blob: e179a2a7c2f5ca0b95cd50b4edf5eefe129052f5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
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/JS (
{{include expect.js}}
try {
app.alert("*** starting test ***");
expect("event.change", "");
expect("event.change = 'boo'", "boo");
expect("event.change", "boo");
expect("event.changeEx", "");
expectError("event.changeEx = 'boo'");
expect("event.commitKey", "");
expectError("event.commitKey = 'boo'");
// FieldFull applies to events named Keystroke only.
// TODO(tsepez): figure out a way to set event names for tests.
expectError("event.fieldFull = 'boo'");
expect("event.keyDown", "");
expectError("event.keyDown = 'boo'");
expect("event.modifier", "");
expectError("event.modifier = 'boo'");
expect("", "Format");
expectError(" = 'boo'");
expect("event.rc", false);
expect("event.rc = 'boo'", "boo");
expect("event.rc", true);
expect("event.rc = false", false);
// TODO(tsepez): is silently ignoring update correct here?
expect("event.richChange", undefined);
expect("event.richChange = 'boo'", "boo");
expect("event.richChange", undefined);
// TODO(tsepez): is silently ignoring update correct here?
expect("event.richChangeEx", undefined);
expect("event.richChangeEx = 'boo'", "boo");
expect("event.richChangeEx", undefined);
// TODO(tsepez): is silently ignoring update correct here?
expect("event.richValue", undefined);
expect("event.richValue = 'boo'", "boo");
expect("event.richValue", undefined);
// selEnd applies to events named Keystroke only.
// TODO(tsepez): figure out a way to set event names for tests.
expect("event.selEnd", undefined);
expect("event.selEnd = 'boo'", "boo");
expect("event.selEnd", undefined);
// selEnd applies to events named Keystroke only.
// TODO(tsepez): figure out a way to set event names for tests.
expect("event.selStart", undefined);
expect("event.selStart = 'boo'", "boo");
expect("event.selStart", undefined);
expect("event.shift", false);
expectError("event.shift = 'boo'");
// TODO(tsepez): dig deeper into object.
expect("event.source", "[object Object]");
expectError("event.source = 'boo'");
// TODO(tsepez): dig deeper into object.
expect("", "[object Object]");
expectError(" = 'boo'");
expect("event.targetName", "Text Box");
expectError("event.targetName = 'boo'");
expect("event.type", "Field");
expectError("event.type = 'boo'");
expect("event.value", "");
expect("event.value = 'boo'", "boo");
expect("event.value", "boo");
expect("event.value = ''", "");
expect("event.value", "");
expect("event.value = 0", 0);
expect("event.value", 0);
expect("event.value = 2", 2);
expect("event.value", 2);
expectError("event.value = true");
expectError("event.value = false");
expectError("event.value = undefined");
expectError("event.value = null");
expect("event.willCommit", true);
expectError("event.willCommit = 'boo'");
expect("event.willCommit", true);
app.alert("*** ending test ***");
} catch (e) {
app.alert("Truly unexpected error occured: " + e);
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