blob: 68867b5560693ffba8ee3329930092aa8d04650b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_imagetransformer.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_imagestretcher.h"
#include "core/fxge/fx_dib.h"
#include "third_party/base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h"
namespace {
constexpr int kBase = 256;
constexpr float kFix16 = 0.05f;
constexpr uint8_t kOpaqueAlpha = 0xff;
uint8_t bilinear_interpol(const uint8_t* buf,
int row_offset_l,
int row_offset_r,
int src_col_l,
int src_col_r,
int res_x,
int res_y,
int bpp,
int c_offset) {
int i_resx = 255 - res_x;
int col_bpp_l = src_col_l * bpp;
int col_bpp_r = src_col_r * bpp;
const uint8_t* buf_u = buf + row_offset_l + c_offset;
const uint8_t* buf_d = buf + row_offset_r + c_offset;
const uint8_t* src_pos0 = buf_u + col_bpp_l;
const uint8_t* src_pos1 = buf_u + col_bpp_r;
const uint8_t* src_pos2 = buf_d + col_bpp_l;
const uint8_t* src_pos3 = buf_d + col_bpp_r;
uint8_t r_pos_0 = (*src_pos0 * i_resx + *src_pos1 * res_x) >> 8;
uint8_t r_pos_1 = (*src_pos2 * i_resx + *src_pos3 * res_x) >> 8;
return (r_pos_0 * (255 - res_y) + r_pos_1 * res_y) >> 8;
uint8_t bicubic_interpol(const uint8_t* buf,
uint32_t pitch,
const int pos_pixel[],
const int u_w[],
const int v_w[],
int res_x,
int res_y,
int bpp,
int c_offset) {
int s_result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int a_result = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
uint8_t val =
*(buf + pos_pixel[i + 4] * pitch + pos_pixel[j] * bpp + c_offset);
a_result += u_w[j] * val;
s_result += a_result * v_w[i];
s_result >>= 16;
return static_cast<uint8_t>(pdfium::clamp(s_result, 0, 255));
void bicubic_get_pos_weight(int pos_pixel[],
int u_w[],
int v_w[],
int src_col_l,
int src_row_l,
int res_x,
int res_y,
int stretch_width,
int stretch_height) {
pos_pixel[0] = src_col_l - 1;
pos_pixel[1] = src_col_l;
pos_pixel[2] = src_col_l + 1;
pos_pixel[3] = src_col_l + 2;
pos_pixel[4] = src_row_l - 1;
pos_pixel[5] = src_row_l;
pos_pixel[6] = src_row_l + 1;
pos_pixel[7] = src_row_l + 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pos_pixel[i] = pdfium::clamp(pos_pixel[i], 0, stretch_width - 1);
pos_pixel[i + 4] = pdfium::clamp(pos_pixel[i + 4], 0, stretch_height - 1);
u_w[0] = SDP_Table[256 + res_x];
u_w[1] = SDP_Table[res_x];
u_w[2] = SDP_Table[256 - res_x];
u_w[3] = SDP_Table[512 - res_x];
v_w[0] = SDP_Table[256 + res_y];
v_w[1] = SDP_Table[res_y];
v_w[2] = SDP_Table[256 - res_y];
v_w[3] = SDP_Table[512 - res_y];
FXDIB_Format GetTransformedFormat(const RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pDrc) {
if (pDrc->IsAlphaMask())
return FXDIB_8bppMask;
FXDIB_Format format = pDrc->GetFormat();
if (format >= 1025)
return FXDIB_Cmyka;
if (format <= 32 || format == FXDIB_Argb)
return FXDIB_Argb;
return FXDIB_Rgba;
void WriteMonoResult(uint32_t r_bgra_cmyk, FXDIB_Format format, uint8_t* dest) {
if (format == FXDIB_Rgba) {
dest[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(r_bgra_cmyk >> 24);
dest[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(r_bgra_cmyk >> 16);
dest[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>(r_bgra_cmyk >> 8);
} else {
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(dest) = r_bgra_cmyk;
void WriteColorResult(std::function<uint8_t(int offset)> func,
bool bHasAlpha,
FXDIB_Format format,
uint8_t* dest) {
uint8_t blue_c = func(0);
uint8_t green_m = func(1);
uint8_t red_y = func(2);
uint32_t* dest32 = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(dest);
if (bHasAlpha) {
if (format == FXDIB_Argb) {
*dest32 = FXARGB_TODIB(FXARGB_MAKE(func(3), red_y, green_m, blue_c));
} else if (format == FXDIB_Rgba) {
dest[0] = blue_c;
dest[1] = green_m;
dest[2] = red_y;
} else {
*dest32 = FXCMYK_TODIB(CmykEncode(blue_c, green_m, red_y, func(3)));
if (format == FXDIB_Cmyka) {
*dest32 = FXCMYK_TODIB(CmykEncode(blue_c, green_m, red_y, func(3)));
} else {
*dest32 = FXARGB_TODIB(FXARGB_MAKE(kOpaqueAlpha, red_y, green_m, blue_c));
class CPDF_FixedMatrix {
explicit CPDF_FixedMatrix(const CFX_Matrix& src)
: a(FXSYS_round(src.a * kBase)),
b(FXSYS_round(src.b * kBase)),
c(FXSYS_round(src.c * kBase)),
d(FXSYS_round(src.d * kBase)),
e(FXSYS_round(src.e * kBase)),
f(FXSYS_round(src.f * kBase)) {}
void Transform(int x, int y, int* x1, int* y1) const {
std::pair<float, float> val = TransformInternal(x, y);
*x1 = pdfium::base::saturated_cast<int>(val.first / kBase);
*y1 = pdfium::base::saturated_cast<int>(val.second / kBase);
std::pair<float, float> TransformInternal(float x, float y) const {
return std::make_pair(a * x + c * y + e + kBase / 2,
b * x + d * y + f + kBase / 2);
const int a;
const int b;
const int c;
const int d;
const int e;
const int f;
class CFX_BilinearMatrix : public CPDF_FixedMatrix {
explicit CFX_BilinearMatrix(const CFX_Matrix& src) : CPDF_FixedMatrix(src) {}
void Transform(int x, int y, int* x1, int* y1, int* res_x, int* res_y) const {
std::pair<float, float> val = TransformInternal(x, y);
*x1 = pdfium::base::saturated_cast<int>(val.first / kBase);
*y1 = pdfium::base::saturated_cast<int>(val.second / kBase);
*res_x = static_cast<int>(val.first) % kBase;
*res_y = static_cast<int>(val.second) % kBase;
if (*res_x < 0 && *res_x > -kBase)
*res_x = kBase + *res_x;
if (*res_y < 0 && *res_y > -kBase)
*res_y = kBase + *res_y;
} // namespace
CFX_ImageTransformer::CFX_ImageTransformer(const RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pSrc,
const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
int flags,
const FX_RECT* pClip)
: m_pSrc(pSrc),
m_Status(0) {
FX_RECT result_rect = m_pMatrix->GetUnitRect().GetClosestRect();
FX_RECT result_clip = result_rect;
if (m_pClip)
if (result_clip.IsEmpty())
m_result = result_clip;
if (fabs(m_pMatrix->a) < fabs(m_pMatrix->b) / 20 &&
fabs(m_pMatrix->d) < fabs(m_pMatrix->c) / 20 &&
fabs(m_pMatrix->a) < 0.5f && fabs(m_pMatrix->d) < 0.5f) {
int dest_width = result_rect.Width();
int dest_height = result_rect.Height();
result_clip = FXDIB_SwapClipBox(result_clip, dest_width, dest_height,
m_pMatrix->c > 0, m_pMatrix->b < 0);
m_Stretcher = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_ImageStretcher>(
&m_Storer, m_pSrc, dest_height, dest_width, result_clip, m_Flags);
m_Status = 1;
if (fabs(m_pMatrix->b) < kFix16 && fabs(m_pMatrix->c) < kFix16) {
int dest_width = static_cast<int>(m_pMatrix->a > 0 ? ceil(m_pMatrix->a)
: floor(m_pMatrix->a));
int dest_height = static_cast<int>(m_pMatrix->d > 0 ? -ceil(m_pMatrix->d)
: -floor(m_pMatrix->d));
m_Stretcher = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_ImageStretcher>(
&m_Storer, m_pSrc, dest_width, dest_height, result_clip, m_Flags);
m_Status = 2;
int stretch_width =
static_cast<int>(ceil(FXSYS_sqrt2(m_pMatrix->a, m_pMatrix->b)));
int stretch_height =
static_cast<int>(ceil(FXSYS_sqrt2(m_pMatrix->c, m_pMatrix->d)));
CFX_Matrix stretch2dest(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, stretch_height);
CFX_Matrix(m_pMatrix->a / stretch_width, m_pMatrix->b / stretch_width,
m_pMatrix->c / stretch_height, m_pMatrix->d / stretch_height,
m_pMatrix->e, m_pMatrix->f));
m_dest2stretch = stretch2dest.GetInverse();
m_StretchClip =
m_StretchClip.Intersect(0, 0, stretch_width, stretch_height);
m_Stretcher = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_ImageStretcher>(
&m_Storer, m_pSrc, stretch_width, stretch_height, m_StretchClip, m_Flags);
m_Status = 3;
CFX_ImageTransformer::~CFX_ImageTransformer() {}
bool CFX_ImageTransformer::Continue(PauseIndicatorIface* pPause) {
if (m_Status == 1) {
if (m_Stretcher->Continue(pPause))
return true;
if (m_Storer.GetBitmap()) {
m_Storer.GetBitmap()->SwapXY(m_pMatrix->c > 0, m_pMatrix->b < 0));
return false;
if (m_Status == 2)
return m_Stretcher->Continue(pPause);
if (m_Status != 3)
return false;
if (m_Stretcher->Continue(pPause))
return true;
if (!m_Storer.GetBitmap())
return false;
auto pTransformed = pdfium::MakeRetain<CFX_DIBitmap>();
FXDIB_Format format = GetTransformedFormat(m_Stretcher->source());
if (!pTransformed->Create(m_result.Width(), m_result.Height(), format))
return false;
const auto& pSrcMask = m_Storer.GetBitmap()->m_pAlphaMask;
const uint8_t* pSrcMaskBuf = pSrcMask ? pSrcMask->GetBuffer() : nullptr;
auto& pDestMask = pTransformed->m_pAlphaMask;
if (pDestMask)
CFX_Matrix result2stretch(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, m_result.left,;
if (!pSrcMaskBuf && pDestMask) {
} else if (pDestMask) {
CalcData cdata = {
pDestMask.Get(), result2stretch, pSrcMaskBuf,
CalcData cdata = {pTransformed.Get(), result2stretch,
if (m_Storer.GetBitmap()->IsAlphaMask()) {
} else {
int Bpp = m_Storer.GetBitmap()->GetBPP() / 8;
if (Bpp == 1)
CalcMono(cdata, format);
CalcColor(cdata, format, Bpp);
return false;
RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> CFX_ImageTransformer::DetachBitmap() {
return m_Storer.Detach();
void CFX_ImageTransformer::CalcMask(const CalcData& cdata) {
if (IsBilinear()) {
auto func = [&cdata](const BilinearData& data, uint8_t* dest) {
*dest = bilinear_interpol(cdata.buf, data.row_offset_l, data.row_offset_r,
data.src_col_l, data.src_col_r, data.res_x,
data.res_y, 1, 0);
DoBilinearLoop(cdata, 1, func);
} else if (IsBiCubic()) {
auto func = [&cdata](const BicubicData& data, uint8_t* dest) {
*dest = bicubic_interpol(cdata.buf, cdata.pitch, data.pos_pixel, data.u_w,
data.v_w, data.res_x, data.res_y, 1, 0);
DoBicubicLoop(cdata, 1, func);
} else {
auto func = [&cdata](const DownSampleData& data, uint8_t* dest) {
*dest = cdata.buf[data.src_row * cdata.pitch + data.src_col];
DoDownSampleLoop(cdata, 1, func);
void CFX_ImageTransformer::CalcAlpha(const CalcData& cdata) {
if (IsBilinear()) {
auto func = [&cdata](const BilinearData& data, uint8_t* dest) {
*dest = bilinear_interpol(cdata.buf, data.row_offset_l, data.row_offset_r,
data.src_col_l, data.src_col_r, data.res_x,
data.res_y, 1, 0);
DoBilinearLoop(cdata, 1, func);
} else if (IsBiCubic()) {
auto func = [&cdata](const BicubicData& data, uint8_t* dest) {
*dest = bicubic_interpol(cdata.buf, cdata.pitch, data.pos_pixel, data.u_w,
data.v_w, data.res_x, data.res_y, 1, 0);
DoBicubicLoop(cdata, 1, func);
} else {
auto func = [&cdata](const DownSampleData& data, uint8_t* dest) {
const uint8_t* src_pixel =
cdata.buf + cdata.pitch * data.src_row + data.src_col;
*dest = *src_pixel;
DoDownSampleLoop(cdata, 1, func);
void CFX_ImageTransformer::CalcMono(const CalcData& cdata,
FXDIB_Format format) {
uint32_t argb[256];
FX_ARGB* pPal = m_Storer.GetBitmap()->GetPalette();
if (pPal) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(argb); i++)
argb[i] = pPal[i];
} else if (m_Storer.GetBitmap()->IsCmykImage()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(argb); i++)
argb[i] = 255 - i;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(argb); i++)
argb[i] = 0xff000000 | (i * 0x010101);
int destBpp = cdata.bitmap->GetBPP() / 8;
if (IsBilinear()) {
auto func = [&cdata, format, &argb](const BilinearData& data,
uint8_t* dest) {
uint8_t idx = bilinear_interpol(
cdata.buf, data.row_offset_l, data.row_offset_r, data.src_col_l,
data.src_col_r, data.res_x, data.res_y, 1, 0);
uint32_t r_bgra_cmyk = argb[idx];
WriteMonoResult(r_bgra_cmyk, format, dest);
DoBilinearLoop(cdata, destBpp, func);
} else if (IsBiCubic()) {
auto func = [&cdata, format, &argb](const BicubicData& data,
uint8_t* dest) {
uint32_t r_bgra_cmyk = argb[bicubic_interpol(
cdata.buf, cdata.pitch, data.pos_pixel, data.u_w, data.v_w,
data.res_x, data.res_y, 1, 0)];
WriteMonoResult(r_bgra_cmyk, format, dest);
DoBicubicLoop(cdata, destBpp, func);
} else {
auto func = [&cdata, format, &argb](const DownSampleData& data,
uint8_t* dest) {
uint32_t r_bgra_cmyk =
argb[cdata.buf[data.src_row * cdata.pitch + data.src_col]];
WriteMonoResult(r_bgra_cmyk, format, dest);
DoDownSampleLoop(cdata, destBpp, func);
void CFX_ImageTransformer::CalcColor(const CalcData& cdata,
FXDIB_Format format,
int Bpp) {
bool bHasAlpha = m_Storer.GetBitmap()->HasAlpha();
int destBpp = cdata.bitmap->GetBPP() / 8;
if (IsBilinear()) {
auto func = [&cdata, format, Bpp, bHasAlpha](const BilinearData& data,
uint8_t* dest) {
auto bilinear_interpol_func = [&cdata, &data, Bpp](int offset) {
return bilinear_interpol(
cdata.buf, data.row_offset_l, data.row_offset_r, data.src_col_l,
data.src_col_r, data.res_x, data.res_y, Bpp, offset);
WriteColorResult(bilinear_interpol_func, bHasAlpha, format, dest);
DoBilinearLoop(cdata, destBpp, func);
} else if (IsBiCubic()) {
auto func = [&cdata, format, Bpp, bHasAlpha](const BicubicData& data,
uint8_t* dest) {
auto bicubic_interpol_func = [&cdata, &data, Bpp](int offset) {
return bicubic_interpol(cdata.buf, cdata.pitch, data.pos_pixel,
data.u_w, data.v_w, data.res_x, data.res_y, Bpp,
WriteColorResult(bicubic_interpol_func, bHasAlpha, format, dest);
DoBicubicLoop(cdata, destBpp, func);
} else {
auto func = [&cdata, format, bHasAlpha, Bpp](const DownSampleData& data,
uint8_t* dest) {
const uint8_t* src_pos =
cdata.buf + data.src_row * cdata.pitch + data.src_col * Bpp;
auto sample_func = [src_pos](int offset) { return src_pos[offset]; };
WriteColorResult(sample_func, bHasAlpha, format, dest);
DoDownSampleLoop(cdata, destBpp, func);
void CFX_ImageTransformer::AdjustCoords(int* col, int* row) const {
int& src_col = *col;
int& src_row = *row;
if (src_col == stretch_width())
if (src_row == stretch_height())
void CFX_ImageTransformer::DoBilinearLoop(
const CalcData& cdata,
int increment,
std::function<void(const BilinearData&, uint8_t*)> func) {
CFX_BilinearMatrix matrix_fix(cdata.matrix);
for (int row = 0; row < m_result.Height(); row++) {
uint8_t* dest = const_cast<uint8_t*>(cdata.bitmap->GetScanline(row));
for (int col = 0; col < m_result.Width(); col++) {
BilinearData d;
d.res_x = 0;
d.res_y = 0;
d.src_col_l = 0;
d.src_row_l = 0;
matrix_fix.Transform(col, row, &d.src_col_l, &d.src_row_l, &d.res_x,
if (LIKELY(InStretchBounds(d.src_col_l, d.src_row_l))) {
AdjustCoords(&d.src_col_l, &d.src_row_l);
d.src_col_r = d.src_col_l + 1;
d.src_row_r = d.src_row_l + 1;
AdjustCoords(&d.src_col_r, &d.src_row_r);
d.row_offset_l = d.src_row_l * cdata.pitch;
d.row_offset_r = d.src_row_r * cdata.pitch;
func(d, dest);
dest += increment;
void CFX_ImageTransformer::DoBicubicLoop(
const CalcData& cdata,
int increment,
std::function<void(const BicubicData&, uint8_t*)> func) {
CFX_BilinearMatrix matrix_fix(cdata.matrix);
for (int row = 0; row < m_result.Height(); row++) {
uint8_t* dest = const_cast<uint8_t*>(cdata.bitmap->GetScanline(row));
for (int col = 0; col < m_result.Width(); col++) {
BicubicData d;
d.res_x = 0;
d.res_y = 0;
d.src_col_l = 0;
d.src_row_l = 0;
matrix_fix.Transform(col, row, &d.src_col_l, &d.src_row_l, &d.res_x,
if (LIKELY(InStretchBounds(d.src_col_l, d.src_row_l))) {
AdjustCoords(&d.src_col_l, &d.src_row_l);
bicubic_get_pos_weight(d.pos_pixel, d.u_w, d.v_w, d.src_col_l,
d.src_row_l, d.res_x, d.res_y, stretch_width(),
func(d, dest);
dest += increment;
void CFX_ImageTransformer::DoDownSampleLoop(
const CalcData& cdata,
int increment,
std::function<void(const DownSampleData&, uint8_t*)> func) {
CPDF_FixedMatrix matrix_fix(cdata.matrix);
for (int row = 0; row < m_result.Height(); row++) {
uint8_t* dest = const_cast<uint8_t*>(cdata.bitmap->GetScanline(row));
for (int col = 0; col < m_result.Width(); col++) {
DownSampleData d;
d.src_col = 0;
d.src_row = 0;
matrix_fix.Transform(col, row, &d.src_col, &d.src_row);
if (LIKELY(InStretchBounds(d.src_col, d.src_row))) {
AdjustCoords(&d.src_col, &d.src_row);
func(d, dest);
dest += increment;