blob: 032d4a163156edaa99861b39ccdc688e2d0d3357 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/string_view_template.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/utf16.h"
#include "third_party/base/check_op.h"
namespace pdfium {
#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF16)
// A view over a UTF-16 `WideStringView` suitable for iterating by code point
// using a range-based `for` loop.
class CodePointView final {
class Iterator {
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const {
return current_ == other.current_;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
return current_ != other.current_;
Iterator& operator++() {
DCHECK_LT(current_, end_);
current_ += IsSupplementary(code_point_) ? 2 : 1;
code_point_ = Decode();
return *this;
char32_t operator*() const {
DCHECK_NE(kSentinel, code_point_);
return code_point_;
friend class CodePointView;
static constexpr char32_t kSentinel = -1;
Iterator(const wchar_t* begin, const wchar_t* end)
: current_(begin), end_(end), code_point_(Decode()) {}
char32_t Decode() {
if (current_ >= end_) {
return kSentinel;
char32_t code_point = *current_;
if (IsHighSurrogate(code_point)) {
const wchar_t* next = current_ + 1;
if (next < end_ && IsLowSurrogate(*next)) {
code_point = SurrogatePair(code_point, *next).ToCodePoint();
return code_point;
const wchar_t* current_;
const wchar_t* end_;
char32_t code_point_;
explicit CodePointView(WideStringView backing)
: begin_(backing.begin()), end_(backing.end()) {
DCHECK_LE(begin_, end_);
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(begin_, end_); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(end_, end_); }
// Note that a `WideStringView` member would make the constructor too complex.
const wchar_t* begin_;
const wchar_t* end_;
using CodePointView = WideStringView;
#endif // defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF16)
} // namespace pdfium