blob: 27fb43fbbf68a88a84ae60cee51c7151f2c1ef15 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 The PDFium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
from PRESUBMIT_test_mocks import MockInputApi, MockOutputApi, MockFile
class BannedTypeCheckTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testBannedCppFunctions(self):
input_api = MockInputApi()
input_api.files = [
MockFile('some/cpp/problematic/', ['using namespace std;']),
['using namespace std;']),
MockFile('some/cpp/ok/', ['using std::string;']),
['using namespace std; // nocheck']),
[' // A comment about `using namespace std;`']),
MockFile('some/cpp/v8/', ['v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()']),
results = PRESUBMIT._CheckNoBannedFunctions(input_api, MockOutputApi())
# There are no warnings to test, so add an empty warning to keep the test
# extendable for the future. This block can be removed once warnings are
# added.
self.assertEqual(1, len(results))
results.insert(0, MockOutputApi().PresubmitPromptWarning(''))
# warnings are results[0], errors are results[1]
self.assertEqual(2, len(results))
self.assertTrue('some/cpp/problematic/' in results[1].message)
'third_party/some/cpp/problematic/' in results[1].message)
self.assertFalse('some/cpp/ok/' in results[1].message)
self.assertFalse('some/cpp/nocheck/' in results[0].message)
self.assertFalse('some/cpp/nocheck/' in results[1].message)
self.assertFalse('some/cpp/comment/' in results[0].message)
self.assertFalse('some/cpp/comment/' in results[1].message)
self.assertTrue('some/cpp/v8/' in results[1].message)
self.assertTrue('some/cpp/v8/' in results[1].message)
class CheckChangeOnUploadTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testCheckPNGFormat(self):
correct_paths = [
'', # Check will be skipped for non-PNG files
wrong_paths = [
'expected.pdf.0.png', # Missing '_expected'
'test1_expected.0.png', # Missing '.pdf'
'test2_expected.pdf.png', # Missing page number
'test3_expected.pdf.x.png', # Wrong character for page number
'test4_expected_mac_skia.pdf.0.png', # Wrong order of keywords
'test5_expected_useskia.pdf.0.png', # Wrong keyword
mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
mock_output_api = MockOutputApi()
mock_input_api.files = map(MockFile, correct_paths + wrong_paths)
errors = list(
map(str, PRESUBMIT._CheckPNGFormat(mock_input_api, mock_output_api)))
self.assertEqual(len(wrong_paths), len(errors))
self.assertFalse('' in errors[0])
for path, error in zip(wrong_paths, errors):
self.assertIn(path, error)
if __name__ == '__main__':