& vRet,
WideString& sError);
bool equal(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const std::vector<CJS_Value>& params,
CJS_Value& vRet,
WideString& sError);
bool GetPropertyHelper(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_Value* vp, CFX_Color* val);
bool SetPropertyHelper(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_Value& vp,
CFX_Color* val);
CFX_Color m_crTransparent;
CFX_Color m_crBlack;
CFX_Color m_crWhite;
CFX_Color m_crRed;
CFX_Color m_crGreen;
CFX_Color m_crBlue;
CFX_Color m_crCyan;
CFX_Color m_crMagenta;
CFX_Color m_crYellow;
CFX_Color m_crDKGray;
CFX_Color m_crGray;
CFX_Color m_crLTGray;
class CJS_Color : public CJS_Object {
explicit CJS_Color(v8::Local<v8::Object> pObject) : CJS_Object(pObject) {}
~CJS_Color() override {}
JS_STATIC_PROP(black, black, color);
JS_STATIC_PROP(blue, blue, color);
JS_STATIC_PROP(cyan, cyan, color);
JS_STATIC_PROP(dkGray, dark_gray, color);
JS_STATIC_PROP(gray, gray, color);
JS_STATIC_PROP(green, green, color);
JS_STATIC_PROP(ltGray, light_gray, color);
JS_STATIC_PROP(magenta, magenta, color);
JS_STATIC_PROP(red, red, color);
JS_STATIC_PROP(transparent, transparent, color);
JS_STATIC_PROP(white, white, color);
JS_STATIC_PROP(yellow, yellow, color);
JS_STATIC_METHOD(convert, color);
JS_STATIC_METHOD(equal, color);