| {{header}} |
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| /JS ( |
| app.alert('Unexpected script 16'); |
| ) |
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| endobj |
| {{object 17 0}} << |
| /S /JavaScript |
| /JS ( |
| function expect(initial, expression, expected) { |
| try { |
| event.value = initial; |
| var actual = eval(expression); |
| if (actual == expected) { |
| app.alert('PASS: ' + expression + ' = ' + actual); |
| } else { |
| app.alert('FAIL: ' + expression + ' = ' + actual + ', expected ' + expected + " "); |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| app.alert('ERROR: ' + e); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function expectEventValue(initial, expression, expected) { |
| try { |
| event.value = initial; |
| eval(expression); |
| var actual = event.value; |
| if (actual == expected) { |
| app.alert('PASS: ' + expression + ' = ' + actual); |
| } else { |
| app.alert('FAIL: ' + expression + ' = ' + actual + ', expected ' + expected + " "); |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| app.alert('ERROR: ' + e); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function expectError(initial, expression) { |
| try { |
| event.value = initial; |
| var actual = eval(expression); |
| app.alert('FAIL: ' + expression + ' = ' + actual + ', expected to throw'); |
| } catch (e) { |
| app.alert('PASS: ' + expression + ' threw ' + e); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| app.alert("*** starting test 1 ***"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFDate_Format()"); |
| expectError('', "AFDate_Format(1, 2)"); |
| expectEventValue("GMT", "AFDate_Format(1)", "1/1/70"); |
| expectEventValue("PDT", "AFDate_Format(1)", "5/9/14"); |
| expectEventValue("GMT", "AFDate_Format('blooey')", "1/1"); |
| expectEventValue("PDT", "AFDate_Format('blooey')", "5/9"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFDate_FormatEx()"); |
| expectError('', "AFDate_FormatEx(1, 2)"); |
| expectEventValue("x", "AFDate_FormatEx(2)", "2"); |
| expectEventValue("x", "AFDate_FormatEx('blooey')", "blooey"); |
| expectEventValue("x", "AFDate_FormatEx('m/d')", "5/9"); |
| // TODO(crbug.com/572901): This is wrong. AFDate_FormatEx() should throw |
| // an error like Adobe Acrobat. |
| expectEventValue("12302015", "AFDate_FormatEx('mm/dd/yyyy')", "12/02/2015"); |
| expectEventValue("20122015", "AFDate_FormatEx('mm/dd/yyyy')", "05/09/2014"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFDate_Keystroke()"); |
| expectError('', "AFDate_Keystroke(1, 2)"); |
| expectEventValue("04/19", "AFDate_Keystroke(2)", "04/19"); |
| expectEventValue("04/19/15", "AFDate_Keystroke('blooey')", "04/19/15"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFDate_KeystrokeEx()"); |
| expectError('', "AFDate_KeystrokeEx(1, 2)"); |
| expectEventValue("x", "AFDate_KeystrokeEx(2)", "x"); |
| expectEventValue("x", "AFDate_KeystrokeEx('blooey')", "x"); |
| expectEventValue("x", "AFDate_KeystrokeEx('m/d')", "x"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFExtractNums()"); |
| expectError('', "AFExtractNums(1, 2)"); |
| expect('', "AFExtractNums('100 200')", "100,200"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFMakeNumber()"); |
| expectError('', "AFMakeNumber(1, 2)"); |
| expect('', "AFMakeNumber('2blooey')", 0); |
| expect('', "AFMakeNumber(1)", 1); |
| expect('', "AFMakeNumber('1.2')", 1.2); |
| expect('', "AFMakeNumber('1,2')", 1.2); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFMergeChange()"); |
| expectError('', "AFMergeChange(1, 2)"); |
| expect("one", "AFMergeChange(undefined)", "one"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFNumber_Format()"); |
| expectError('', "AFNumber_Format(0, 1, 0, 0, '', false, 42)"); |
| expectEventValue("blooey", "AFNumber_Format(0, 1, 0, 0, '', false)", 0); |
| expectEventValue(12, "AFNumber_Format(0, 1, 0, 0, '', false)", 12); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFNumber_Keystroke()"); |
| expectError('', "AFNumber_Keystroke(1)"); |
| expectError("abc", "AFNumber_Keystroke(1, 2)"); |
| expectEventValue("123", "AFNumber_Keystroke(1, 2)", "123"); |
| expectEventValue("123", "AFNumber_Keystroke(1, 2, 3)", "123"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFParseDateEx()"); |
| expectError('', "AFParseDateEx(1, 2, 3)"); |
| expect('', "AFParseDateEx(1, 2)", "1399672130000"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| // Requires at least 2 arguments. |
| expectError('', "AFPercent_Format()"); |
| expectError('', "AFPercent_Format(0)"); |
| |
| // Extra arguments are ignored. |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0, 0)", "-512.3%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0, 0, 0)", "-512.3%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)", "-512.3%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)", "-512.3%"); |
| |
| // There seems to be an extra bPercentPrepend parameter that may have been |
| // added in later versions. |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0, 0)", "-512.3%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0, 1)", "%-512.3"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0, 2)", "%-512.3"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(10, 0, 0)", "0.0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(10, 0, 1)", "%0.0000000000"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(10, 0, 2)", "%0.0000000000"); |
| |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 0, 0)", "98,765,432,100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 1, 0)", "98765432100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 2, 0)", "98.765.432.100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 0, 1)", "%98,765,432,100"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 1, 1)", "%98765432100"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 2, 1)", "%98.765.432.100"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 0, 2)", "%98,765,432,100"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 1, 2)", "%98765432100"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 2, 2)", "%98.765.432.100"); |
| |
| // InvalidArgsError |
| expectError(0, "AFPercent_Format(-3, 0)"); |
| expectError(0, "AFPercent_Format(-3, 1)"); |
| expectError(0, "AFPercent_Format(-1, 3)"); |
| expectError(0, "AFPercent_Format(0, -3)"); |
| expectError(0, "AFPercent_Format(0, -1)"); |
| expectError(0, "AFPercent_Format(0, 50)"); |
| expectError(0, "AFPercent_Format(0, 51)"); |
| |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(0, 0)", "0%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(0, 1)", "0%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(0, 2)", "0%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(0, 3)", "0%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(0, 4)", "0%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "0.0%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(1, 1)", "0.0%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(1, 2)", "0,0%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(1, 3)", "0,0%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(1, 4)", "0.0%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(2, 0)", "0.00%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(2, 1)", "0.00%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(2, 2)", "0,00%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(2, 3)", "0,00%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(2, 4)", "0.00%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(3, 0)", "0.000%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(3, 1)", "0.000%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(3, 2)", "0,000%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(3, 3)", "0,000%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(3, 4)", "0.000%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(10, 0)", "0.0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(10, 1)", "0.0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(10, 2)", "0,0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(10, 3)", "0,0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFPercent_Format(10, 4)", "0.0000000000%"); |
| |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(0, 0)", "0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(0, 1)", "0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(0, 2)", "0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(0, 3)", "0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(0, 4)", "0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "0.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(1, 1)", "0.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(1, 2)", "0,0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(1, 3)", "0,0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(1, 4)", "0.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(2, 0)", "0.00%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(2, 1)", "0.00%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(2, 2)", "0,00%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(2, 3)", "0,00%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(2, 4)", "0.00%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(3, 0)", "0.000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(3, 1)", "0.000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(3, 2)", "0,000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(3, 3)", "0,000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(3, 4)", "0.000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(10, 0)", "0.0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(10, 1)", "0.0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(10, 2)", "0,0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(10, 3)", "0,0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(10, 4)", "0.0000000000%"); |
| |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 0)", "-512%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 1)", "-512%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 2)", "-512%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 3)", "-512%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 4)", "-512%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "-512.3%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 1)", "-512.3%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 2)", "-512,3%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 3)", "-512,3%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 4)", "-512.3%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 0)", "-512.34%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 1)", "-512.34%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 2)", "-512,34%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 3)", "-512,34%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 4)", "-512.34%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 0)", "-512.340%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 1)", "-512.340%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 2)", "-512,340%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 3)", "-512,340%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 4)", "-512.340%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 0)", "-512.3400000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 1)", "-512.3400000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 2)", "-512,3400000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 3)", "-512,3400000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(-5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 4)", "-512.3400000000%"); |
| |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 0)", "512%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 1)", "512%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 2)", "512%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 3)", "512%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 4)", "512%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "512.3%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 1)", "512.3%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 2)", "512,3%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 3)", "512,3%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 4)", "512.3%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 0)", "512.34%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 1)", "512.34%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 2)", "512,34%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 3)", "512,34%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 4)", "512.34%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 0)", "512.340%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 1)", "512.340%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 2)", "512,340%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 3)", "512,340%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 4)", "512.340%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 0)", "512.3400000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 1)", "512.3400000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 2)", "512,3400000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 3)", "512,3400000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(5.1234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 4)", "512.3400000000%"); |
| |
| expectEventValue(12.3456, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "1,234.6%"); |
| expectEventValue(12.3456, "AFPercent_Format(4, 1)", "1234.5600%"); |
| |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(0, 0)", "1%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(0, 1)", "1%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(0, 2)", "1%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(0, 3)", "1%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(0, 4)", "1%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "1.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(1, 1)", "1.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(1, 2)", "1,0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(1, 3)", "1,0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(1, 4)", "1.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(2, 0)", "0.99%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(2, 1)", "0.99%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(2, 2)", "0,99%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(2, 3)", "0,99%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(2, 4)", "0.99%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(3, 0)", "0.988%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(3, 1)", "0.988%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(3, 2)", "0,988%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(3, 3)", "0,988%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(3, 4)", "0.988%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(10, 0)", "0.9876000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(10, 1)", "0.9876000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(10, 2)", "0,9876000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(10, 3)", "0,9876000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.009876, "AFPercent_Format(10, 4)", "0.9876000000%"); |
| |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 0)", "98,765,432,100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 1)", "98765432100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 2)", "98.765.432.100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 3)", "98765432100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(0, 4)", "98'765'432'100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "98,765,432,100.1%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 1)", "98765432100.1%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 2)", "98.765.432.100,1%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 3)", "98765432100,1%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(1, 4)", "98'765'432'100.1%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 0)", "98,765,432,100.12%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 1)", "98765432100.12%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 2)", "98.765.432.100,12%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 3)", "98765432100,12%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(2, 4)", "98'765'432'100.12%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 0)", "98,765,432,100.123%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 1)", "98765432100.123%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 2)", "98.765.432.100,123%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 3)", "98765432100,123%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(3, 4)", "98'765'432'100.123%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 0)", "98,765,432,100.1234130859%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 1)", "98765432100.1234130859%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 2)", "98.765.432.100,1234130859%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 3)", "98765432100,1234130859%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321.001234, "AFPercent_Format(10, 4)", "98'765'432'100.1234130859%"); |
| |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(0, 0)", "98,765,432,100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(0, 1)", "98765432100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(0, 2)", "98.765.432.100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(0, 3)", "98765432100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(0, 4)", "98'765'432'100%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "98,765,432,100.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(1, 1)", "98765432100.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(1, 2)", "98.765.432.100,0%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(1, 3)", "98765432100,0%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(1, 4)", "98'765'432'100.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(2, 0)", "98,765,432,100.00%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(2, 1)", "98765432100.00%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(2, 2)", "98.765.432.100,00%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(2, 3)", "98765432100,00%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(2, 4)", "98'765'432'100.00%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(3, 0)", "98,765,432,100.000%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(3, 1)", "98765432100.000%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(3, 2)", "98.765.432.100,000%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(3, 3)", "98765432100,000%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(3, 4)", "98'765'432'100.000%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(10, 0)", "98,765,432,100.0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(10, 1)", "98765432100.0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(10, 2)", "98.765.432.100,0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(10, 3)", "98765432100,0000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(987654321, "AFPercent_Format(10, 4)", "98'765'432'100.0000000000%"); |
| |
| expectEventValue(0.01, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "1.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.001, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "0.1%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.0001, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "0.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.00001, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "0.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.000001, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "0.0%"); |
| expectEventValue(0.000001, "AFPercent_Format(10, 2)", "0,0001000000%"); |
| |
| // Acrobat behaves strangely with smaller values. |
| // expectEventValue(0.0000001, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "-170.0%"); |
| // expectEventValue(0.00000001, "AFPercent_Format(1, 0)", "-180.0%"); |
| |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(20, 0)", "0.00000000000000000000%"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(308, 0)", "0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%"); |
| // Acrobat starts failing here. |
| // expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(309, 0)", "-1.#IND000...000%"); |
| |
| expectEventValue(0.000001, "AFPercent_Format(308, 0)", "0.00009999999999999999123964644631712417321978136897087097167968750000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%"); |
| // After 512, Acrobat probably ran out of buffer space. |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFPercent_Format(513, 0)", "%"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFPercent_Keystroke()"); |
| expectError('', "AFPercent_Keystroke(1)"); |
| expectError("abc", "AFPercent_Keystroke(1, 0)"); |
| expectEventValue(".123", "AFPercent_Keystroke(1, 0)", ".123"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFRange_Validate()", ''); |
| expectError('', "AFRange_Validate(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)", ''); |
| expectEventValue("1", "AFRange_Validate(true, 2, true, 4)", "1"); // Notifies "between". |
| expectEventValue("5", "AFRange_Validate(true, 2, true, 4)", "5"); // Notifies "between". |
| expectEventValue("1", "AFRange_Validate(true, 2, false, 4)", "1"); // Notifies "greater". |
| expectEventValue("5", "AFRange_Validate(false, 2, true, 4)", "5"); // Notifies "less". |
| expectEventValue("3", "AFRange_Validate(true, 2, true, 4)", "3"); // No notification. |
| expectEventValue("1", "AFRange_Validate(false, 2, true, 4)", "1"); // No notification. |
| expectEventValue("5", "AFRange_Validate(true, 2, false, 4)", "5"); // No notification. |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFSimple()", 2); |
| expectError('', "AFSimple(1, 2, 3, 4)"); |
| expectError('', "AFSimple(1, 2, 3)"); |
| expectError('', "AFSimple('nonesuch', 2, 3)"); |
| expect('', "AFSimple('AVG', 2, 3)", 2.5); |
| expect('', "AFSimple('MIN', 2, 3)", 2); |
| expect('', "AFSimple('MAX', 2, 3)", 3); |
| expect('', "AFSimple('SUM', 2, 3)", 5); |
| expect('', "AFSimple('PRD', 2, 3)", 6); |
| expectError('', "AFSimple('AVG', 2, 'nonesuch')"); |
| expectError('', "AFSimple('MIN', 2, 'nonesuch')"); |
| expectError('', "AFSimple('MAX', 2, 'nonesuch')"); |
| expectError('', "AFSimple('SUM', 2, 'nonesuch')"); |
| expectError('', "AFSimple('PRD', 2, 'nonesuch')"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| // These two should throw "TypeError", not "AFSimple_Calculate". |
| // https://crbug.com/pdfium/1396 |
| expectError('', "AFSimple_Calculate()"); |
| expectError('', "AFSimple_Calculate(1)"); |
| // This should "pass", but currently throws an error. |
| // https://crbug.com/pdfium/1396 |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('blooey', ['Text2', 'Text3'])", 0); |
| // This should fail with TypeError, since a field does not exist, but |
| // currently passes. https://crbug.com/pdfium/1396 |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('AVG', [1, 'nonesuch', {'crud': 32}])", 0); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('AVG', ['Text2', 'Text3'])", (123 + 456) / 2); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('SUM', ['Text2', 'Text3'])", 123 + 456); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('PRD', ['Text2', 'Text3'])", 123 * 456); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('MIN', ['Text2', 'Text3'])", 123); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('MAX', ['Text2', 'Text3'])", 456); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('AVG', 'Text2, Text3')", (123 + 456) / 2); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('AVG', ['Text4'])", 407.96); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('SUM', ['Text4'])", 407.96); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('MIN', ['Text4'])", 407.96); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('MAX', ['Text4'])", 407.96); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('AVG', ['Text2', 'Text4'])", (123 + 407.96) / 2); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('SUM', ['Text2', 'Text4'])", 123 + 407.96); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSimple_Calculate('PRD', ['Text2', 'Text4'])", 50179.08); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFSpecial_Format()", ''); |
| expectError('', "AFSpecial_Format(1, 2)", ''); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSpecial_Format(0)", ""); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSpecial_Format(1)", "-"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSpecial_Format(2)", "-"); |
| expectEventValue('', "AFSpecial_Format(3)", "--"); |
| expectEventValue("0123456789", "AFSpecial_Format(0)", "01234"); |
| expectEventValue("0123456789", "AFSpecial_Format(1)", "01234-5678"); |
| expectEventValue("0123456789", "AFSpecial_Format(2)", "(012) 345-6789"); |
| expectEventValue("0123456789", "AFSpecial_Format(3)", "012-34-5678"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFSpecial_Keystroke()"); |
| expectError('', "AFSpecial_Keystroke(65, 66)"); |
| expectEventValue("abc", "AFSpecial_Keystroke(65)", "abc"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx()", ''); |
| expectEventValue("12345", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('')", "12345"); // No notification. |
| expectEventValue("123", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('9999')", "123"); // Notifies invalid. |
| expectEventValue("12345", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('9999')", "12345"); // Notifies too long. |
| expectEventValue("abcd", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('9999')", "abcd"); // Notifies invalid. |
| expectEventValue("1234", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('9999')", "1234"); |
| expectEventValue("abcd", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('XXXX')", "abcd"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFTime_Format()"); |
| expectError('', "AFTime_Format(1, 2)"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFTime_Format(1)", "9:48 pm"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFTime_FormatEx()"); |
| expectError('', "AFTime_FormatEx('blooey', 42)"); |
| expectEventValue(0, "AFTime_FormatEx('blooey')", "blooey"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFTime_Keystroke()", ''); |
| expectError('', "AFTime_Keystroke(1, 2)", ''); |
| expectEventValue("12:03", "AFTime_Keystroke(65)", "12:03"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFTime_KeystrokeEx()"); |
| expectError('', "AFTime_KeystrokeEx(1, 2)"); |
| expectEventValue("12:04", "AFTime_KeystrokeEx('blooey')", "12:04"); |
| |
| app.alert("*** ending test 1 ***"); |
| } catch (e) { |
| app.alert("Truly unexpected error occured: " + e); |
| } |
| ) |
| >> |
| endobj |
| {{object 18 0}} << |
| /S /JavaScript |
| /JS ( |
| // Re-run tests that depend on the "will commit" status of the event |
| // that triggered their execution. |
| try { |
| app.alert("*** starting test 2 ***"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFDate_Keystroke()"); |
| expectError('', "AFDate_Keystroke(1, 2)"); |
| expectEventValue("04/19", "AFDate_Keystroke(2)", "04/19"); |
| expectEventValue("04/19/15", "AFDate_Keystroke('blooey')", "04/19/15"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFNumber_Keystroke()"); |
| expectError('', "AFNumber_Keystroke(1)"); |
| expectError("abc", "AFNumber_Keystroke(1, 2)"); |
| expectEventValue("123", "AFNumber_Keystroke(1, 2)", "123"); |
| expectEventValue("123", "AFNumber_Keystroke(1, 2, 3)", "123"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx()", ''); |
| expectEventValue("12345", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('')", "12345"); // No notification. |
| expectEventValue("123", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('9999')", "123"); // Notifies invalid. |
| expectEventValue("12345", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('9999')", "12345"); // Notifies too long. |
| expectEventValue("abcd", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('9999')", "abcd"); // Notifies invalid. |
| expectEventValue("1234", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('9999')", "1234"); |
| expectEventValue("abcd", "AFSpecial_KeystrokeEx('XXXX')", "abcd"); |
| |
| app.alert("**********************"); |
| |
| expectError('', "AFMergeChange()"); |
| expectError('', "AFMergeChange(1, 2)"); |
| expect("one", "AFMergeChange(undefined)", "Aone"); |
| |
| app.alert("*** ending test 2 ***"); |
| } catch (e) { |
| app.alert("Truly unexpected error occured: " + e); |
| } |
| ) |
| >> |
| endobj |
| {{object 19 0}} << |
| /S /JavaScript |
| /JS ( |
| app.alert('Unexpected script 19'); |
| ) |
| >> |
| endobj |
| {{xref}} |
| {{trailer}} |
| {{startxref}} |
| %%EOF |