blob: 97b87167a33362558966da3676224c0b4e051c3a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
#include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_math.h"
namespace {
bool IsFoldingVerticalLine(const CFX_PointF& a,
const CFX_PointF& b,
const CFX_PointF& c) {
return a.x == b.x && b.x == c.x && (b.y - a.y) * (b.y - c.y) > 0;
bool IsFoldingHorizontalLine(const CFX_PointF& a,
const CFX_PointF& b,
const CFX_PointF& c) {
return a.y == b.y && b.y == c.y && (b.x - a.x) * (b.x - c.x) > 0;
bool IsFoldingDiagonalLine(const CFX_PointF& a,
const CFX_PointF& b,
const CFX_PointF& c) {
return a.x != b.x && c.x != b.x && a.y != b.y && c.y != b.y &&
(a.y - b.y) * (c.x - b.x) == (c.y - b.y) * (a.x - b.x);
void UpdateLineEndPoints(CFX_FloatRect* rect,
const CFX_PointF& start_pos,
const CFX_PointF& end_pos,
float hw) {
if (start_pos.x == end_pos.x) {
if (start_pos.y == end_pos.y) {
rect->UpdateRect(end_pos + CFX_PointF(hw, hw));
rect->UpdateRect(end_pos - CFX_PointF(hw, hw));
float point_y;
if (end_pos.y < start_pos.y)
point_y = end_pos.y - hw;
point_y = end_pos.y + hw;
rect->UpdateRect(CFX_PointF(end_pos.x + hw, point_y));
rect->UpdateRect(CFX_PointF(end_pos.x - hw, point_y));
if (start_pos.y == end_pos.y) {
float point_x;
if (end_pos.x < start_pos.x)
point_x = end_pos.x - hw;
point_x = end_pos.x + hw;
rect->UpdateRect(CFX_PointF(point_x, end_pos.y + hw));
rect->UpdateRect(CFX_PointF(point_x, end_pos.y - hw));
CFX_PointF diff = end_pos - start_pos;
float ll = FXSYS_sqrt2(diff.x, diff.y);
float mx = end_pos.x + hw * diff.x / ll;
float my = end_pos.y + hw * diff.y / ll;
float dx1 = hw * diff.y / ll;
float dy1 = hw * diff.x / ll;
rect->UpdateRect(CFX_PointF(mx - dx1, my + dy1));
rect->UpdateRect(CFX_PointF(mx + dx1, my - dy1));
void UpdateLineJoinPoints(CFX_FloatRect* rect,
const CFX_PointF& start_pos,
const CFX_PointF& mid_pos,
const CFX_PointF& end_pos,
float half_width,
float miter_limit) {
float start_k = 0;
float start_c = 0;
float end_k = 0;
float end_c = 0;
float start_len = 0;
float start_dc = 0;
float end_len = 0;
float end_dc = 0;
float one_twentieth = 1.0f / 20;
bool bStartVert = fabs(start_pos.x - mid_pos.x) < one_twentieth;
bool bEndVert = fabs(mid_pos.x - end_pos.x) < one_twentieth;
if (bStartVert && bEndVert) {
int start_dir = mid_pos.y > start_pos.y ? 1 : -1;
float point_y = mid_pos.y + half_width * start_dir;
rect->UpdateRect(CFX_PointF(mid_pos.x + half_width, point_y));
rect->UpdateRect(CFX_PointF(mid_pos.x - half_width, point_y));
if (!bStartVert) {
CFX_PointF start_to_mid = start_pos - mid_pos;
start_k = (mid_pos.y - start_pos.y) / (mid_pos.x - start_pos.x);
start_c = mid_pos.y - (start_k * mid_pos.x);
start_len = FXSYS_sqrt2(start_to_mid.x, start_to_mid.y);
start_dc =
static_cast<float>(fabs(half_width * start_len / start_to_mid.x));
if (!bEndVert) {
CFX_PointF end_to_mid = end_pos - mid_pos;
end_k = end_to_mid.y / end_to_mid.x;
end_c = mid_pos.y - (end_k * mid_pos.x);
end_len = FXSYS_sqrt2(end_to_mid.x, end_to_mid.y);
end_dc = static_cast<float>(fabs(half_width * end_len / end_to_mid.x));
if (bStartVert) {
CFX_PointF outside(start_pos.x, 0);
if (end_pos.x < start_pos.x)
outside.x += half_width;
outside.x -= half_width;
if (start_pos.y < (end_k * start_pos.x) + end_c)
outside.y = (end_k * outside.x) + end_c + end_dc;
outside.y = (end_k * outside.x) + end_c - end_dc;
if (bEndVert) {
CFX_PointF outside(end_pos.x, 0);
if (start_pos.x < end_pos.x)
outside.x += half_width;
outside.x -= half_width;
if (end_pos.y < (start_k * end_pos.x) + start_c)
outside.y = (start_k * outside.x) + start_c + start_dc;
outside.y = (start_k * outside.x) + start_c - start_dc;
if (fabs(start_k - end_k) < one_twentieth) {
int start_dir = mid_pos.x > start_pos.x ? 1 : -1;
int end_dir = end_pos.x > mid_pos.x ? 1 : -1;
if (start_dir == end_dir)
UpdateLineEndPoints(rect, mid_pos, end_pos, half_width);
UpdateLineEndPoints(rect, start_pos, mid_pos, half_width);
float start_outside_c = start_c;
if (end_pos.y < (start_k * end_pos.x) + start_c)
start_outside_c += start_dc;
start_outside_c -= start_dc;
float end_outside_c = end_c;
if (start_pos.y < (end_k * start_pos.x) + end_c)
end_outside_c += end_dc;
end_outside_c -= end_dc;
float join_x = (end_outside_c - start_outside_c) / (start_k - end_k);
float join_y = start_k * join_x + start_outside_c;
rect->UpdateRect(CFX_PointF(join_x, join_y));
} // namespace
FX_PATHPOINT::FX_PATHPOINT(const CFX_PointF& point, FXPT_TYPE type, bool close)
: m_Point(point), m_Type(type), m_CloseFigure(close) {}
CFX_PathData::CFX_PathData() = default;
CFX_PathData::CFX_PathData(const CFX_PathData& src) = default;
CFX_PathData::CFX_PathData(CFX_PathData&& src) = default;
CFX_PathData::~CFX_PathData() = default;
void CFX_PathData::Clear() {
void CFX_PathData::ClosePath() {
if (m_Points.empty())
m_Points.back().m_CloseFigure = true;
void CFX_PathData::Append(const CFX_PathData* pSrc, const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
if (pSrc->m_Points.empty())
size_t cur_size = m_Points.size();
m_Points.insert(m_Points.end(), pSrc->m_Points.begin(), pSrc->m_Points.end());
if (!pMatrix)
for (size_t i = cur_size; i < m_Points.size(); i++)
m_Points[i].m_Point = pMatrix->Transform(m_Points[i].m_Point);
void CFX_PathData::AppendPoint(const CFX_PointF& point, FXPT_TYPE type) {
m_Points.push_back(FX_PATHPOINT(point, type, /*close=*/false));
void CFX_PathData::AppendPointAndClose(const CFX_PointF& point,
FXPT_TYPE type) {
m_Points.push_back(FX_PATHPOINT(point, type, /*close=*/true));
void CFX_PathData::AppendLine(const CFX_PointF& pt1, const CFX_PointF& pt2) {
if (m_Points.empty() || fabs(m_Points.back().m_Point.x - pt1.x) > 0.001 ||
fabs(m_Points.back().m_Point.y - pt1.y) > 0.001) {
AppendPoint(pt1, FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo);
AppendPoint(pt2, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo);
void CFX_PathData::AppendFloatRect(const CFX_FloatRect& rect) {
return AppendRect(rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right,;
void CFX_PathData::AppendRect(float left,
float bottom,
float right,
float top) {
CFX_PointF left_bottom(left, bottom);
CFX_PointF left_top(left, top);
CFX_PointF right_top(right, top);
CFX_PointF right_bottom(right, bottom);
AppendLine(left_bottom, left_top);
AppendLine(left_top, right_top);
AppendLine(right_top, right_bottom);
AppendLine(right_bottom, left_bottom);
CFX_FloatRect CFX_PathData::GetBoundingBox() const {
if (m_Points.empty())
return CFX_FloatRect();
CFX_FloatRect rect;
for (size_t i = 1; i < m_Points.size(); i++)
return rect;
CFX_FloatRect CFX_PathData::GetBoundingBox(float line_width,
float miter_limit) const {
CFX_FloatRect rect(100000.0f, 100000.0f, -100000.0f, -100000.0f);
size_t iPoint = 0;
float half_width = line_width;
int iStartPoint = 0;
int iEndPoint = 0;
int iMiddlePoint = 0;
bool bJoin;
while (iPoint < m_Points.size()) {
if (m_Points[iPoint].IsTypeAndOpen(FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo)) {
if (iPoint + 1 == m_Points.size())
iStartPoint = iPoint + 1;
iEndPoint = iPoint;
bJoin = false;
} else {
if (m_Points[iPoint].IsTypeAndOpen(FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo)) {
rect.UpdateRect(m_Points[iPoint + 1].m_Point);
iPoint += 2;
if (iPoint == m_Points.size() - 1 ||
m_Points[iPoint + 1].IsTypeAndOpen(FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo)) {
iStartPoint = iPoint - 1;
iEndPoint = iPoint;
bJoin = false;
} else {
iStartPoint = iPoint - 1;
iMiddlePoint = iPoint;
iEndPoint = iPoint + 1;
bJoin = true;
CFX_PointF start_pos = m_Points[iStartPoint].m_Point;
CFX_PointF end_pos = m_Points[iEndPoint].m_Point;
if (bJoin) {
CFX_PointF mid_pos = m_Points[iMiddlePoint].m_Point;
UpdateLineJoinPoints(&rect, start_pos, mid_pos, end_pos, half_width,
} else {
UpdateLineEndPoints(&rect, start_pos, end_pos, half_width);
return rect;
void CFX_PathData::Transform(const CFX_Matrix& matrix) {
for (auto& point : m_Points)
point.m_Point = matrix.Transform(point.m_Point);
bool CFX_PathData::GetZeroAreaPath(const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
bool bAdjust,
CFX_PathData* NewPath,
bool* bThin,
bool* setIdentity) const {
*setIdentity = false;
if (m_Points.size() < 3)
return false;
if (m_Points.size() == 3 && m_Points[0].m_Type == FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo &&
m_Points[1].m_Type == FXPT_TYPE::LineTo &&
m_Points[2].m_Type == FXPT_TYPE::LineTo &&
m_Points[0].m_Point == m_Points[2].m_Point) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
CFX_PointF point = m_Points[i].m_Point;
if (bAdjust) {
if (pMatrix)
point = pMatrix->Transform(point);
point = CFX_PointF(static_cast<int>(point.x) + 0.5f,
static_cast<int>(point.y) + 0.5f);
i == 0 ? FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo : FXPT_TYPE::LineTo);
if (bAdjust && pMatrix)
*setIdentity = true;
// Note, they both have to be not equal.
if (m_Points[0].m_Point.x != m_Points[1].m_Point.x &&
m_Points[0].m_Point.y != m_Points[1].m_Point.y) {
*bThin = true;
return true;
if (((m_Points.size() > 3) && (m_Points.size() % 2))) {
int mid = m_Points.size() / 2;
bool bZeroArea = false;
CFX_PathData t_path;
for (int i = 0; i < mid; i++) {
if (!(m_Points[mid - i - 1].m_Point == m_Points[mid + i + 1].m_Point &&
m_Points[mid - i - 1].m_Type != FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo &&
m_Points[mid + i + 1].m_Type != FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo)) {
bZeroArea = true;
t_path.AppendPoint(m_Points[mid - i].m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo);
t_path.AppendPoint(m_Points[mid - i - 1].m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo);
if (!bZeroArea) {
NewPath->Append(&t_path, nullptr);
*bThin = true;
return true;
int startPoint = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Points.size(); i++) {
FXPT_TYPE point_type = m_Points[i].m_Type;
if (point_type == FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo) {
startPoint = i;
if (point_type == FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo) {
i += 2;
ASSERT(point_type == FXPT_TYPE::LineTo);
int next_index =
(i + 1 - startPoint) % (m_Points.size() - startPoint) + startPoint;
const FX_PATHPOINT& next = m_Points[next_index];
if (next.m_Type == FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo || next.m_Type == FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo)
const FX_PATHPOINT& prev = m_Points[i - 1];
const FX_PATHPOINT& cur = m_Points[i];
if (IsFoldingVerticalLine(prev.m_Point, cur.m_Point, next.m_Point)) {
bool use_prev = fabs(cur.m_Point.y - prev.m_Point.y) <
fabs(cur.m_Point.y - next.m_Point.y);
const FX_PATHPOINT& start = use_prev ? prev : cur;
const FX_PATHPOINT& end = use_prev ? m_Points[next_index - 1] : next;
NewPath->AppendPoint(start.m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo);
NewPath->AppendPoint(end.m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo);
if (IsFoldingHorizontalLine(prev.m_Point, cur.m_Point, next.m_Point) ||
IsFoldingDiagonalLine(prev.m_Point, cur.m_Point, next.m_Point)) {
bool use_prev = fabs(cur.m_Point.x - prev.m_Point.x) <
fabs(cur.m_Point.x - next.m_Point.x);
const FX_PATHPOINT& start = use_prev ? prev : cur;
const FX_PATHPOINT& end = use_prev ? m_Points[next_index - 1] : next;
NewPath->AppendPoint(start.m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo);
NewPath->AppendPoint(end.m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo);
size_t new_path_size = NewPath->GetPoints().size();
if (m_Points.size() > 3 && new_path_size > 0)
*bThin = true;
return new_path_size != 0;
bool CFX_PathData::IsRect() const {
if (m_Points.size() != 5 && m_Points.size() != 4)
return false;
if ((m_Points.size() == 5 && m_Points[0].m_Point != m_Points[4].m_Point) ||
m_Points[0].m_Point == m_Points[2].m_Point ||
m_Points[1].m_Point == m_Points[3].m_Point) {
return false;
// Note, both x,y have to not equal.
if (m_Points[0].m_Point.x != m_Points[3].m_Point.x &&
m_Points[0].m_Point.y != m_Points[3].m_Point.y) {
return false;
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
if (m_Points[i].m_Type != FXPT_TYPE::LineTo)
return false;
// Note, both x,y have to not equal.
if (m_Points[i].m_Point.x != m_Points[i - 1].m_Point.x &&
m_Points[i].m_Point.y != m_Points[i - 1].m_Point.y) {
return false;
return m_Points.size() == 5 || m_Points[3].m_CloseFigure;
Optional<CFX_FloatRect> CFX_PathData::GetRect(const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) const {
if (!pMatrix) {
if (!IsRect())
return pdfium::nullopt;
CFX_FloatRect rect(m_Points[0].m_Point.x, m_Points[0].m_Point.y,
m_Points[2].m_Point.x, m_Points[2].m_Point.y);
return rect;
if (m_Points.size() != 5 && m_Points.size() != 4)
return pdfium::nullopt;
if ((m_Points.size() == 5 && m_Points[0].m_Point != m_Points[4].m_Point) ||
m_Points[1].m_Point == m_Points[3].m_Point) {
return pdfium::nullopt;
// Note, both x,y not equal.
if (m_Points.size() == 4 && m_Points[0].m_Point.x != m_Points[3].m_Point.x &&
m_Points[0].m_Point.y != m_Points[3].m_Point.y) {
return pdfium::nullopt;
CFX_PointF points[5];
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Points.size(); i++) {
points[i] = pMatrix->Transform(m_Points[i].m_Point);
if (i == 0)
if (m_Points[i].m_Type != FXPT_TYPE::LineTo)
return pdfium::nullopt;
if (points[i].x != points[i - 1].x && points[i].y != points[i - 1].y)
return pdfium::nullopt;
CFX_FloatRect rect(points[0].x, points[0].y, points[2].x, points[2].y);
return rect;
CFX_RetainablePathData::CFX_RetainablePathData() = default;
// Note: can't default the copy constructor since Retainable<> has a deleted
// copy constructor (as it should). Instead, we want the default Retainable<>
// constructor to be invoked so as to create a copy with a ref-count of 1 as
// of the time it is created, then populate the remainder of the members from
// the |src| object.
const CFX_RetainablePathData& src)
: CFX_PathData(src) {}
CFX_RetainablePathData::~CFX_RetainablePathData() = default;
RetainPtr<CFX_RetainablePathData> CFX_RetainablePathData::Clone() const {
return pdfium::MakeRetain<CFX_RetainablePathData>(*this);