blob: e579c4bbb57bb6ea242a0f62d896e3efddc3940b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2019 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generate a chart of dependencies and includes in "dot" format.
# Invoke in pdfium/ top-level directory
function crunch {
echo ' edge [color=black,constraint=true]'
gn desc $BUILD_DIR $1 deps | grep -v '//:' | grep -v test | \
grep -v constants | grep -v samples | grep -v matches | \
sed "s|\\(.*\\)| \"$1\" -> \"\\1\"|"
echo ' edge [color=red,constraint=false]'
gn desc $BUILD_DIR $1 allow_circular_includes_from | grep -v '//:' | \
grep -v test | grep -v samples | grep -v matches | \
grep -v 'how to display' | sed "s|\\(.*\\)| \"\\1\" -> \"$1\"|"
TARGETS=`gn ls $BUILD_DIR | grep -v test | grep -v v8 | grep -v third_party | \
grep -v build | grep -v '//:'`
echo 'digraph FRED {'
echo ' node [shape=rectangle]'
for TARGET in $TARGETS; do
crunch $TARGET
echo '}'