blob: 4d9f272386a07f94e4121701c6e4d0f8c74ee18a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "xfa/fxfa/fm2js/cxfa_fmparser.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "core/fxcrt/autorestorer.h"
namespace {
constexpr unsigned int kMaxParseDepth = 1250;
constexpr unsigned int kMaxPostExpressions = 256;
constexpr unsigned int kMaxExpressionListSize = 10000;
} // namespace
CXFA_FMParser::CXFA_FMParser(cppgc::Heap* pHeap, CXFA_FMLexer* pLexer)
: m_heap(pHeap), m_lexer(pLexer), m_max_parse_depth(kMaxParseDepth) {}
CXFA_FMParser::~CXFA_FMParser() = default;
CXFA_FMAST* CXFA_FMParser::Parse() {
m_token = m_lexer->NextToken();
if (HasError())
return nullptr;
auto expressions = ParseExpressionList();
if (HasError())
return nullptr;
// We failed to parse all of the input so something has gone wrong.
if (!m_lexer->IsComplete())
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMAST>(m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(),
bool CXFA_FMParser::NextToken() {
if (HasError())
return false;
m_token = m_lexer->NextToken();
while (!HasError() && m_token.m_type == TOKreserver)
m_token = m_lexer->NextToken();
return !HasError();
bool CXFA_FMParser::CheckThenNext(XFA_FM_TOKEN op) {
if (HasError())
return false;
if (m_token.m_type != op) {
m_error = true;
return false;
return NextToken();
bool CXFA_FMParser::IncrementParseDepthAndCheck() {
return ++m_parse_depth < m_max_parse_depth;
CXFA_FMParser::ParseExpressionList() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return std::vector<cppgc::Member<CXFA_FMExpression>>();
std::vector<cppgc::Member<CXFA_FMExpression>> expressions;
while (!HasError()) {
if (m_token.m_type == TOKeof || m_token.m_type == TOKendfunc ||
m_token.m_type == TOKendif || m_token.m_type == TOKelseif ||
m_token.m_type == TOKelse || m_token.m_type == TOKendwhile ||
m_token.m_type == TOKendfor || m_token.m_type == TOKend ||
m_token.m_type == TOKendfunc || m_token.m_type == TOKreserver) {
CXFA_FMExpression* expr =
m_token.m_type == TOKfunc ? ParseFunction() : ParseExpression();
if (!expr) {
m_error = true;
return std::vector<cppgc::Member<CXFA_FMExpression>>();
if (expressions.size() >= kMaxExpressionListSize) {
m_error = true;
return std::vector<cppgc::Member<CXFA_FMExpression>>();
return expressions;
// Func := 'func' Identifier '(' ParameterList ')' do ExpressionList 'endfunc'
// ParamterList := (Not actually defined in the grammar) .....
// (Identifier (',' Identifier)*)?
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseFunction() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKfunc))
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKidentifier)
return nullptr;
WideString ident(m_token.m_string);
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKlparen))
return nullptr;
std::vector<WideString> arguments;
bool last_was_comma = false;
while (1) {
if (m_token.m_type == TOKrparen)
if (m_token.m_type != TOKidentifier)
return nullptr;
last_was_comma = false;
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKcomma)
last_was_comma = true;
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (last_was_comma || !CheckThenNext(TOKrparen))
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKdo))
return nullptr;
std::vector<cppgc::Member<CXFA_FMExpression>> expressions;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKendfunc)
expressions = ParseExpressionList();
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKendfunc))
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMFunctionDefinition>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), std::move(ident), std::move(arguments),
// Expression := IfExpression | WhileExpression | ForExpression |
// ForEachExpression | AssignmentExpression |
// DeclarationExpression | SimpleExpression
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMExpression* expr = nullptr;
switch (m_token.m_type) {
case TOKvar:
expr = ParseDeclarationExpression();
case TOKnull:
case TOKnumber:
case TOKstring:
case TOKplus:
case TOKminus:
case TOKksnot:
case TOKidentifier:
case TOKlparen:
expr = ParseExpExpression();
case TOKif:
expr = ParseIfExpression();
case TOKwhile:
expr = ParseWhileExpression();
case TOKfor:
expr = ParseForExpression();
case TOKforeach:
expr = ParseForeachExpression();
case TOKdo:
expr = ParseDoExpression();
case TOKbreak:
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMBreakExpression>(
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
case TOKcontinue:
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMContinueExpression>(
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
return expr;
// Declaration := 'var' Variable | 'var' Variable '=' SimpleExpression |
// 'Func' Identifier '(' ParameterList ')' do ExpressionList 'EndFunc'
// TODO(dsinclair): We appear to be handling the 'func' case elsewhere.
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseDeclarationExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
if (!NextToken() || m_token.m_type != TOKidentifier)
return nullptr;
WideString ident(m_token.m_string);
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* expr = nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type == TOKassign) {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
expr = ParseSimpleExpression();
if (!expr)
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMVarExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), std::move(ident), expr);
// SimpleExpression := LogicalOrExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseSimpleExpression() {
if (HasError())
return nullptr;
return ParseLogicalOrExpression();
// Exp := SimpleExpression ( '=' SimpleExpression )?
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseExpExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* pExp1 = ParseSimpleExpression();
if (!pExp1)
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type == TOKassign) {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* pExp2 = ParseSimpleExpression();
if (!pExp2)
return nullptr;
pExp1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMAssignExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKassign, pExp1, pExp2);
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMExpExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), pExp1);
// LogicalOr := LogicalAndExpression |
// LogicalOrExpression LogicalOrOperator LogicalAndExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseLogicalOrExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e1 = ParseLogicalAndExpression();
if (!e1)
return nullptr;
while (1) {
if (!IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
switch (m_token.m_type) {
case TOKor:
case TOKksor: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseLogicalAndExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMLogicalOrExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKor, e1, e2);
return e1;
// LogicalAnd := EqualityExpression |
// LogicalAndExpression LogicalAndOperator EqualityExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseLogicalAndExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e1 = ParseEqualityExpression();
if (!e1)
return nullptr;
while (1) {
if (!IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
switch (m_token.m_type) {
case TOKand:
case TOKksand: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseEqualityExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMLogicalAndExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKand, e1, e2);
return e1;
// Equality := RelationExpression |
// EqualityExpression EqulaityOperator RelationalExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseEqualityExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e1 = ParseRelationalExpression();
if (!e1)
return nullptr;
while (1) {
if (!IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
switch (m_token.m_type) {
case TOKeq:
case TOKkseq: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseRelationalExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMEqualExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKeq, e1, e2);
case TOKne:
case TOKksne: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseRelationalExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMNotEqualExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKne, e1, e2);
return e1;
// Relational := AdditiveExpression |
// RelationalExpression RelationalOperator AdditiveExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseRelationalExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e1 = ParseAdditiveExpression();
if (!e1)
return nullptr;
while (1) {
if (!IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
switch (m_token.m_type) {
case TOKlt:
case TOKkslt: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseAdditiveExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMLtExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKlt, e1, e2);
case TOKgt:
case TOKksgt: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseAdditiveExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMGtExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKgt, e1, e2);
case TOKle:
case TOKksle: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseAdditiveExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMLeExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKle, e1, e2);
case TOKge:
case TOKksge: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseAdditiveExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMGeExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKge, e1, e2);
return e1;
// Additive := MultiplicativeExpression |
// AdditiveExpression AdditiveOperator MultiplicativeExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseAdditiveExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e1 = ParseMultiplicativeExpression();
if (!e1)
return nullptr;
while (1) {
if (!IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
switch (m_token.m_type) {
case TOKplus: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseMultiplicativeExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMPlusExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKplus, e1, e2);
case TOKminus: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseMultiplicativeExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMMinusExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKminus, e1, e2);
return e1;
// Multiplicative := UnaryExpression |
// MultiplicateExpression MultiplicativeOperator UnaryExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseMultiplicativeExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e1 = ParseUnaryExpression();
if (!e1)
return nullptr;
while (1) {
if (!IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
switch (m_token.m_type) {
case TOKmul: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseUnaryExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMMulExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKmul, e1, e2);
case TOKdiv: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* e2 = ParseUnaryExpression();
if (!e2)
return nullptr;
e1 = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDivExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), TOKdiv, e1, e2);
return e1;
// Unary := PrimaryExpression | UnaryOperator UnaryExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseUnaryExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
switch (m_token.m_type) {
case TOKplus: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* expr = ParseUnaryExpression();
if (!expr)
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMPosExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr);
case TOKminus: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* expr = ParseUnaryExpression();
if (!expr)
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMNegExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr);
case TOKksnot: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* expr = ParseUnaryExpression();
if (!expr)
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMNotExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr);
return ParsePrimaryExpression();
// Primary := Literal | FunctionCall | Accessor ('.*' )? |
// '(' SimpleExpression ')'
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParsePrimaryExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* expr = ParseLiteral();
if (expr)
return NextToken() ? expr : nullptr;
switch (m_token.m_type) {
case TOKidentifier: {
WideString wsIdentifier(m_token.m_string);
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type == TOKlbracket) {
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseIndexExpression();
if (!s)
return nullptr;
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), nullptr, TOKdot,
std::move(wsIdentifier), s);
if (!expr)
return nullptr;
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
} else {
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMIdentifierExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), wsIdentifier);
case TOKlparen: {
expr = ParseParenExpression();
if (!expr)
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
return ParsePostExpression(expr);
// Literal := String | Number | Null
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseLiteral() {
switch (m_token.m_type) {
case TOKnumber:
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMNumberExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), WideString(m_token.m_string));
case TOKstring:
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMStringExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), WideString(m_token.m_string));
case TOKnull:
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMNullExpression>(
return nullptr;
// TODO(dsinclair): Make this match up to the grammar
// I believe this is parsing the accessor ( '.' | '..' | '.#' )
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParsePostExpression(
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* expr) {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
size_t expr_count = 0;
while (1) {
// Limit the number of expressions allowed in the post expression statement.
// If we don't do this then its possible to generate a stack overflow
// by having a very large number of things like .. expressions.
if (expr_count > kMaxPostExpressions)
return nullptr;
switch (m_token.m_type) {
case TOKlparen: {
expressions = ParseArgumentList();
if (!expressions.has_value())
return nullptr;
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMCallExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr, std::move(expressions.value()),
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKlbracket)
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseIndexExpression();
if (!s)
return nullptr;
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr, TOKcall, WideString(), s);
case TOKdot: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKidentifier)
return nullptr;
WideString tempStr(m_token.m_string);
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type == TOKlparen) {
expressions = ParseArgumentList();
if (!expressions.has_value())
return nullptr;
auto* pIdentifier =
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), std::move(tempStr));
auto* pExpCall = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMCallExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), pIdentifier,
std::move(expressions.value()), true);
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMMethodCallExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr, pExpCall);
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKlbracket)
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseIndexExpression();
if (!s)
return nullptr;
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr, TOKcall, WideString(), s);
} else if (m_token.m_type == TOKlbracket) {
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseIndexExpression();
if (!s)
return nullptr;
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr, TOKdot, std::move(tempStr),
} else {
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s =
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), ACCESSOR_NO_INDEX, nullptr,
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr, TOKdot, std::move(tempStr),
case TOKdotdot: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKidentifier)
return nullptr;
WideString tempStr(m_token.m_string);
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type == TOKlbracket) {
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseIndexExpression();
if (!s)
return nullptr;
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDotDotAccessorExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr, TOKdotdot,
std::move(tempStr), s);
} else {
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s =
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), ACCESSOR_NO_INDEX, nullptr,
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDotDotAccessorExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr, TOKdotdot,
std::move(tempStr), s);
case TOKdotscream: {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKidentifier)
return nullptr;
WideString tempStr(m_token.m_string);
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKlbracket) {
auto* s = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMIndexExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), ACCESSOR_NO_INDEX, nullptr, false);
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr, TOKdotscream,
std::move(tempStr), s);
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseIndexExpression();
if (!s)
return nullptr;
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr, TOKdotscream,
std::move(tempStr), s);
case TOKdotstar: {
auto* s = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMIndexExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), ACCESSOR_NO_INDEX, nullptr, false);
expr = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDotAccessorExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), expr, TOKdotstar, L"*", s);
return expr;
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
return expr;
// Argument lists are zero or more comma seperated simple expressions found
// between '(' and ')'
CXFA_FMParser::ParseArgumentList() {
if (m_token.m_type != TOKlparen || !NextToken())
return pdfium::nullopt;
std::vector<cppgc::Member<CXFA_FMSimpleExpression>> expressions;
bool first_arg = true;
while (m_token.m_type != TOKrparen) {
if (first_arg) {
first_arg = false;
} else {
if (m_token.m_type != TOKcomma || !NextToken())
return pdfium::nullopt;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* exp = ParseSimpleExpression();
if (!exp)
return pdfium::nullopt;
if (expressions.size() > kMaxPostExpressions)
return pdfium::nullopt;
return expressions;
// Index := '[' ('*' | '+' SimpleExpression | '-' SimpleExpression) ']'
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseIndexExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKlbracket))
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type == TOKmul) {
auto* pExp = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMIndexExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), ACCESSOR_NO_RELATIVEINDEX, nullptr,
if (!pExp || !NextToken())
return nullptr;
// TODO(dsinclair): This should CheckThenNext(TOKrbracket) but need to clean
// up the callsites.
if (m_token.m_type != TOKrbracket)
return nullptr;
return pExp;
XFA_FM_AccessorIndex accessorIndex = ACCESSOR_NO_RELATIVEINDEX;
if (m_token.m_type == TOKplus) {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
} else if (m_token.m_type == TOKminus) {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseSimpleExpression();
if (!s)
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKrbracket)
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMIndexExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), accessorIndex, s, false);
// Paren := '(' SimpleExpression ')'
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseParenExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKlparen))
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type == TOKrparen)
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* pExp1 = ParseSimpleExpression();
if (!pExp1)
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKrparen))
return nullptr;
return pExp1;
// If := 'if' '(' SimpleExpression ')' 'then' ExpressionList
// ('elseif' '(' SimpleExpression ')' 'then' ExpressionList)*
// ('else' ExpressionList)?
// 'endif'
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseIfExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKif))
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* pCondition = ParseParenExpression();
if (!pCondition)
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKthen))
return nullptr;
auto* pIfExpressions = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMBlockExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), ParseExpressionList());
std::vector<cppgc::Member<CXFA_FMIfExpression>> pElseIfExpressions;
while (m_token.m_type == TOKelseif) {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
auto* elseIfCondition = ParseParenExpression();
if (!elseIfCondition)
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKthen))
return nullptr;
auto elseIfExprs = ParseExpressionList();
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), elseIfCondition,
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), std::move(elseIfExprs)),
std::vector<cppgc::Member<CXFA_FMIfExpression>>(), nullptr));
CXFA_FMExpression* pElseExpression = nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type == TOKelse) {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
pElseExpression = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMBlockExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), ParseExpressionList());
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKendif))
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMIfExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), pCondition, pIfExpressions,
std::move(pElseIfExpressions), pElseExpression);
// While := 'while' '(' SimpleExpression ')' 'do' ExpressionList 'endwhile'
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseWhileExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKwhile))
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* pCondition = ParseParenExpression();
if (!pCondition || !CheckThenNext(TOKdo))
return nullptr;
auto exprs = ParseExpressionList();
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKendwhile))
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMWhileExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), pCondition,
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), std::move(exprs)));
// For := 'for' Assignment 'upto' Accessor ('step' SimpleExpression)?
// 'do' ExpressionList 'endfor' |
// 'for' Assignment 'downto' Accessor ('step' SimpleExpression)?
// 'do' ExpressionList 'endfor'
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseForExpression() {
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKfor))
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKidentifier)
return nullptr;
WideString wsVariant(m_token.m_string);
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKassign))
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* pAssignment = ParseSimpleExpression();
if (!pAssignment)
return nullptr;
int32_t iDirection = 0;
if (m_token.m_type == TOKupto)
iDirection = 1;
else if (m_token.m_type == TOKdownto)
iDirection = -1;
return nullptr;
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* pAccessor = ParseSimpleExpression();
if (!pAccessor)
return nullptr;
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* pStep = nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type == TOKstep) {
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
pStep = ParseSimpleExpression();
if (!pStep)
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKdo))
return nullptr;
auto exprs = ParseExpressionList();
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKendfor))
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMForExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), wsVariant, pAssignment, pAccessor,
iDirection, pStep,
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), std::move(exprs)));
// Foreach := 'foreach' Identifier 'in' '(' ArgumentList ')'
// 'do' ExpressionList 'endfor'
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseForeachExpression() {
if (m_token.m_type != TOKforeach)
return nullptr;
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKforeach))
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKidentifier)
return nullptr;
WideString wsIdentifier(m_token.m_string);
if (!NextToken() || !CheckThenNext(TOKin) || !CheckThenNext(TOKlparen))
return nullptr;
std::vector<cppgc::Member<CXFA_FMSimpleExpression>> pArgumentList;
while (m_token.m_type != TOKrparen) {
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* s = ParseSimpleExpression();
if (!s)
return nullptr;
if (m_token.m_type != TOKcomma)
if (!NextToken())
return nullptr;
// We must have arguments.
if (pArgumentList.empty())
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKrparen))
return nullptr;
auto exprs = ParseExpressionList();
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKendfor))
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMForeachExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), std::move(wsIdentifier),
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), std::move(exprs)));
// Block := 'do' ExpressionList 'end'
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseDoExpression() {
if (m_token.m_type != TOKdo)
return nullptr;
AutoRestorer<unsigned long> restorer(&m_parse_depth);
if (HasError() || !IncrementParseDepthAndCheck())
return nullptr;
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKdo))
return nullptr;
auto exprs = ParseExpressionList();
if (!CheckThenNext(TOKend))
return nullptr;
return cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CXFA_FMDoExpression>(
m_heap->GetAllocationHandle(), std::move(exprs)));
bool CXFA_FMParser::HasError() const {
return m_error || m_token.m_type == TOKreserver;