blob: 5789b09fb6eee06c437c35d029ee4ed614b94112 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fxcrt/css/cfx_cssdata.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "core/fxcrt/css/cfx_cssstyleselector.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/css/cfx_cssvaluelistparser.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h"
namespace {
#undef CSS_PROP____
#define CSS_PROP____(a, b, c, d) {CFX_CSSProperty::a, c, d},
const CFX_CSSData::Property propertyTable[] = {
#include "core/fxcrt/css/"
#undef CSS_PROP____
#undef CSS_PROP_VALUE____
#define CSS_PROP_VALUE____(a, b, c) {CFX_CSSPropertyValue::a, c},
const CFX_CSSData::PropertyValue propertyValueTable[] = {
#include "core/fxcrt/css/"
#undef CSS_PROP_VALUE____
const CFX_CSSData::LengthUnit lengthUnitTable[] = {
{L"cm", CFX_CSSNumberValue::Unit::kCentiMeters},
{L"em", CFX_CSSNumberValue::Unit::kEMS},
{L"ex", CFX_CSSNumberValue::Unit::kEXS},
{L"in", CFX_CSSNumberValue::Unit::kInches},
{L"mm", CFX_CSSNumberValue::Unit::kMilliMeters},
{L"pc", CFX_CSSNumberValue::Unit::kPicas},
{L"pt", CFX_CSSNumberValue::Unit::kPoints},
{L"px", CFX_CSSNumberValue::Unit::kPixels},
// 16 colours from CSS 2.0 + alternate spelling of grey/gray.
const CFX_CSSData::Color colorTable[] = {
{L"aqua", 0xff00ffff}, {L"black", 0xff000000}, {L"blue", 0xff0000ff},
{L"fuchsia", 0xffff00ff}, {L"gray", 0xff808080}, {L"green", 0xff008000},
{L"grey", 0xff808080}, {L"lime", 0xff00ff00}, {L"maroon", 0xff800000},
{L"navy", 0xff000080}, {L"olive", 0xff808000}, {L"orange", 0xffffa500},
{L"purple", 0xff800080}, {L"red", 0xffff0000}, {L"silver", 0xffc0c0c0},
{L"teal", 0xff008080}, {L"white", 0xffffffff}, {L"yellow", 0xffffff00},
} // namespace
const CFX_CSSData::Property* CFX_CSSData::GetPropertyByName(
WideStringView name) {
if (name.IsEmpty())
return nullptr;
uint32_t hash = FX_HashCode_GetLoweredW(name);
auto* result =
std::lower_bound(std::begin(propertyTable), std::end(propertyTable), hash,
[](const CFX_CSSData::Property& iter,
const uint32_t& hash) { return iter.dwHash < hash; });
if (result != std::end(propertyTable) && result->dwHash == hash)
return result;
return nullptr;
const CFX_CSSData::Property* CFX_CSSData::GetPropertyByEnum(
CFX_CSSProperty property) {
return &propertyTable[static_cast<uint8_t>(property)];
const CFX_CSSData::PropertyValue* CFX_CSSData::GetPropertyValueByName(
WideStringView wsName) {
if (wsName.IsEmpty())
return nullptr;
uint32_t hash = FX_HashCode_GetLoweredW(wsName);
auto* result = std::lower_bound(
std::begin(propertyValueTable), std::end(propertyValueTable), hash,
[](const PropertyValue& iter, const uint32_t& hash) {
return iter.dwHash < hash;
if (result != std::end(propertyValueTable) && result->dwHash == hash)
return result;
return nullptr;
const CFX_CSSData::LengthUnit* CFX_CSSData::GetLengthUnitByName(
WideStringView wsName) {
if (wsName.IsEmpty() || wsName.GetLength() != 2)
return nullptr;
WideString lowerName = WideString(wsName);
for (auto* iter = std::begin(lengthUnitTable);
iter != std::end(lengthUnitTable); ++iter) {
if (lowerName == iter->value)
return iter;
return nullptr;
const CFX_CSSData::Color* CFX_CSSData::GetColorByName(WideStringView wsName) {
if (wsName.IsEmpty())
return nullptr;
WideString lowerName = WideString(wsName);
for (auto* iter = std::begin(colorTable); iter != std::end(colorTable);
++iter) {
if (lowerName == iter->name)
return iter;
return nullptr;