| // Copyright 2020 The PDFium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| #include "xfa/fwl/ifwl_themeprovider.h" |
| |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_widget.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_barcodetp.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_carettp.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_checkboxtp.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_comboboxtp.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_datetimepickertp.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_edittp.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_listboxtp.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_monthcalendartp.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_pictureboxtp.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_pushbuttontp.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_scrollbartp.h" |
| |
| namespace pdfium { |
| |
| IFWL_ThemeProvider::IFWL_ThemeProvider(cppgc::Heap* pHeap) |
| : m_pCheckBoxTP(cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_CheckBoxTP>( |
| pHeap->GetAllocationHandle())), |
| m_pListBoxTP(cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_ListBoxTP>( |
| pHeap->GetAllocationHandle())), |
| m_pPictureBoxTP(cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_PictureBoxTP>( |
| pHeap->GetAllocationHandle())), |
| m_pSrollBarTP(cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_ScrollBarTP>( |
| pHeap->GetAllocationHandle())), |
| m_pEditTP(cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_EditTP>( |
| pHeap->GetAllocationHandle())), |
| m_pComboBoxTP(cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_ComboBoxTP>( |
| pHeap->GetAllocationHandle())), |
| m_pMonthCalendarTP(cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_MonthCalendarTP>( |
| pHeap->GetAllocationHandle())), |
| m_pDateTimePickerTP(cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_DateTimePickerTP>( |
| pHeap->GetAllocationHandle())), |
| m_pPushButtonTP(cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_PushButtonTP>( |
| pHeap->GetAllocationHandle())), |
| m_pCaretTP(cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_CaretTP>( |
| pHeap->GetAllocationHandle())), |
| m_pBarcodeTP(cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_BarcodeTP>( |
| pHeap->GetAllocationHandle())) {} |
| |
| IFWL_ThemeProvider::~IFWL_ThemeProvider() = default; |
| |
| void IFWL_ThemeProvider::Trace(cppgc::Visitor* visitor) const { |
| visitor->Trace(m_pCheckBoxTP); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pListBoxTP); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pPictureBoxTP); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pSrollBarTP); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pEditTP); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pComboBoxTP); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pMonthCalendarTP); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pDateTimePickerTP); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pPushButtonTP); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pCaretTP); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pBarcodeTP); |
| } |
| |
| CFWL_WidgetTP* IFWL_ThemeProvider::GetTheme(const CFWL_Widget* pWidget) const { |
| switch (pWidget->GetClassID()) { |
| case FWL_Type::CheckBox: |
| return m_pCheckBoxTP; |
| case FWL_Type::ListBox: |
| return m_pListBoxTP; |
| case FWL_Type::PictureBox: |
| return m_pPictureBoxTP; |
| case FWL_Type::ScrollBar: |
| return m_pSrollBarTP; |
| case FWL_Type::Edit: |
| return m_pEditTP; |
| case FWL_Type::ComboBox: |
| return m_pComboBoxTP; |
| case FWL_Type::MonthCalendar: |
| return m_pMonthCalendarTP; |
| case FWL_Type::DateTimePicker: |
| return m_pDateTimePickerTP; |
| case FWL_Type::PushButton: |
| return m_pPushButtonTP; |
| case FWL_Type::Caret: |
| return m_pCaretTP; |
| case FWL_Type::Barcode: |
| return m_pBarcodeTP; |
| default: |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace pdfium |