blob: 642973f9284d1886c0af45d36d60e734e7e21d2b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fxcrt/unowned_ptr.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/widestring.h"
#include "fxjs/gc/heap.h"
#include "v8/include/cppgc/garbage-collected.h"
#include "v8/include/cppgc/member.h"
#include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_app.h"
class CXFA_FFDoc;
class CXFA_FWLAdapterWidgetMgr;
class CXFA_FontMgr;
class IFX_SeekableReadStream;
namespace pdfium {
class CXFA_FWLTheme;
} // namespace pdfium
class CXFA_FFApp final : public cppgc::GarbageCollected<CXFA_FFApp>,
public CFWL_App::AdapterIface {
class CallbackIface {
virtual ~CallbackIface() = default;
* Returns the language of the running host application. Such as zh_CN
virtual WideString GetLanguage() = 0;
* Returns the platform of the machine running the script. Such as WIN
virtual WideString GetPlatform() = 0;
* Get application name, such as Phantom.
virtual WideString GetAppName() = 0;
* Get application message box title.
virtual WideString GetAppTitle() const = 0;
* Causes the system to play a sound.
* @param[in] dwType The system code for the appropriate sound.0 (Error)1
* (Warning)2 (Question)3 (Status)4 (Default)
virtual void Beep(uint32_t dwType) = 0;
* Displays a message box.
* @param[in] wsMessage - Message string to display in box.
* @param[in] wsTitle - Title string for box.
* @param[in] dwIconType - Icon type, refer to XFA_MBICON.
* @param[in] dwButtonType - Button type, refer to XFA_MESSAGEBUTTON.
* @return A valid integer representing the value of the button pressed by
* the user, refer to XFA_ID.
virtual int32_t MsgBox(const WideString& wsMessage,
const WideString& wsTitle,
uint32_t dwIconType,
uint32_t dwButtonType) = 0;
* Get a response from the user.
* @param[in] wsQuestion - Message string to display in box.
* @param[in] wsTitle - Title string for box.
* @param[in] wsDefaultAnswer - Initial contents for answer.
* @param[in] bMask - Mask the user input with asterisks when
* true,
* @return A string containing the user's response.
virtual WideString Response(const WideString& wsQuestion,
const WideString& wsTitle,
const WideString& wsDefaultAnswer,
bool bMask) = 0;
* Download something from somewhere.
* @param[in] wsURL - http, ftp, such as
* "".
virtual RetainPtr<IFX_SeekableReadStream> DownloadURL(
const WideString& wsURL) = 0;
* POST data to the given url.
* @param[in] wsURL the URL being uploaded.
* @param[in] wsData the data being uploaded.
* @param[in] wsContentType the content type of data including text/html,
* text/xml, text/plain, multipart/form-data,
* application/x-www-form-urlencoded,
* application/octet-stream, any valid MIME type.
* @param[in] wsEncode the encode of data including UTF-8, UTF-16,
* ISO8859-1, any recognized [IANA]character encoding
* @param[in] wsHeader any additional HTTP headers to be included in
* the post.
* @param[out] wsResponse decoded response from server.
* @return true Server permitted the post request, false otherwise.
virtual bool PostRequestURL(const WideString& wsURL,
const WideString& wsData,
const WideString& wsContentType,
const WideString& wsEncode,
const WideString& wsHeader,
WideString& wsResponse) = 0;
* PUT data to the given url.
* @param[in] wsURL the URL being uploaded.
* @param[in] wsData the data being uploaded.
* @param[in] wsEncode the encode of data including UTF-8, UTF-16,
* ISO8859-1, any recognized [IANA]character encoding
* @return true Server permitted the post request, false otherwise.
virtual bool PutRequestURL(const WideString& wsURL,
const WideString& wsData,
const WideString& wsEncode) = 0;
virtual CFX_Timer::HandlerIface* GetTimerHandler() const = 0;
virtual cppgc::Heap* GetGCHeap() const = 0;
~CXFA_FFApp() override;
// CFWL_App::AdapterIface:
void Trace(cppgc::Visitor* visitor) const override;
CFWL_WidgetMgr::AdapterIface* GetWidgetMgrAdapter() override;
CFX_Timer::HandlerIface* GetTimerHandler() override;
pdfium::IFWL_ThemeProvider* GetThemeProvider() override;
cppgc::Heap* GetHeap() override;
bool LoadFWLTheme(CXFA_FFDoc* doc);
CFWL_WidgetMgr* GetFWLWidgetMgr() const { return m_pFWLApp->GetWidgetMgr(); }
CallbackIface* GetAppProvider() const { return m_pProvider; }
CFWL_App* GetFWLApp() const { return m_pFWLApp; }
CXFA_FontMgr* GetXFAFontMgr() const { return m_pXFAFontMgr; }
explicit CXFA_FFApp(CallbackIface* pProvider);
UnownedPtr<CallbackIface> const m_pProvider;
cppgc::Member<CXFA_FontMgr> m_pXFAFontMgr;
cppgc::Member<CXFA_FWLAdapterWidgetMgr> m_pAdapterWidgetMgr;
cppgc::Member<pdfium::CXFA_FWLTheme> m_pFWLTheme;
cppgc::Member<CFWL_App> m_pFWLApp;