blob: c34fa379e76692b071b771c74ec93a12ac4b4d7e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fxge/win32/cwin32_platform.h"
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_folderfontinfo.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h"
#include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "third_party/base/win/scoped_select_object.h"
#include "third_party/base/win/win_util.h"
namespace {
using ScopedSelectObject = pdfium::base::win::ScopedSelectObject;
struct Variant {
const char* m_pFaceName;
const char* m_pVariantName; // Note: UTF-16LE terminator required.
constexpr Variant kVariantNames[] = {
{"DFKai-SB", "\x19\x6A\x77\x69\xD4\x9A\x00\x00"},
struct Substs {
const char* m_pName;
const char* m_pWinName;
bool m_bBold;
bool m_bItalic;
constexpr Substs kBase14Substs[] = {
{"Courier", "Courier New", false, false},
{"Courier-Bold", "Courier New", true, false},
{"Courier-BoldOblique", "Courier New", true, true},
{"Courier-Oblique", "Courier New", false, true},
{"Helvetica", "Arial", false, false},
{"Helvetica-Bold", "Arial", true, false},
{"Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Arial", true, true},
{"Helvetica-Oblique", "Arial", false, true},
{"Times-Roman", "Times New Roman", false, false},
{"Times-Bold", "Times New Roman", true, false},
{"Times-BoldItalic", "Times New Roman", true, true},
{"Times-Italic", "Times New Roman", false, true},
struct FontNameMap {
const char* m_pSubFontName;
const char* m_pSrcFontName;
constexpr FontNameMap kJpFontNameMap[] = {
{"MS Mincho", "Heiseimin-W3"},
{"MS Gothic", "Jun101-Light"},
bool GetSubFontName(ByteString* name) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(kJpFontNameMap); ++i) {
if (!FXSYS_stricmp(name->c_str(), kJpFontNameMap[i].m_pSrcFontName)) {
*name = kJpFontNameMap[i].m_pSubFontName;
return true;
return false;
class CFX_Win32FallbackFontInfo final : public CFX_FolderFontInfo {
CFX_Win32FallbackFontInfo() = default;
~CFX_Win32FallbackFontInfo() override = default;
// CFX_FolderFontInfo:
void* MapFont(int weight,
bool bItalic,
FX_Charset charset,
int pitch_family,
const ByteString& face) override;
class CFX_Win32FontInfo final : public SystemFontInfoIface {
~CFX_Win32FontInfo() override;
// SystemFontInfoIface:
bool EnumFontList(CFX_FontMapper* pMapper) override;
void* MapFont(int weight,
bool bItalic,
FX_Charset charset,
int pitch_family,
const ByteString& face) override;
void* GetFont(const ByteString& face) override { return nullptr; }
size_t GetFontData(void* hFont,
uint32_t table,
pdfium::span<uint8_t> buffer) override;
bool GetFaceName(void* hFont, ByteString* name) override;
bool GetFontCharset(void* hFont, FX_Charset* charset) override;
void DeleteFont(void* hFont) override;
void AddInstalledFont(const LOGFONTA* plf, uint32_t font_type);
bool IsSupportedFont(const LOGFONTA* plf);
void GetGBPreference(ByteString& face, int weight, int pitch_family);
void GetJapanesePreference(ByteString& face, int weight, int pitch_family);
ByteString FindFont(const ByteString& name);
const HDC m_hDC;
UnownedPtr<CFX_FontMapper> m_pMapper;
ByteString m_LastFamily;
ByteString m_KaiTi;
ByteString m_FangSong;
int CALLBACK FontEnumProc(const LOGFONTA* plf,
const TEXTMETRICA* lpntme,
uint32_t font_type,
LPARAM lParam) {
CFX_Win32FontInfo* pFontInfo = reinterpret_cast<CFX_Win32FontInfo*>(lParam);
pFontInfo->AddInstalledFont(plf, font_type);
return 1;
CFX_Win32FontInfo::CFX_Win32FontInfo() : m_hDC(CreateCompatibleDC(nullptr)) {}
CFX_Win32FontInfo::~CFX_Win32FontInfo() {
bool CFX_Win32FontInfo::IsSupportedFont(const LOGFONTA* plf) {
HFONT hFont = CreateFontIndirectA(plf);
bool ret = false;
size_t font_size = GetFontData(hFont, 0, {});
if (font_size != GDI_ERROR && font_size >= sizeof(uint32_t)) {
uint32_t header;
auto span = pdfium::as_writable_bytes(pdfium::make_span(&header, 1));
GetFontData(hFont, 0, span);
header = FXSYS_UINT32_GET_MSBFIRST(span);
ret = header == FXBSTR_ID('O', 'T', 'T', 'O') ||
header == FXBSTR_ID('t', 't', 'c', 'f') ||
header == FXBSTR_ID('t', 'r', 'u', 'e') || header == 0x00010000 ||
header == 0x00020000 ||
(header & 0xFFFF0000) == FXBSTR_ID(0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00) ||
(header & 0xFFFF0000) == FXBSTR_ID('%', '!', 0, 0);
return ret;
void CFX_Win32FontInfo::AddInstalledFont(const LOGFONTA* plf,
uint32_t font_type) {
ByteString name(plf->lfFaceName);
if (name.GetLength() > 0 && name[0] == '@')
if (name == m_LastFamily) {
m_pMapper->AddInstalledFont(name, FX_GetCharsetFromInt(plf->lfCharSet));
if (!(font_type & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE)) {
if (!(font_type & DEVICE_FONTTYPE) || !IsSupportedFont(plf))
m_pMapper->AddInstalledFont(name, FX_GetCharsetFromInt(plf->lfCharSet));
m_LastFamily = name;
bool CFX_Win32FontInfo::EnumFontList(CFX_FontMapper* pMapper) {
m_pMapper = pMapper;
memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONTA));
lf.lfCharSet = static_cast<int>(FX_Charset::kDefault);
lf.lfFaceName[0] = 0;
lf.lfPitchAndFamily = 0;
EnumFontFamiliesExA(m_hDC, &lf, reinterpret_cast<FONTENUMPROCA>(FontEnumProc),
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this), 0);
return true;
ByteString CFX_Win32FontInfo::FindFont(const ByteString& name) {
if (!m_pMapper)
return name;
absl::optional<ByteString> maybe_installed =
if (maybe_installed.has_value())
return maybe_installed.value();
absl::optional<ByteString> maybe_localized =
if (maybe_localized.has_value())
return maybe_localized.value();
return ByteString();
void* CFX_Win32FallbackFontInfo::MapFont(int weight,
bool bItalic,
FX_Charset charset,
int pitch_family,
const ByteString& face) {
void* font = GetSubstFont(face);
if (font)
return font;
bool bCJK = true;
switch (charset) {
case FX_Charset::kShiftJIS:
case FX_Charset::kChineseSimplified:
case FX_Charset::kChineseTraditional:
case FX_Charset::kHangul:
bCJK = false;
return FindFont(weight, bItalic, charset, pitch_family, face, !bCJK);
void CFX_Win32FontInfo::GetGBPreference(ByteString& face,
int weight,
int pitch_family) {
if (face.Contains("KaiTi") || face.Contains("\xbf\xac")) {
if (m_KaiTi.IsEmpty()) {
m_KaiTi = FindFont("KaiTi");
if (m_KaiTi.IsEmpty()) {
m_KaiTi = "SimSun";
face = m_KaiTi;
} else if (face.Contains("FangSong") || face.Contains("\xb7\xc2\xcb\xce")) {
if (m_FangSong.IsEmpty()) {
m_FangSong = FindFont("FangSong");
if (m_FangSong.IsEmpty()) {
m_FangSong = "SimSun";
face = m_FangSong;
} else if (face.Contains("SimSun") || face.Contains("\xcb\xce")) {
face = "SimSun";
} else if (face.Contains("SimHei") || face.Contains("\xba\xda")) {
face = "SimHei";
} else if (!(pitch_family & FF_ROMAN) && weight > 550) {
face = "SimHei";
} else {
face = "SimSun";
void CFX_Win32FontInfo::GetJapanesePreference(ByteString& face,
int weight,
int pitch_family) {
if (face.Contains("Gothic") ||
face.Contains("\x83\x53\x83\x56\x83\x62\x83\x4e")) {
if (face.Contains("PGothic") ||
face.Contains("\x82\x6f\x83\x53\x83\x56\x83\x62\x83\x4e")) {
face = "MS PGothic";
} else if (face.Contains("UI Gothic")) {
face = "MS UI Gothic";
} else {
if (face.Contains("HGSGothicM") || face.Contains("HGMaruGothicMPRO")) {
face = "MS PGothic";
} else {
face = "MS Gothic";
if (face.Contains("Mincho") || face.Contains("\x96\xbe\x92\xa9")) {
if (face.Contains("PMincho") || face.Contains("\x82\x6f\x96\xbe\x92\xa9")) {
face = "MS PMincho";
} else {
face = "MS Mincho";
if (GetSubFontName(&face))
if (!(pitch_family & FF_ROMAN) && weight > 400) {
face = "MS PGothic";
} else {
face = "MS PMincho";
void* CFX_Win32FontInfo::MapFont(int weight,
bool bItalic,
FX_Charset charset,
int pitch_family,
const ByteString& face) {
ByteString new_face = face;
for (int iBaseFont = 0; iBaseFont < 12; iBaseFont++) {
if (new_face == ByteStringView(kBase14Substs[iBaseFont].m_pName)) {
new_face = kBase14Substs[iBaseFont].m_pWinName;
weight = kBase14Substs[iBaseFont].m_bBold ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
bItalic = kBase14Substs[iBaseFont].m_bItalic;
if (charset == FX_Charset::kANSI || charset == FX_Charset::kSymbol)
charset = FX_Charset::kDefault;
int subst_pitch_family = pitch_family;
switch (charset) {
case FX_Charset::kShiftJIS:
subst_pitch_family = FF_ROMAN;
case FX_Charset::kChineseTraditional:
case FX_Charset::kHangul:
case FX_Charset::kChineseSimplified:
subst_pitch_family = 0;
HFONT hFont = ::CreateFontA(-10, 0, 0, 0, weight, bItalic, 0, 0,
static_cast<int>(charset), OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS, 0,
0, subst_pitch_family, new_face.c_str());
char facebuf[100];
ScopedSelectObject select_object(m_hDC, hFont);
::GetTextFaceA(m_hDC, std::size(facebuf), facebuf);
if (new_face.EqualNoCase(facebuf))
return hFont;
WideString wsFace = WideString::FromDefANSI(facebuf);
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(kVariantNames); ++i) {
if (new_face != kVariantNames[i].m_pFaceName)
const unsigned short* pName = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(
size_t len = WideString::WStringLength(pName);
WideString wsName = WideString::FromUTF16LE(pName, len);
if (wsFace == wsName)
return hFont;
if (charset == FX_Charset::kDefault)
return nullptr;
switch (charset) {
case FX_Charset::kShiftJIS:
GetJapanesePreference(new_face, weight, pitch_family);
case FX_Charset::kChineseSimplified:
GetGBPreference(new_face, weight, pitch_family);
case FX_Charset::kHangul:
new_face = "Gulim";
case FX_Charset::kChineseTraditional:
if (new_face.Contains("MSung")) {
new_face = "MingLiU";
} else {
new_face = "PMingLiU";
hFont = ::CreateFontA(-10, 0, 0, 0, weight, bItalic, 0, 0,
static_cast<int>(charset), OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS, 0, 0,
subst_pitch_family, new_face.c_str());
return hFont;
void CFX_Win32FontInfo::DeleteFont(void* hFont) {
size_t CFX_Win32FontInfo::GetFontData(void* hFont,
uint32_t table,
pdfium::span<uint8_t> buffer) {
ScopedSelectObject select_object(m_hDC, static_cast<HFONT>(hFont));
table = FXSYS_UINT32_GET_MSBFIRST(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&table));
size_t size = ::GetFontData(m_hDC, table, 0,,
return size != GDI_ERROR ? size : 0;
bool CFX_Win32FontInfo::GetFaceName(void* hFont, ByteString* name) {
ScopedSelectObject select_object(m_hDC, static_cast<HFONT>(hFont));
char facebuf[100];
if (::GetTextFaceA(m_hDC, 100, facebuf) == 0)
return false;
*name = facebuf;
return true;
bool CFX_Win32FontInfo::GetFontCharset(void* hFont, FX_Charset* charset) {
ScopedSelectObject select_object(m_hDC, static_cast<HFONT>(hFont));
::GetTextMetrics(m_hDC, &tm);
*charset = FX_GetCharsetFromInt(tm.tmCharSet);
return true;
} // namespace
CWin32Platform::CWin32Platform() = default;
CWin32Platform::~CWin32Platform() = default;
void CWin32Platform::Init() {
if (pdfium::base::win::IsUser32AndGdi32Available())
CWin32Platform::CreateDefaultSystemFontInfo() {
auto** user_paths = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetUserFontPaths();
if (user_paths) {
auto font_info = std::make_unique<CFX_Win32FallbackFontInfo>();
for (; *user_paths; user_paths++)
return std::move(font_info);
if (pdfium::base::win::IsUser32AndGdi32Available())
return std::make_unique<CFX_Win32FontInfo>();
// Select the fallback font information class if GDI is disabled.
auto fallback_info = std::make_unique<CFX_Win32FallbackFontInfo>();
// Construct the font path manually, SHGetKnownFolderPath won't work under
// a restrictive sandbox.
CHAR windows_path[MAX_PATH] = {};
DWORD path_len = ::GetWindowsDirectoryA(windows_path, MAX_PATH);
if (path_len > 0 && path_len < MAX_PATH) {
ByteString fonts_path(windows_path);
fonts_path += "\\Fonts";
return fallback_info;
// static
CFX_GEModule::PlatformIface::Create() {
return std::make_unique<CWin32Platform>();