blob: 5e787ed2b9f14ada76b1dc09086779df97e75bec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlnode.h"
#include <vector>
#include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlchardata.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlelement.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlinstruction.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmltext.h"
#include "third_party/base/stl_util.h"
CFX_XMLNode::CFX_XMLNode() = default;
CFX_XMLNode::~CFX_XMLNode() {
FX_XMLNODETYPE CFX_XMLNode::GetType() const {
return FX_XMLNODE_Unknown;
void CFX_XMLNode::DeleteChildren() {
CFX_XMLNode* pChild = first_child_;
first_child_ = nullptr;
last_child_ = nullptr;
while (pChild) {
CFX_XMLNode* pNext = pChild->next_sibling_;
delete pChild;
pChild = pNext;
void CFX_XMLNode::AppendChild(CFX_XMLNode* pNode) {
InsertChildNode(pNode, -1);
void CFX_XMLNode::InsertChildNode(CFX_XMLNode* pNode, int32_t index) {
pNode->parent_ = this;
if (!first_child_) {
first_child_ = pNode;
last_child_ = pNode;
pNode->prev_sibling_ = nullptr;
pNode->next_sibling_ = nullptr;
if (index == 0) {
pNode->next_sibling_ = first_child_;
pNode->prev_sibling_ = nullptr;
first_child_->prev_sibling_ = pNode;
first_child_ = pNode;
int32_t iCount = 0;
CFX_XMLNode* pFind = first_child_;
while (++iCount != index && pFind->next_sibling_)
pFind = pFind->next_sibling_;
pNode->prev_sibling_ = pFind;
pNode->next_sibling_ = pFind->next_sibling_;
if (pFind->next_sibling_)
pFind->next_sibling_->prev_sibling_ = pNode;
pFind->next_sibling_ = pNode;
if (pFind == last_child_)
last_child_ = pNode;
void CFX_XMLNode::RemoveChildNode(CFX_XMLNode* pNode) {
ASSERT(first_child_ && pNode);
if (first_child_ == pNode)
first_child_ = pNode->next_sibling_;
pNode->prev_sibling_->next_sibling_ = pNode->next_sibling_;
if (last_child_ == pNode)
last_child_ = pNode->prev_sibling_;
if (pNode->next_sibling_)
pNode->next_sibling_->prev_sibling_ = pNode->prev_sibling_;
pNode->parent_ = nullptr;
pNode->next_sibling_ = nullptr;
pNode->prev_sibling_ = nullptr;
CFX_XMLNode* CFX_XMLNode::GetRoot() {
CFX_XMLNode* pParent = this;
while (pParent->parent_)
pParent = pParent->parent_;
return pParent;
std::unique_ptr<CFX_XMLNode> CFX_XMLNode::Clone() {
return nullptr;
void CFX_XMLNode::Save(const RetainPtr<CFX_SeekableStreamProxy>& pXMLStream) {}
WideString CFX_XMLNode::EncodeEntities(const WideString& value) {
WideString ret = value;
ret.Replace(L"&", L"&amp;");
ret.Replace(L"<", L"&lt;");
ret.Replace(L">", L"&gt;");
ret.Replace(L"\'", L"&apos;");
ret.Replace(L"\"", L"&quot;");
return ret;
WideString CFX_XMLNode::AttributeToString(const WideString& name,
const WideString& value) {
WideString ret = L" ";
ret += name;
ret += L"=\"";
ret += EncodeEntities(value);
ret += L"\"";
return ret;