blob: 480da52d7a65538dee190e2a609215f9c424bb38 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include <memory>
#include "core/fxcrt/unowned_ptr.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/pwl/cpwl_wnd.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/pwl/ipwl_fillernotify.h"
class CPWL_Edit;
class CPWL_CBButton;
class CPWL_CBListBox;
class IPWL_FillerNotify;
class CPWL_ComboBox final : public CPWL_Wnd {
const CreateParams& cp,
std::unique_ptr<IPWL_FillerNotify::PerWindowData> pAttachedData);
~CPWL_ComboBox() override;
CPWL_Edit* GetEdit() const { return m_pEdit; }
// CPWL_Wnd:
void OnDestroy() override;
bool OnKeyDown(FWL_VKEYCODE nChar, Mask<FWL_EVENTFLAG> nFlag) override;
bool OnChar(uint16_t nChar, Mask<FWL_EVENTFLAG> nFlag) override;
void NotifyLButtonDown(CPWL_Wnd* child, const CFX_PointF& pos) override;
void NotifyLButtonUp(CPWL_Wnd* child, const CFX_PointF& pos) override;
void CreateChildWnd(const CreateParams& cp) override;
bool RePosChildWnd() override;
CFX_FloatRect GetFocusRect() const override;
void SetFocus() override;
void KillFocus() override;
WideString GetText() override;
WideString GetSelectedText() override;
void ReplaceSelection(const WideString& text) override;
bool SelectAllText() override;
bool CanUndo() override;
bool CanRedo() override;
bool Undo() override;
bool Redo() override;
void SetText(const WideString& text);
void AddString(const WideString& str);
int32_t GetSelect() const;
void SetSelect(int32_t nItemIndex);
void SetEditSelection(int32_t nStartChar, int32_t nEndChar);
void ClearSelection();
void SelectAll();
bool IsPopup() const;
void SetSelectText();
void CreateEdit(const CreateParams& cp);
void CreateButton(const CreateParams& cp);
void CreateListBox(const CreateParams& cp);
// Returns |true| iff this instance is still allocated.
bool SetPopup(bool bPopup);
UnownedPtr<CPWL_Edit> m_pEdit;
UnownedPtr<CPWL_CBButton> m_pButton;
UnownedPtr<CPWL_CBListBox> m_pList;
CFX_FloatRect m_rcOldWindow;
bool m_bPopup = false;
bool m_bBottom = true;
int32_t m_nSelectItem = -1;