| // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_widgettp.h" |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "xfa/fde/cfde_textout.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/font/cfgas_gefont.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/graphics/cfgas_gecolor.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/graphics/cfgas_gepath.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_themebackground.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_themepart.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_themetext.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_widget.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_widgetmgr.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/ifwl_themeprovider.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_fontmanager.h" |
| |
| CFWL_WidgetTP::CFWL_WidgetTP() = default; |
| |
| CFWL_WidgetTP::~CFWL_WidgetTP() = default; |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::Trace(cppgc::Visitor* visitor) const {} |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawBackground(const CFWL_ThemeBackground& pParams) {} |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawText(const CFWL_ThemeText& pParams) { |
| EnsureTTOInitialized(); |
| int32_t iLen = pParams.m_wsText.GetLength(); |
| if (iLen <= 0) |
| return; |
| |
| CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics = pParams.GetGraphics(); |
| m_pTextOut->SetStyles(pParams.m_dwTTOStyles); |
| m_pTextOut->SetAlignment(pParams.m_iTTOAlign); |
| |
| CFX_Matrix matrix = pParams.m_matrix; |
| matrix.Concat(*pGraphics->GetMatrix()); |
| m_pTextOut->SetMatrix(matrix); |
| m_pTextOut->DrawLogicText(pGraphics->GetRenderDevice(), |
| WideStringView(pParams.m_wsText.c_str(), iLen), |
| pParams.m_PartRect); |
| } |
| |
| const RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont>& CFWL_WidgetTP::GetFont() const { |
| return m_pFGASFont; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::InitializeArrowColorData() { |
| if (m_pColorData) |
| return; |
| |
| m_pColorData = std::make_unique<CColorData>(); |
| m_pColorData->clrBorder[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 202, 216, 249); |
| m_pColorData->clrBorder[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 171, 190, 233); |
| m_pColorData->clrBorder[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 135, 147, 219); |
| m_pColorData->clrBorder[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 172, 168, 153); |
| m_pColorData->clrStart[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 225, 234, 254); |
| m_pColorData->clrStart[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 253, 255, 255); |
| m_pColorData->clrStart[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 110, 142, 241); |
| m_pColorData->clrStart[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 254, 254, 251); |
| m_pColorData->clrEnd[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 175, 204, 251); |
| m_pColorData->clrEnd[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 185, 218, 251); |
| m_pColorData->clrEnd[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 210, 222, 235); |
| m_pColorData->clrEnd[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 243, 241, 236); |
| m_pColorData->clrSign[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 77, 97, 133); |
| m_pColorData->clrSign[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 77, 97, 133); |
| m_pColorData->clrSign[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 77, 97, 133); |
| m_pColorData->clrSign[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 128, 128, 128); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::EnsureTTOInitialized() { |
| if (m_pTextOut) |
| return; |
| |
| m_pFGASFont = CFWL_FontManager::GetInstance()->FindFont(L"Helvetica", 0, 0); |
| m_pTextOut = std::make_unique<CFDE_TextOut>(); |
| m_pTextOut->SetFont(m_pFGASFont); |
| m_pTextOut->SetFontSize(FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_FontSize); |
| m_pTextOut->SetTextColor(FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_TextColor); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawBorder(CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_RectF& rect, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| if (!pGraphics) |
| return; |
| |
| CFGAS_GEPath path; |
| path.AddRectangle(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height); |
| path.AddRectangle(rect.left + 1, rect.top + 1, rect.width - 2, |
| rect.height - 2); |
| pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); |
| pGraphics->SetFillColor(CFGAS_GEColor(ArgbEncode(255, 0, 0, 0))); |
| pGraphics->FillPath(path, CFX_FillRenderOptions::FillType::kEvenOdd, matrix); |
| pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::FillBackground(CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_RectF& rect, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| FillSolidRect(pGraphics, FWLTHEME_COLOR_Background, rect, matrix); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::FillSolidRect(CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics, |
| FX_ARGB fillColor, |
| const CFX_RectF& rect, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| if (!pGraphics) |
| return; |
| |
| CFGAS_GEPath path; |
| path.AddRectangle(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height); |
| pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); |
| pGraphics->SetFillColor(CFGAS_GEColor(fillColor)); |
| pGraphics->FillPath(path, CFX_FillRenderOptions::FillType::kWinding, matrix); |
| pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawFocus(CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_RectF& rect, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| if (!pGraphics) |
| return; |
| |
| CFGAS_GEPath path; |
| path.AddRectangle(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height); |
| pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); |
| pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(CFGAS_GEColor(0xFF000000)); |
| static constexpr float kDashPattern[2] = {1, 1}; |
| pGraphics->SetLineDash(0.0f, kDashPattern); |
| pGraphics->StrokePath(path, matrix); |
| pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawArrow(CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_RectF& rect, |
| FX_ARGB argSign, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| bool bVert = |
| float fLeft = ((rect.width - (bVert ? 9 : 6)) / 2 + rect.left) + 0.5f; |
| float fTop = ((rect.height - (bVert ? 6 : 9)) / 2 + rect.top) + 0.5f; |
| CFGAS_GEPath path; |
| switch (eDict) { |
| path.MoveTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fTop + 1)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop + 5)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 8, fTop + 1)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 7, fTop)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop + 3)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 1, fTop)); |
| break; |
| } |
| path.MoveTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fTop + 4)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 8, fTop + 4)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 7, fTop + 5)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop + 2)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 1, fTop + 5)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Right: { |
| path.MoveTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 1, fTop)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 5, fTop + 4)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 1, fTop + 8)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fTop + 7)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 3, fTop + 4)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fTop + 1)); |
| break; |
| } |
| path.MoveTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fTop + 4)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 5, fTop + 1)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 2, fTop + 4)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 5, fTop + 7)); |
| path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop + 8)); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| pGraphics->SetFillColor(CFGAS_GEColor(argSign)); |
| pGraphics->FillPath(path, CFX_FillRenderOptions::FillType::kWinding, matrix); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawBtn(CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_RectF& rect, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| InitializeArrowColorData(); |
| FillSolidRect(pGraphics, m_pColorData->clrEnd[eState - 1], rect, matrix); |
| |
| CFGAS_GEPath path; |
| path.AddRectangle(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height); |
| pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(CFGAS_GEColor(m_pColorData->clrBorder[eState - 1])); |
| pGraphics->StrokePath(path, matrix); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawArrowBtn(CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_RectF& rect, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| DrawBtn(pGraphics, rect, eState, matrix); |
| InitializeArrowColorData(); |
| DrawArrow(pGraphics, rect, eDict, m_pColorData->clrSign[eState - 1], matrix); |
| } |